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who can write something about pet in English(about 100 words)
write in 3 paragraphs,based on these outlines

1,more and more people adopt pets
2,the benefit from adopting pets
3,the troubles and problems of adopting pets

thanks in advance !

2007-09-14 18:21:14 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Languages

5 answers

Modern western society has become so fast paced and work orientated that it is no longer the very old and young who adopt pets.

More and more people are finding the unconditional love given by pets such as cats and dogs fulfils the need they have to be liked and accepted. After all, cats and dogs do not answer back. Budgerigars and parrots bring social relief especially as they alleviate loneliness when they are trained to mimic what their owners tell them.

However pets are expensive to keep and do need time and attention. This is something not all new owners think about before adopting.

2007-09-14 18:31:55 · answer #1 · answered by Christine H 7 · 1 1

Dont agree with pet adoption.
Adopting a pet perhaps for some can be full of inuendo's and futilities.
Subsequently it would not be advisiable. But more importantly sent to a manajori until it's dieing day!.

2007-09-14 23:53:38 · answer #2 · answered by epsomhamstergreen@yahoo.co.uk 1 · 0 1

I recycle them. They're marked on the bottom with a triangle and the word pet!

2007-09-14 20:49:09 · answer #3 · answered by cymry3jones 7 · 0 1

1. because they give love unconditionally and are good companions to the sick elderly and families
2.lowers blood pressure and release stress
3.caring for it like a memeber of the family ~ no trouble if its loved

2007-09-14 21:45:27 · answer #4 · answered by ~*tigger*~ ** 7 · 1 0

by the time you have wrote the question and read the answer you could have done it yourself, had your homework done and be playing out with your friends.

2007-09-14 19:23:52 · answer #5 · answered by AidyA 4 · 0 1

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