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who said that when you get saved you MUST be broke? who taught that lie? everytime i see a pastor or christian prospering in the area of finances other christians say they not supposed to have that, they not supposed to drive this.... Don't get me wrong, i know there are some out there that worship the dollar, that only serve God to reap some type of materialistic gain, I am not talking about them. Why is it wrong to teach about money? wrong to have 'wisdom in finance' conferences? their is a WHOLENESS to God, a balance in life. you can't preach holiness, salvation, praise and worship, without talking about survival, finances, spending, and saving. How can we bless the needy if we don't have anything to give? what do you think? Do you have a problem with money in the church?

2007-09-13 14:43:43 · 18 answers · asked by yvicks 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

its sad i have to say this, but I am only talking to CHRISTIANS, if you are not a CHRISTIAN, then do NOT respond. i will report abusers to this forum.

2007-09-13 14:53:01 · update #1

bro. sharky,
JUDY's story was very upsetting to me to, i tried to send her an email, but she doesn't allow that on here, i will have to right her in youtube and see if i can contact her. i will let her know. thanks

2007-09-21 06:55:39 · update #2

just wanted to let you know that your experience with the church and money is deplorable! i do want to take this time and say that NOT all churches are like this, and most are faithful with the money of God's people. I will pray for you and your family concerning His will in the area of finances. i don't agree with your views of giving (u say tithing is only a part of OT). i do believe we are still to tithe, but i will pray that God heals you from this hurt and i can understand your response. feel free to contact me via email any time. God Bless you sis

2007-09-21 07:20:44 · update #3

18 answers

Apostle Paul said,"Oh Lord, dont leave me without, that i would resort to stealing, and don't give me to much, that I forget about you, Lord".
that sums it all up, doesn't it ?
We are all guilty of that, when we have to much and some of us guilty of that, when we don't have enough !

I believe God's agenda is His Kingdom, and he will give to whom he choses, when he choses, and i believe that it all belongs to Him, anyway.
But i believe we will recieve many tests with that same money, from God. Are we His vessels that He can flow His riches through us or will we cling on to it as it passes through us ? And amount does not matter, as it does to us, like it does to God, because he says,"if we are faithful to Him, with a little then we may recieve more".
Common sense tells me that, i cannot be trusted with much, if i haven't proven myself with the little, and those are His priciples and He's sticking to them.

2007-09-21 04:37:48 · answer #1 · answered by sharky 5 · 2 0

Hi Yolande,
You contacted me from YOUTUBE to come here and answer your question if I have an open mind. I have been saved for a long time and fell into this "prosperity gospel" after my ex abused our three children and me and we fled to safety. I was terrified, alone, uneducated, and desperate for hope. My church gave me a false hope, but all these years until just the last few months I believed. I tithed and gave when we were on welfare and had nothing. My children watched as I put our last money in the plate while they did without. They looked like rag-a-muffins when they went to school. We had very little, still live in the 2-bedroom apartment from when we fled to safety and the pastor's have not just PROSPERED, but become filthy rich. We are talking an 8,000 acre ranch in So. Texas that has exotic animals on it so he and his dignitaries can hunt, 5 body guards, country club memberships, very expensive cars, he lives in the same gated community as most of the professional basketball stars, he just bought a private jet and the list goes on. I have read every thing in the Bible that Jesus and Paul taught and none of it points to where they had any material wealth. Nothing. The prosperity pulpit pimps have twisted scripture and taken certain verses out of context to make is SEEM like Jesus was rich....but the truth is He never went up to a poor person and said ok, now give me your money and I'll make you rich. He never took a tithe, nor demanded that anyone give money to the church. The tithe is OLD TESTAMENT not new...it is the old law and Jesus fulfilled the law. I was told to tithe and not pay my bills but to believe God would bring the money for my bills. More than once my electricity was turned off and several times we had to ask for food. Of course this was my fault, so they said, because I didn't have enough faith. Well, that can work both ways....why can't he quit taking money from orphans and widows and believe God will prosper him? Why does he need 5 bodyguards? I could go on and on.....some of this I already knew. I was okay with him living in the gated community, but he ranch and the pimps and the exotic animals and the jet was way too much. Jesus said we should give to the poor and the Bible also says that if we give to the rich we will surely come to ruin. To answer you question, I don't have any problem with the preachers making a reasonable living but this is a movie star lifestyle. Most of their board is their family members and they can hide all this under the guise of a church so they are accountable to no one. I've watched as little old ladies (widows) gave their life savings to these pimps because they are being told that their treasure is in Heaven. Single mothers giving their food money and making their kids do without (orphans). It must stop....2Tim 4:1-5 warns us that we will have itching ears and believe a false gospel. I hope that answers all your questions....Christians are not supposed to look like the world, especially preachers, yet these dudes have lined themselves up with the likes of politicians, Donald Trump, and Obama, as well as Oprah....all of the world.

