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54 answers

I don't think I've ever been mean to you, Pippi Longstocking.

2007-09-14 08:05:46 · answer #1 · answered by Smee 1 · 13 3

What happened I wonder? I think most atheists pose concerns about the consequences of God, not that someone believes in God. Real atheists are not concerned either way; you just here that they are because the religious need something to label "anti-God". Don't boil us down to "mean" based on definition confusion.

God is intimate right? More so than sex with another? If so, why not keep it private, at home, just like people do when having sex. It's when religion spills over into our society that it taints things. It's another way to divide people. Like kids who get made fun of at school because their T-shirt is from Walmart while the others are from Abercrombie. It creates an air of arrogance, much like your screen name does. It's another way to say "you are Christian, and he is Muslim" which seems innocent at first, but turns into war and ugliness. History supports this. The point is, they're both T-shirts, no matter the brand name, and they are also both religions whose points-of-views are not too different; and to me, and other Atheist, it prevents progress. Hope and reason is beautiful; but are only so when measured by humankind's efforts, not on imaginery entities.

To us your arguement is pointless as if international policy with the middle east pended on our belief in Santa Claus because his winter fashion trends do blend well with desert temps-we would be making all this fuss over an imaginery character.

Good luck. May your biology treat you well during your time here.

2007-09-14 08:23:09 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

May Allfather shelter you with wisdom and calm your angry soul with a steady hand. You let the words of what you deem to be fools hurt you... are you not also a fool for letting these words which you find empty cause you pain and stress?

Don't blame a family becuse the oldest son killed your goat. Only the son is to blame. The act itself shames the family, and you need only ask payment for what was unlawfully destroyed.

In other words. Dont blame all the Atheists becuse a couple nut jobs hate you becuse you belive something. I have met many good athiests that are accepting of others.

2007-09-14 08:12:34 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

"Atheists tend to be very narrow-minded and extremely arrogant. I feel sorry for them...it must be tough to think that so much is left to chance and that you are alone in the world. Don't worry though...they have an eternity to learn the truth."

I like how arrogant this statement is...in regards to our arrogance...

This type of reasoning is why Atheist get mad...
we really want to open your eyes...so we can progress as humans...together...

the last thing being an Atheist is about?....being alone

2007-09-14 10:46:16 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Christians are mean to me when they tell me I'm going to hell and shout insults to me and my friends for being of a different religion or whatever offends them at the moment. I get judged on a daily basis. I'm not kidding. Hate mail galore. Numerous, scary insults yelled to me on the street when I'm with my gay friends.

Secondly, I honestly don't CARE if you believe in a god. That's fine. Go ahead. What I DO object to is Christianity or any religion that has no basis in fact and you use that religion to justify war, homophobia, belittling other people different than you, etc.

Thirdly, Christianity is not logical. It's an insult to intelligence and none of those things are possible. They are borrowed myths from older pagan religions. Come on... a man made from dust, a woman made from that man’s rib, a talking snake, an apple causing all the sin in the world, the creation of every single race from TWO MIDDLE EASTERNERS 6,000 years ago, a talking donkey, a talking bush, cramming HUNDREDS of thousands of (dangerous) animals onto ONE boat and keeping them alive for 40 days, walking on water, a sea parting (on command) long enough for thousands of people to cross, people living to be nearly 1,000 years old, Samson’s strength in his hair, building a tower that angered god and caused all the languages of the world, men trying to rape angels, an angel wrestling with a man, turning into a pillar of salt, virgin birth, etcetera?!!!

I feel you need to use your brain and focus on the things that matter, not a bunch of fairy tales that have no basis in fact.

Love people, help them, learn more about EVERYTHING ON THE PLANET instead of limiting yourself. Don't follow some ridiculous fairytale blindly.

2007-09-14 08:17:05 · answer #5 · answered by spike_is_my_evil_vampire 4 · 2 1

Sorry. Some people just have strong beliefs. Others just like to call people dumb because in their small life it makes them feel better. I don't do either. I think you can believe whatever you wanna believe as long as your believing doesn't bust up someone elses groove. Some religious people are pretty pushy about being right. After we die, we can play "rock, paper, sissors", to see who was right. What the hell else will we have to do? We'll be dead.

2007-09-14 08:11:09 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Christians! Yeah I don't believe in God so what? Why are you so mean about it?

Way to be a hypocrite...

2007-09-14 08:10:35 · answer #7 · answered by Katney 2 · 4 1

I don't see how any one can believe we came from a big flash of nothing and became this intelligent race all on our own...you don't have to believe in the Christian God, but having some sort of faith really gives you something to live by and rounds you out as a person. There's no need for ANYONE to shove any religion/or lack there of, down someones throat. We should all just focus on growing as a human race and learning as much as we can while we're alive.

2007-09-14 08:07:43 · answer #8 · answered by Mimi 2 · 0 4

Well as a Jewish person, I would much rather spend the day with an atheist who won't care what I think, than with a hyper-religious, born-again, non-atheist who will spend the entire day telling me I'm going to hell....

2007-09-14 08:09:15 · answer #9 · answered by Momster 2 · 4 1

I really don't care that you believe in god. It is the whole I believe in god, but you don't believe in my god so you must die that bothers me.

Or the other idea that religion hinders science because religions think something is bad or immoral.

So, who cares that you believe in god, just don't push your god on me.

Watch this and get a clue.


**I'm guessing the two bad answers are from Christians**

2007-09-14 08:07:56 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

I don't care if you believe that the world was created after a wild romp between bugs bunny and betty boop.

just don't try to push your beliefs on others or claim they are fact.

praying "for your soul" or unwanted theological advice and guidance is the same.

don't try to make the world in your religion's image by trying to legislate christianity.

respect those that don't follow it and realize that what works for you, may not work for others, and that they are entitled to thier beliefs just as much as you are yours.

2007-09-14 08:17:01 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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