665 + 1
bob: Don't you know plagiarism isn't nice? Cite your copy/paste source next time: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Number_of_the_Beast
ROTFLMAO!!! You've got to be kidding.
"It's unclear why the specific number 666 is the number of the beast."
It was perfectly clear to First Century goat herders. It is clear to people today, too, except for those who choose to be wilfully ignorant.
This question is asked - and answered at least once a day. Try using the search feature.
"A fragment from the oldest surviving copy of the New Testament shows that the number of the Beast of Revelation 13 is 616. Ellen Aitken, a professor of early Christian history at McGill University, states that “the majority opinion seems to be that it refers to [the Roman emperor] Nero.”1 The early fragment supports the view that Revelation was written prior to the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70, and whether the number is 666 or 616, the number is a reference to Nero and not some end-time antichrist figure. Only time will tell how this discovery will affect dispensationalism.
"The first readers of Revelation were told to “calculate the number of the Beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six” (13:18). Since Revelation was written to a first-century audience, we should expect the first-century readers to be able to calculate the number with relative ease and understand the result. They would have had few candidates from which to choose. Notice that the number is “six hundred and sixty-six, not three sixes.” Tim LaHaye misidentifies the number when he writes, “The plain sense of Scripture tells us that it comprises the numbers: six, six, six.”2 The three Greek letters that make up the number represent 600, 60, and 6.
"Ancient numbering systems used an alpha-numeric method. This is true of the Latin (Roman) system that is still common today: I=1, V=5, X=10, L=50, C=100, D=500, M=1000. Greek and Hebrew follow a similar method where each letter of their alphabets represents a number. The first nine letters represent 1–9.3 The tenth letter represents 10, with the nineteenth letter representing 100 and so on. Since the Book of Revelation is written in a Hebrew context by a Jew with numerous allusions to the Old Testament, we should expect the solution to deciphering the meaning of six hundred and sixty-six to be Hebraic. "The reason clearly is that, while [John] writes in Greek, he thinks in Hebrew, and the thought has naturally affected the vehicle of expression."4
"When Nero Caesar's name is transliterated into Hebrew, which a first-century Jew would probably have done, he would have gotten Neron Kesar or simply nrwn qsr, since Hebrew has no letters to represent vowels. “It has been documented by archaeological finds that a first century Hebrew spelling of Nero's name provides us with precisely the value of 666. Jastrow's lexicon of the Talmud contains this very spelling.”5 When we take the letters of Nero's name and spell them in Hebrew, we get the following numeric values: n=50, r=200, w=6, n=50, q=100, s=60, r=200 = 666. “Every Jewish reader, of course, saw that the Beast was a symbol of Nero. And both Jews and Christians regarded Nero as also having close affinities with the serpent or dragon. . . . The Apostle writing as a Hebrew, was evidently thinking as a Hebrew. . . . Accordingly, the Jewish Christian would have tried the name as he thought of the name—that is in Hebrew letters. And the moment that he did this the secret stood revealed. No Jew ever thought of Nero except as ‘Neron Kesar.’”6
"The fragment supports the reading of some Greek New Testament manuscripts that read 616 instead of 666. Why would someone making a copy of the Revelation scroll make such a number change? “Perhaps the change was intentional, seeing that the Greek form Neron Caesar written in Hebrew characters (nrwn qsr) is equivalent to 666, whereas the Latin form Nero Caesar (nrw qsr) is equivalent to 616.” A Latin copyist might have thought that 666 was an error because Nero Caesar did not add up to 666 when transliterated into Latin. He then changed 666 to 616 to conform to the Latin rendering since it was generally accepted that Nero was the Beast. In either case, a Hebrew transliteration nets 666, while a Latin spelling nets 616. Nero was the “man” and either 666 or 616 was his number."
2007-09-15 15:00:12
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
In Revelations; John, mentions that the number, six hundred and sixty six, is the mark of the beast.
This will be a physical mark on once body. I have heard, not read, the mark can be found on once head that this would determine, who is who, according to the life they lived.
These days it may be accounted for by a tattoo. I don't desire any such markings and it is possible I am so wrong. I simply think a tattoo is distasteful. A drawing on once body is a bit boring, before such a drastic move one should carry the print around for a week to see if they really want this forever.
I also try to entertain strangers as they may be visiting angels.
Treat everyone as an equal, which is not hard to do because we are. I do not fear the number, I do not fear much. I just want to live a good life in a hardened world...
2007-09-15 15:45:13
answer #2
answered by lee f 5
The number '666' refers to nothing more or less than MONEY!
Look carefully at the actual text and you will note that John did not write “666 (“six hundred threescore and six”) is the mark of the beast, nor did he say “666” is the number of the beast. He specifically and purposefully wrote that the number “666 corresponded to” the “number of the beast which is the number of a man, and his number is six hundred threescore and six.” Neither did John say: “..is the number of man (as in ‘mankind’),” but he specifically wrote: “…is the number of a man,” meaning a particular man.