2007-09-14 15:51:09 · answer #2 · answered by Judy 1 · 2 0

I'm sorry to hear if your church is like this. My church does not have a problem with viewing money as something bad. Instead, money is a blessing - God gives to each man what He sees fit. Just like any other possession, it is something we need to be resonsible for and show that we can put it to good use. For example, we should pay for our homes, our expenses, and spend responsibly. But gambling, wasteful spending, and poor credit are a poor reflection on what God has given us. We should also give back to God some of what He has given us.

If you have nothing to give to the needy, maybe you can give time, or an extra blanket. Maybe you can give your prayers or physical labor. Maybe you are the needy.

I think churches should have a responsibility to teach about money. Too often we do not know how to handle it. For example, I wish I knew how to invest. I really wish someone had taught me about credit cards - before I got $10,000 into debt. I see no problem with it being another type of ministry.

2007-09-13 14:54:55 · answer #3 · answered by Aslade Averyn 2 · 1 0

Actually they can. Even your church cannot exist without money. It takes money to live and to co-exist even with the church.

There is a win-win solution.

If you are looking at a long term solution or possibly starting right now to raise money on an ongoing basis, you might consider a lady who has an organization called Together We Can Change the World, Inc. She designed a website to specifically deal with all sorts of fund raising activities for both school, community and Non-Profits.

And, in the process of helping others you can earn some really good income for yourself and your family.

You may want to take a look at http://www.npfsolution.com

2007-09-17 05:52:26 · answer #4 · answered by Zane W 2 · 0 0

No there is no problem with money in the church. It is good to have financial conferences to teach people how to manage money, because in Proverbs 8:18 it says "With me are riches and honor, enduring wealth and prosperity", and Proverbs 8:21 "bestowing wealth on those who love me and making their treasuries full." Since God gives us the wealth it should be the churches responsibility to teach how to manage it, because everyone doesn't know how to manage money. But we also have to keep in mind 1 Timothy 6:10 "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs"

2007-09-13 15:32:57 · answer #5 · answered by only1dre2000 1 · 2 0

I believe God gives us money to help others, after all, Christians are promised by God that he will take care of our needs, Jesus said himself to give no thought to what will you eat or wear or shelter for that matter, He knows that we have need of these things before we ask, so obviously then the money we make goes back to who ever needs it. Look at the first Church at Jerusalem in the book of Acts, everybody sold all their possessions and they were distributed as needed, so yes we need wisdom to handle our finances, the more we have, the more we can give.

2007-09-20 16:07:42 · answer #6 · answered by victor 7707 7 · 1 0

Jesus talked about money all the time. One of His best known parables was the one about sowing and reaping - turning 5 talents into 10 and so on. Christians need to remember that the love of money is the root of all evil, not money itself.

How's this for a concept: the more success you enjoy, the more you can bless others with your money. Those who have little can only give little, but those who have much can give much. It's not how much money you have that matters, it's your attitude about it and what you do with it.

2007-09-13 15:00:48 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

i think of that your good judgment is partly, a minimum of, a sprint improper. through fact previous movements of different human beings or societies dictate the form of world we live in does no longer mean that (A. That worldwide can no longer get replaced or (B. That our habit as those with a minimum of a few get entry to to fact can no longer run concurrent to that worldwide device. i do no longer think of that straightforward through fact each and every reason has an result that it truly is risk-free to assume that their is predestination. as a question of actuality, the different may be real. each and every reason does have an result yet that result does no longer unavoidably mean that we journey the comparable element. If the worlds matters predetermined our habit, would their no longer be some form of unity of theory and action. however the different is real, their is variety of theory and action. That variety reflects the way human beings % to answer those circumstances. for that reason their is a minimum of a few unfastened will in touch. purely a theory....

2016-11-10 09:29:43 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I don't know who taught that lie. I do know that if you make money an obsession, a prioriety, or if you just put all of your love into having then you are becoming corrupt, and what good is a corrupt person whether christian or not?

2007-09-13 14:50:18 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It is not having money that is bad, it is what we become from money.

Most often we seek our worldly pleasures which will distract us often times from prayer and meditation upon God.
Money becomes an idol.

Being rich isnt a crime, but being poor is better.

2007-09-13 14:53:41 · answer #10 · answered by patsue69 3 · 1 0

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