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I check through Craigslist's Pets section on a daily basis. At least three ads a day in my Northern NJ area, are from people who 'just got' a puppy a month ago, likely from a pet shop- and now they 'realize' that they just don't have enough time to take care of it and give it the attention it needs. Basically what they are saying is, "I didn't realize how much work and commitment it took to take care of an animal, and now I wanna give it back."
I just don't understand people. And namely, I don't understand a society that can't be real with themselves. Just 'any old person' should not be able to sell dogs. The people who 'dispense' dogs, as it were, should screen people, and check up on them. Not ONLY the shelters, but anyone who 'brokers' a dog.
I am tired of puppymills, and puppy auctions, and disposable dogs. Sick of it.

2007-09-15 15:54:29 · 31 answers · asked by zoey678789 3 in Pets Dogs

31 answers

Only Micheal Vick of the Atlanta Falcons. Oh and his POSSE.

2007-09-15 15:57:17 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

it's because some people out there just want to make a lot of fast money and thier pets are the easiest way they know. The sell the dogs to the nearest petstore. The petstore hypes up how great the cute "purebred" puppies are. Customers come in the store and gets talked into buying the pup that minute without a second thought. People bring home thier new puppy and get a quick reality check. I personally think petstores should not be allowed to "sell" animals, and breeding should be carefully limited to real breeders.

2007-09-15 16:09:33 · answer #2 · answered by Mel 4 · 1 0

The issue is that dogs are poor generalizers - it's not that the dog is "sneaky, greedy" etc, but that they have no intrinsic sense of morality or "rightness" and so only think something is "bad" if it has bad consequences. If it has never had bad consequences except with a human in the room, then how on earth are they to know that the rules still apply with the human out of the room? You need to train in such a way that corrections and rewards occur when the dog does not think you are present - i.e. hiding around the corner. Read here https://tr.im/q7CMV

I personally owned a Labrador Retriever (read: chow hound) that could be left 6" from a hot dog in a sit-stay for half an hour and not touch it - the word was "mine" and it meant that you don't touch that, even if I am not in the room, even if whatever, you DO NOT touch that. You could leave a plate of food on the floor for hours and not only would she not touch it, she would also keep the other animals (dogs and cats) from touching it.

In all probability, these dogs studied were just not properly trained/proofed before the experiment. With "proofing" to set them up and catch them in the act to give

2016-07-18 20:52:06 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's a symptom of a sick society. Our society de-values life and promotes immediate gratification.

Many people have the idea that they should run right out and buy anything and everything that they might think they want. A lot of people don't think about the fact that they may 'want' something that they shouldn't get.

You just have to watch Animal Police once to see the way some people seem to believe that a pet can be neglected and it doesn't matter. Anyone with any normal feelings and common sense would be sickened by the situation.

2007-09-15 16:11:16 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

i completely agree with you . people need to be educated before they get a dog which is a 10-15+year commitment , they also need to evaluate their life style if they can afford a dog, and educate themselves on the correct place to get a dog. this is also why i also hate people buying dogs of the Internet and designer dog breeds (love mutts but not "designer breeds purposely bred by back yard breeders) you should buy a purse of the Internet but certainly not an alive animal. my local petstore selling dogs was recently shut down (failed inspection and numerous complaints) because of a group effort , people in my town (myself included) complained about the smell of the store and the dogs living condition. hopefully more puppy mill, petstores and back yard breeders will be put out of business. i also see so many dogs bought for Christmas or a birthday that is a bad idea. by February the dog is already looking for a new home because it was too much hard work. a dog is a long commitment , something not to be taken lightly. keep educating .

2007-09-15 16:08:04 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I get what your saying, somewhere not to far in the past we became a society that thinks freedom is doing whatever feels good at the moment. IT IS NOT FREEDOM requires responsibility on your part I personally have never dumped a pet. But I did once have to put a couple dogs down for biting, and there are people who won't put a vicious animal down either. Be true to yourself, smile, work hard stay involved and little by little we can make this great nation a great nation again by being responsible for ourselves.

God Bless and keep up your good work Doll!

2007-09-15 16:02:09 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It really is sad. People don't do research or even bother to read about the time and energy it takes to care for a dog properly.
They don't bother to read a book on the breed they want or anything. Just jump into getting a dog.
Like it is the spur of the moment decision.
Sure puppies are cute and cuddly but, there is always a mess to clean up with puppies.
It is not all fun and games with animals.
They are a real commitment.

I wouldn't give up my dogs ever. I am commited and devoted to them. They are my life. They are my babies.

2007-09-15 16:13:18 · answer #7 · answered by Silver Moon 7 · 1 0

Dog (and cat) pure breeding is a cottage business that unfortunately not all breeders are above board--and the SPCA, Humane Society and even PETA all have a pretty good track record of catching and convicting animal abusers and breeders who neglect humane standards.

There is, however, another flip to this coin........

A potential buyer of a pure breed dog, for the money they're willing to pay, should possess the common sense to do a bit of research into the commitment and pet care for their particular dog breed of choice. If ALL made such efforts, there'd be few "throwbacks" among dog and cats.

2007-09-15 19:13:58 · answer #8 · answered by Mr. Wizard 7 · 1 0

You have no idea how sick those of us in rescue are of it also - we have heard every lame excuse there is why people don't want their dog anymore - the very animal who looks to them with complete devotion and trust, it is sickening. That's when they bother to try to rehome the dog and don't just dump him in a kill shelter.

Anything as intelligent and sensitive as a dog should not be treated like a piece of furniture to be cast off when inconvenient, but many people have no empathy for anything but themselves.

Just makes me wonder sometimes what they do with their kids once they are no longer little and cute - do they try to dump them too?? They are certainly showing those kids that everything, even living, feeling, creatures, are expendible.

Very sad - the human species has a long way to go before it's evolved.

2007-09-15 16:03:45 · answer #9 · answered by rescue member 7 · 1 0

Because people do not educate themselves before buying a dog. Most people think, I can go buy a dog and feed and water it, and it will be fine. They do not think about the cost of vet visits, shots, obedience training, etc. I get really upset about this also, becasue there are so many different resources that people can read to educate themselves, but are just too lazy to do it. The people like that shouldn't be allowed to own or buy a animal of any kind.

2007-09-15 16:16:21 · answer #10 · answered by Tatika M 2 · 1 0

I agree, I see the same thing in classfieds all the time. People want everything to be easy & simple. When its not they give their pets away or dump them at all local shelter. You need to realize society , doesn't do this just with pets, this is the same reason they put family into nursing homes at the drop of a hat.

2007-09-16 06:51:43 · answer #11 · answered by redneckcowgirlmo 6 · 1 0

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