the thought that i know there is and theres alot of mistaken people ...
2007-09-14 14:57:59
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
[[I'm not asserting here that "there is no god" because I don't know either way and neither does anyone else know with certainty..]] I know with certainty, not that I could ever convince anyone of that,faith is funny that way.The scary part that I experienced was simply the meaninglessness of existence,there was no point in being here at all if I was only going to rot in a hole in the end anyway.As soon as I found God nothing scared me more than ever living or dying without Him.
2007-09-14 22:59:44
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Humankind, the homosapiens, have nothing to offer, only a dead end, and then a black hole of emptiness and nothingness. However, faith keeps us going, keeps us curious. Think for a moment, if Christopher Columbus did not have faith, and believed that the world was flat, he would never have sailed for the new world, simply because his ships would have fallen off the edge. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen, and without faith, it is impossible to please God, for those who come to God must believe that God is, and a rewarder of those who believe in God. God does exists and is called many names by people of many nationalities. God is the very reason we continue, to look forward with curiousity and interest. If there is nothing for which to look forward, why continue? What's the point? A mere blip on the cosmic screen, and then the destiny of nothingness.
2007-09-14 22:13:11
answer #3
answered by john c 5
Read "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins - if you dare - and the study some of the references he uses.
There is no God ! Or Gods. If there was/is and he is perfect, as many believe, why does he permit such terrible suffering and evil in the world ? Hitler. The Holocaust. The Taliban- The World Trade Center. The Krakatoa earthquake which killed 100000 people! Belief in God is infantile and uneducated. Read the evidence !
2007-09-14 22:05:12
answer #4
answered by S J 2
Well, no, not scary. For me, it's just depressing.
I've spent my life looking forward to the eternity of the afterlife with God and all other people. To be forced to believe that there is nothing after death, is kinda a bummer.
I'd just rather spend eternity in ever-heightening joy than as dust. I'm funny that way.
2007-09-14 21:56:59
answer #5
answered by Acorn 7
Mostly the aspect of the afterlife.
You see, when someone loses a loved one, especially before their time, the idea of them still being alive in some mystical 'afterlife' delusion sounds pretty comforting.
2007-09-14 22:05:27
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
realize "GOD " isn't an outside source. God is within you and everything..God is not a "he" or "she" because god isn't human..its a life energy.. Religion is the reason so many people dont believe in the power of God..they have totally skewed the meaning of God into something to fear..or that God is an old man in the sky that will judge you and condemn you. Please
2007-09-14 21:58:03
answer #7
answered by TheDeeds 3
My guess is that they think if there is no god then there is definitely no afterlife, so when you die, it's all over. Sometimes that idea scares me a little, but that doesn't mean god exists.
2007-09-14 21:58:52
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
To some people it means that there is no afterlife and that one day they will simply cease to be.
2007-09-14 21:57:57
answer #9
answered by Daisy Indigo 6
I geuss they are insecure and need God.i believe in God,but it would not wreck my life if he did not exist.its nice to think we have a creator that takes care of us and protects us and loves us
2007-09-14 21:59:13
answer #10
answered by woodsonhannon53 6
If I had absolutely zero faith in a God, I wouldn't have ANYTHING to put faith into, except for machines that I pray wouldn't fail.
Putting faith into humanity? That's a crock; humanity is the most flawed and evil animal in the world.
2007-09-14 21:56:52
answer #11
answered by Anonymous