I see a big problem, because if these practices were not given for us to perform, it means people who think they are in the right path are actually adhearing to a false spirit which is not that of the messiah, infact they are under the influence of a decietful spirit, and the torah calls this spirit the spirit of folly.
This spirit of folly pretends to be the messiah to lead people astray and accomplishes it under the name of the messiah to influence men and women and poor deffenseless people.
This spirit which is being brought forth, is being brought forth by G-d, using the mouth of unlearned men and false teachers.
So that by [not] listening to the truth they might listen to a lie instead.
2007-09-15 12:37:29
answer #1
answered by Free Cuba 3
SHORT ANSWER: Maybe it is simply about being uncomfortable celebrating death, spirits, the ridding of evil, etc. It is easy to see why a religion which MOSTLY focuses on the Eternal Life and Salvation.. might be uncomfortabele with a holiday which focuses on the deceased, the souls who have gone before us. Realize However, that Catholicism makes up 2/3rds of Christianity and it is the ONE that re-purposed the pagan holidays, giving them NEW meanings and purposes. SO, logically it has much less problems with Halloween then the other 1/3rd of Christianity. LOOONNG ANSWER: I agree that from afar it may seem inconsistent, but no one said that human beings must apply ALL principles perfectly and consistently in their lives. In fact there may be OTHER principles at play then the one's we think. MAYBE, even though they say that it is because Halloween is Pagan, that's not the ONLY criteria they are judging on. Maybe that is merely an easier way to express what they truly feel. Maybe they don't REALLY have a problem with a Holiday having Pagan origins, but how CLOSE that pagan aspect seems to be removed AND what KIND of Pagan influence there is. It is VERY common to repurpose an object or in this case, a Holiday for another purpose. Humans do this all the time. We take 1 thing and adapt it to serve another purpose. However, MAYBE the difference between Halloween and Christmas is simply THIS: In Christmas the holiday is much lighter, about things Christians see as positive. - Harvest, Winter time, etc. Halloween, seems much darker, about Spirits, Dead, Mischief, Ridding oneself of evil, etc. So the REAL issue could be really, an uncomfortableness about death and the spirit world... and THAT's what they mean by "Pagan" It is simpler to say "Pagan" or to label something negative "Pagan" then it is to really say "I'm uncomfortable about death" or to realize that something else you like is also pagan in origin. ALSO, realize that Different cultures have different attitudes towards "All Hallows Eve" or "Day of the Dead" - Mexico for instance is much more at ease with days which celebrate the dead or souls of loved ones. France also is more comfortable with this idea as well, maybe because they suffered the MOST during the Plagues of the Middle Ages, meaning they are QUITE familiar with death.
2016-05-19 23:53:30
answer #2
answered by ? 3
All the people who ansewered this previously need to read Leviticus 18, the whole chapter, to see how God condemns false worship adapted from paganism.
They also need to read Romans 1:19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
And the warning of Yesha: Mark 7:7 Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
2007-09-15 07:59:21
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Well Christmas trees and easter eggs are basically for kids. Its all a part of American culture. Such a person doesnt need religion to justify such things. I grew up in a non-Christian house and we did those things. It had little to do with God.
Worship on sunday is very defendable from a Scriptural standpoint and Jesus practiced and even himself embodied what Church is all about. The Christian life lives out a reflection of such things.
2007-09-14 18:41:59
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
There aren't any problems.
They're traditions...religious or not, they're just traditions that we all do. All early Christians were previously pagans(well...most not all). They kept their traditions, and now they're seen as "Christian" traditions...
Right, our heart IS in the right place. Some people don't have Christmas trees or even lights...some people spend thousands of dollars on decorations a year...but they both have the same thing in mind. The birth of Jesus.
I cannot do as he did...not even for a week. I judge, lie, lust, etc...I am a horrible person but because of Jesus and his forgiveness I can be, for even a few seconds(after asking for forgiveness) be sinless....
2007-09-14 18:33:36
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Jesus was a Jew dude.(ette) I see no problems in a pagan religion (Christianity) observing pagan traditions that they borrowed from other pagans to make their religion more palatable.
Jesus is portrayed as a very good man and I do not think eggs and trees would give him the heebie jeebies they seem to give you.
2007-09-14 19:09:09
answer #6
answered by bran_everseeking 2
I no longer celebrate christ-mass, or Ishtar, or any other holy-day of the pagan religion.
If only psuedo christians would examine themselves, but they really have no time for that. Not when they're so busy shopping for the 'church' that offers the best entertainment.
Even so, come Lord Jesus.
2007-09-15 15:45:54
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Been there, done that...but I can assure you, it wasn't fun. In fact, I did it for 2 years. And in those two years, I witnessed healings and recoveries that before I would have not dreamed possible...and I was involved in these! I was slave-driven, sleep-deprived, and lived hand-to-mouth that entire time. I drove a wheelchair van for a sleazy transportation company in Fort Lauderdale. I had access to all kinds of oppressed and sick people, as well as some really nice retirees. I studied counseling under a substance abuse professional, and completed a biblical counseling course at Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale, during my time as a driver, while visiting the widows, widowers, orphans, sick, lame, elderly, blind, impoverished, and special ed clients. Many of them were on God's 'death row'. I got a chance to interview every one of them, and take surveys as to their beliefs and practices.
2007-09-14 20:38:17
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
The nature of all religions is to teach us the uncomfortable principle that this life is not to be valued too much. We live for the Afterlife, remember? Therefore, hypocrisy is absolutely necessary.
Our nature is to live and improve the quality of our life; religion, on the other hand, tells us that the model of moral living is to sacrifice this life for the next, neglecting to say that to go against our own nature the ultimate moral act is to commit suicide. BIG ETHICAL CONTRADICTION!
2007-09-14 18:38:05
answer #9
answered by DrEvol 7
So what? They are not really pagan anymore, who cares what a holiday used to be?
2007-09-14 18:31:25
answer #10
answered by superninfreak777 2