That particular man to whom John was pointing those “who hath understanding,” is Solomon. “His number” corresponds to “money” as in the amount of “gold” he received in a one-year period:
“Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six talents of gold.” (I Kings 10:14)
Taken from the book that explains ALL of Revelation plainly. Even I understood it. It is free at the site below:
2007-09-18 23:04:01
answer #3
answered by smallone 4
Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six," (Rev. 13:18).
666 is the number of the antichrist, the end times figure who will arise with the purpose of opposing God and God's people. 666 is the gamatria of the name of the antichrist.
In Greek and Hebrew there are no numeric characters. There are only alpha characters. For example, the letters a, b, c, d, e, f, etc. are alpha characters. The numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, etc., are numeric characters. They are different -- except for the letter "o" and the number "0". When the Greeks wanted to write a number, they used letters for numbers. The Greek letter "alpha" had the numeric equivalent of 1. The next letter "beta" has the numeric equivalent of 2, and so on. (CARM has a chart of the Hebrew and Greek numeric equivalents if you are interested in more information.)
Therefore, whenever a word in Greek is written, because the letters are also numbers, every word has a numeric value. This numeric value is called a gematria. The Greek word for Jesus (IhsouV) has a mathematical equivalent of 888. Also, the Greek word for fish is 1224.
What the Bible is saying is that the future antichrist will have a name that when it is written in Greek, its numeric equivalent will be 666.
2007-09-15 14:58:54
answer #4
answered by ♥Sunny Girl♥ 5
There is some evidence to believe that the reference in the bible to the number 666 being the mark of the beast is actually a mistranslation, and that it should actually be:
6 to the 6th power to the 6th power. A very large number indeed. I won't attempt to write it out here.
Since exponential numbers and notations were not known by the translators at the time, they rendered it as 666.
2007-09-15 15:05:29
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The Number of the Beast is a concept from the Book of Revelation of the New Testament of the Christian Bible. The Number is 666 in modern texts, although 616 and 665 appear instead in at least one ancient source. This topic is a source of contention for many church groups and theologians.Some scholars contend that the number is a code for the Roman Emperor Nero, a view that is supported by the Roman Catholic Church.
The Number of the Beast is described in the Book of Revelation 13:18. From the King James translation:[5]
“ Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six
2007-09-15 14:59:52
answer #6
answered by bob 6
I don't know but I can only tell you what I think it means studying hebrew symbolism. 6 is the number of incompletness 7 is the number of wholeness and goes way back to genises representing the days of creation. so yes 6 is the number of man and represents incompletness as somone said earlier. But why three of them? Three of anything in Hebrew langauge makes that thing that thing pure. So Holy Holy Holy would be equivalent to Complete Holiness. Do you understand it? if so we can move on...
So what does 666 mean. If 6 is the number of man so 666 would be complete man and seperation of man from God. so 666 is realy a declaration of mans seperation from God. My guess is this based on this assumption. Chrsitians will be required to denounce Christ to get the mark. It is a declaration to God that you entirely denounce Christ. Which is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. The unforgivin sin. You will know the mark because you will have to denounce Christ to recive it.
2007-09-15 15:16:12
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
In Revelation 6 is a man's number. No worries there. Some say that 666 is the mark of the beast, do not buy it. Some people say it represent www
2007-09-15 15:06:47
answer #8
answered by Isthatso 5
The Mark of the Beast
What Does It Mean
666—Not Just a Puzzle
"Nobody might be able to buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name of the wild beast or the number of its name. Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man's number; and its number is six hundred and sixty-six."—Revelation 13:17, 18.
FEW Bible topics have evoked as much interest and concern as the prophecy about the mysterious mark, or name, of "the wild beast"—the number 666. On television and the Internet, as well as in movies, books, and magazines, the mark of the beast has been the focus of endless speculation.
Some believe that 666 is the mark of the Biblical antichrist. Others say that it signifies some form of compulsory identification, such as a tattoo or an implanted microchip with a digital code that identifies the person as a servant of the beast. Still others hold that 666 is the mark of the Catholic papacy. Substituting Roman numerals for the letters in a form of the pope's official title, Vicarius Filii Dei (Vicar of the Son of God), and manipulating the figures a little, they come up with 666. It is also claimed that the same number can be calculated from the Latin name of Roman Emperor Diocletian and from the Hebrew version of the name Nero Caesar.*
These fanciful and contrived interpretations, however, are very different from what the Bible itself says about the mark of the beast, as we shall see in the following article. The Bible does reveal that those with the mark will experience God's wrath when he brings an end to the present system of things.(Revelation 14:9-11; 19:20) Understanding the meaning of 666, therefore, is much more than just solving an intriguing puzzle. Happily, Jehovah God, the very personification of love and the Source of spiritual light, has not kept his servants in the dark on this important matter.—2 Timothy 3:16; 1 John 1:5; 4:8.
2007-09-15 14:58:48
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Christian imagery assigns value to 666 and 777 due to passages in Revelation. Some scholars believe that the numbers come from the Genesis story. God created the world in 6 days, so 6 is the number of the corrupt world. God rested on the 7th day and made it holy. Therefore, 7 is the number of God.
2007-09-15 14:57:52
answer #10
answered by Link Correon 4