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hie, Iam confused and I want to know what is my religion, can
you help?
this is what I like to do :
- I like to wake up in the early morning to watch the sun at
a time where you can't tell if its sunrise or is it sunset.
- I like all kinds of people, and I repect everyone, no
matter what color race or who they are.
- I like to help others when I can.
- I like trees, animals, and all creatures, and I always
amazed by all the differences in thier shape ,habits, and
characteristics, which tells me how powerful is thier
- I like to walk on the beach at night, and when I feel
depressed all my sadness washed out by the see.
- I don't like to spoil my body in a way makes it far from
- I like to give somthing for humanity.
- I like to give somthing for my creator.
- I like to learn more about life, and science,and our
achievments on earth.
- I like to share my life with someone just like me.
- I hate timing, but I respect time.
- I hate wars, I like peace.

2007-09-13 15:43:33 · 24 answers · asked by Michael 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

- I believe that No one is greator than my creator,and my
creator is not made by anyone,The only creator exists.
I believe in many things that I saw,and also believe that
there's many more things that I don't know about, and I believe that I will not live forever,and I believe that I have a purpose in this life,and I believe that I must not
think of things above my imagination and beyond humans mind,
but I also believe the human mind is very powerful but yet needs more rules and discipline to life .

2007-09-13 15:46:31 · update #1

you might you ask if I believe in life after death or if I believe in one God or many Gods,and what happen after death, heaven and hell?,well somthings I can't know about ,also like how the universe was created, unless I read in a holy book how that happend and then believe in it,but I don't want to choose a random Holy Book and then believe in it,I want to know things by myself and believe in them,I don't really need to know how the world exists,but Im sure one god created
everything,and no other gods exists , because probably they will be fighting all the time ;)
Things I experienced and feel that its not a good things to do.
1. some drinks (or foods) that might makes me Unconscious even for a little while, I hate that because I will be wasting my time, and I like to know what I do all the time.

2007-09-13 15:48:29 · update #2

2. Sex, I think sex is great, but I hate to do many sex relations as I found out it only brings sadness and spread diseases, and it just not that good with someone I will not see after I had sex with or with someone who wants me just for sex.it would be a lot better with someone I share my life with.
3.I hate violence, and I hate who support it.
4.I believe we all make mistakes ,and I believe in forgiving.

2007-09-13 15:49:08 · update #3

24 answers

If your "religious" you've missed the point!

2007-09-13 15:47:30 · answer #1 · answered by Shellanswerman 3 · 0 2

Hheheee sounds similar to some of the Native American traditions or something in the Eastern Hemisphere like Taoism or Hinduism or the modern religion of Ba'hai.

Though sounds like you are doing pretty good on your own. Why give 'confusion' meaning at this point? Your Creator is already manifesting ITself within your life, giving you MORE than enough 'food for thought'. Why do you really need someone else's opinions?

Its a biblical verse but I've always like it...
Exodus 4:11 The LORD said to him, "Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the LORD ?
We each simply live our lives, seeing and experiencing as we do. Hehhee though sometimes we each also need validation of our 'beliefs' so we don't take a dive into the 'deep end of the abyss'.

"Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death...so LIVE, LIVE, LIVE." taken from the 1958 movie, Auntie Mame.

hehehee one can always find 'tidbits of knowledge' EVERYWHERE, a person only need look.

Blessed BE!!!

2007-09-13 15:58:38 · answer #2 · answered by Lion Jester 5 · 0 0

I think you're religion is Islam. Islam teaches us that the Creator (Allah) is created by no one and cannot live or die and has no partners, Allah is just one. Allah also tells us to be peaceful loving humans and give as much as we can to others.Allah also tells us that knowledge is prescribed upon us, we should seek out as much knowledge as we can. We have to treat everyone equally. You should read up on Islam, it will surprise you, nothing like what the media portrays!!

I suggest reading up on the Quran, also read up on Torah, and the Bible and make your own decisions. Once you find an error in a religion if you do find any, I suggest you look elsewhere

2007-09-13 15:51:34 · answer #3 · answered by Lubna 3 · 1 0

It sounds to me like you are a spirtual person. Religion will mess that up for you with all their dogma.

You need to broaden your horizons and just read about other religions. Read about the Mayans, Aztecs, and other ancient civilizations. It gives you an idea of where beliefs in some things comes from.

Incorporate what speaks to your soul. I've found the book with a link below fascinating. It definitely makes you think.

2007-09-13 15:55:44 · answer #4 · answered by Soul Shaper 5 · 0 0

faith:- faith is a device of ideals and worships which contain a code of ethics and a philosophy of existence. there are a number of religions interior the international immediately. a number of those religions are of modern commencing place yet maximum of them are very previous. in actuality all of us understand from historic previous that guy has continuously had a faith. Even the primitive men living in caves or jungles had some form of religion. The suggestions and rituals in guy's faith have constantly stepped forward and alter into extra rational and state-of-the-artwork as time went on. The primitive religions of the Cave guy and the Bush guy gave upward push to the popular religions of the previous 3 thousand years. immediately, the main religions of the international contain: international faith ----- Originated in Zoroastrianism ----- Iran Confucianism ----- China Hinduism ------ India Taoism ------ China Jainism ------ India Judaism ------ Neat East Christianity ------ close to East Islam ------ close to East Buddhism ------- India Shinto ------- Japan those are the large religions of the international that are no longer merely in charge for all our accrued wealth of information, philosophy, ethics, and social and ethical codes, yet have stimulated the subculture, the language and the ethical attitudes of merely approximately each and every individual living immediately. distinction between religious and Non religious Peoples. a million. The religious people have self belief in something on an analogous time as the others do no longer. 2. The religious people carry out particular acts of worship on an analogous time as the others do no longer. 3. The religious people look to maintain on with a undeniable code for their social and ethical behaviour on an analogous time as the others do no longer. 4. The religious people come across a objective of existence and have a distinctive philosophy in direction of it, on an analogous time as the others do no longer.

2016-11-15 04:36:20 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I believe that I must not
think of things above my imagination and beyond humans mind,

well, I can tell u that if you strongly believe the above statement u wrote, then becoming a Jehovahs's Witness
may be difficult, and therefore isnt ur religion.

2007-09-13 15:52:00 · answer #6 · answered by nokomp 2 · 0 0

This is what I call "Mildly Agnostic", although I think I stole that from someone else who coined the term. You believe in a god, but not any man made ones right? If so, most people bunch that up with the agnostics.

2007-09-13 15:49:13 · answer #7 · answered by eevilcheese 4 · 0 0

Why do you want to be a religion? It sounds like you have a good sense of your own spirituality and it sounds like a pretty good spirituality at that.

Philosophically, I'd say you are closest to a deist. However there is no organized deist religion. As far as organized religions, you are probably closest to unitarian (in the Western tradition) and taoist or buddhist (in the Eastern tradition).

2007-09-13 15:49:34 · answer #8 · answered by Dave P 7 · 0 0

I believe you are a Christian but I also believe that Muslim People Pray to the same God they just have a different name for him same thing with Buddhist, Hindu's Etc...

2007-09-13 15:50:11 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You shouldn't need a religion. Trying to decide on one is another way for the devil to make you indecisive and unsure.

Good Luck and God Bless!

2007-09-13 16:19:25 · answer #10 · answered by G P 2 · 0 0

I would lean more toward pacifism with a sprinkling of Zen. You are a very peaceful person who respects everyone and everything.

2007-09-13 15:49:48 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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