Plenty of non believers eat meat also. Many believers don't take the Bible to mean anything close to what you stated. Spiritualists have a totally different view on this.
2007-09-14 14:57:49
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
My husband worked in on a chicken farm, I eat sausage, I have seen the crulty of people towards animals. Life is not fair, pretty or even close to nice on a regular basis. I have bucherd my own animals and ate them, but I never did it in a unnessicarrily crule way. I admit though killing is almost always crule. As to this crap about dominion over life.... The bible is full of stuff that really dosnet relate to modern society. Forget about the whole book by Levidicus.. its a goof pile of rules that the christians used to live by.. We our selves are animals, evolved, but not perfect. And we act like animals all the time.. Do you really think that if you were lost and what not in the woods somewhere, that a hungry boar wouldnt eat you because it knows you wouldnt eat it? Since this totaly looks like a spam question, I am not going to further attempt to explain my self.. Just try taking a step off the rightous soap box and eat a cheese burger.. Its horrible for you, but very very tasty.
2007-09-14 15:01:52
answer #2
answered by wyldkisses79 3
You have a right to interpret as you see fit--that does not make it right. Thus, show me in the NT where eating meat is wrong. Gen. 1:28. It also says to sacrifice an unspotted animal(perfect) to God. It gives instruction on how to devour an Animal. How the priest were to be fed from the flocks.
2007-09-14 15:01:31
answer #3
answered by j.wisdom 6
I think this has to do with the 'convenient' interpretation of 'having dominion' over other creatures. The general consensus is that animals are here for any & all purposes that humans desire, although that doesn't seem to make sense-- if one believes in a loving & compassionate God in whose image we are created, wouldn't it seem more approriate for humans to be loving & compassionate toward other creatures?
According to Genesis, humans are originally told to eat fruit. We are given permission to eat animals after the Flood, but apparently ppl had already been eating them without Divine permission. This seems to me that this is somewhat like a parent who knows only too well that the kids have been smoking in 'secret' & tells them 'if you insist on doing it, stop trying to hide it from me.' God tells Noah & his family that if they eat animals, the animals will now run in terror from humans-- which seems like yet another step further from Eden.
In the Hebrew Testament, most animals are killed as a 'sacrifice' which, if you read the text closely seems to be both an attempt for ppl to buy forgiveness for their sins & an excuse to eat flesh. Fast-forward to the Christian Testament & note the only destructive or violent action Jesus is recorded to have done-- the "cleansing of the Temple," which, according to some Gospels, is what got him into *big trouble* with the flesh-eating priests. BTW, an examination of non-Biblical sources will reveal that many of these priests fell victim to 'lifestyle' diseases that were fairly uncommon back then but seen all the time in contemporary meat-obsessed cultures (heart disease etc).
Yes, many ppl think that flesh tastes good but that doesn't prove we're supposed to eat it-- how many of us think larceny is enjoyable, or adultery? Most 'sins' are fun or there'd be no temptation, and therefore no room for growth of one's character ('spiritual' growth, if you prefer).
According to the prophet Isaiah, who Jesus frequently quotes, God does not want worshippers to have blood on their hands from 'the slaughter of terrified beasts'.
Sorry for the extended response-- I've been called 'demonic' and worse by conservative Christians who insist that it's an affront to God if one *doesn't* eat meat & have actually done quite a bit of research on this topic, including a graduate-level paper on religion & vegetarianism.
2007-09-14 15:25:58
answer #4
answered by Catkin 7
Acts 10 makes it clear that humans can eat each and every animal on the face of the earth.
2007-09-14 15:12:32
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
silly boy .. who said christians torture animals??
Tourture of an animal is sssso much different from killing an animal raised for a kill, to provide for the people.
You cant force your views onto people, especially not like this.
2007-09-14 15:00:46
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I believe that I can say that the book of Athiesm has no ruling on this. Am I right or wrong?
The Bible does tell us not to kill animals for sport. Baal, also, beat his burro, but it was not God's will for him to do so.
2007-09-14 15:04:15
answer #7
answered by billy h 2
God killed the first animals to clothe Adam & Eve after their sin.
Genesis 3:21 Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them.
If it was wrong to kill them then God wouldn't have done it.
EDIT: A question for YOU...why does PETA radically try to protect the lives of "innocent" animals even throwing paint of the coats of people who wear fur but yet they'll be the same ones at the abortion clinic supporting a woman's right to kill her innocent unborn HUMAN child? Explain that one to me, please.
2007-09-14 14:57:36
answer #8
answered by Pamela 5
So,in your mind,only Christians eat meat?
2007-09-14 14:59:38
answer #9
answered by ? 6
People Eating Tasty Animals
I agree with above, Peta is whacked, and pretty much one of the few groups i have *no* respect for at all...useless, worthless jag-offs (pardon the expletive, but lesser words just don't suffice).
2007-09-14 15:01:10
answer #10
answered by Hatir Ba Loon 6