The point is self-honesty. Do you believe in a deity or not? If you don't, then you are an atheist. Where you go from there is up to you.
2007-09-13 00:42:46
answer #1
answered by mathematician 7
Atheism is the default wherever the culture does not have theist. However, in the US the majority are Christian so there's a strong theist influence; in fact overwhelming to a young child. Religious parents subject their offspring to an entire childhood of rituals designed to permanently affix their religion into their minds. This can be very difficult to overcome so, atheism for me was the search for the truth.
Once I achieved atheism I experienced great relief. Now I do not have to ignore the facts that haunted me in Christianity. I realize that I have only one life which I must make the most of. I know that I must help others to find the truth so that fewer children are subjected to this torture in future generations.
The point of atheism is to show that super-natural beings and powers do not exist. They cannot help you and they cannot hurt you. The point is to be strong-minded such that you take your life into your own hands accepting success and failure as your own.
2007-09-13 09:58:28
answer #2
answered by superholeshooter 1
Does there have to be a point? Atheism is just not being convinced that any gods exist. It is a lack of a specific belief. It is not a choice made to accomplish a certain "point". You don't choose to be an atheist. You are either convinced that a god exists or you aren't.
The advantage to atheism is not basing your life around an old superstition. The disadvantage of atheism is being discriminated against by those who do buy into the superstitions.
2007-09-13 00:37:32
answer #3
answered by nondescript 7
Atheism isn't a faith, church, club, enterprise, or college of theory. this is the shortcoming of concept in a deity. Atheists do no longer worship every person or something. this is not evil, vile or 'wicked' and this is not a danger to in demand civilization as all of us realize it. every person who claims that atheism is something greater advantageous than the shortcoming of concept in a deity is mendacity and/or at a loss for words.
2016-11-10 07:44:35
answer #4
answered by ? 4
Atheists aren't being pulled into a belief system which controls people. Have you looked at the Pope and ever wondered where he gets all the money from. Religion has brainwashed Catholics into giving, I think it's, 10% of their earnings to the Pope oops I mean their church.
That is the non-scientific atheists, who don't really care about evolution.
Now the atheists that care about evolution want to find the answers of the universe, not by a book aka the Bible, but by scientific evidence.
2007-09-13 00:45:36
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Advantage. One less thing to worry about.
Disadvantage. None, unless the ancient and crazy monotheistic religions are correct. Which is scientifically impossible due to the inaccuracy of the Genesis book on which they're all derived.
Atheism isn't anything. It isn't a belief, it isn't a faith. It just means that you don't think that there is a God. You're open to the possibility, but you're relatively sure it's not up there.
2007-09-13 00:40:48
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
The point of atheism is not believing in a higher being.
2007-09-13 00:37:54
answer #7
answered by Southpaw 7
If so call Christians stick to Jesus' teachings and follow it, then maybe atheism would be none existent.
They see the hypocrisy in the churches. They see how so call Christians live their lives. 80% of criminals wear a cross around their necks.
2007-09-13 00:52:46
answer #8
answered by papa G 6
The point of atheism is truth. I do not care to believe things that are false. End of story.
2007-09-13 00:41:50
answer #9
answered by sngcanary 5
its got more point then sitting in a church on sunday when i could be out with friends having a good time down at the shops or movies
2007-09-13 01:03:03
answer #10
answered by Anonymous