If God is really up there, then we are nothing compared to Him. Sometimes when I'm walking, I step on an ant. I don't think twice about it. It's just an ant. But compared to God we're less than an ant. Compared to God we're less than an amoeba. Yet God cared so much for us(contrary to how much I cared for the ant) that He sent His only begotten Son to die on a cross for us so that we could have eternal life with Him. If we ignor that, we are guilty of trampling on the blood of Christ. Turning your life over to God is not selfish, it's the only way to show that you appreciate what God did for you.
Romans 12:1 says it best. It says " I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service". If God did that much for us to open the door to eternal life with Him in paradise then it is "REASONABLE" to want to completely give our life over to Him now on earth.
2007-09-12 22:26:22
answer #1
answered by upsman 5
It is not my fault that I die, it is the fault of Adam, he caused me to be born under the death penalty.
As in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. All is all.
Jesus has purchased all offsprings of Adam to give them the same thing that Adam had. After the resurrection they are not under the death penalty, if they loose their life they only have self to blame [ this is not religion, as the heaven and hell theory, but bible ], 2Cor.5:10; All is all. Rom.14:9-11; Philip.2:5,9-11; Rev.20:1-6,12,13; All is all. Acts 24:15; All stand before the judgement seat of Jesus to give an account of himself either good or bad.
Eph.2:7; 3:21; The world with Jesus is without end. John 3:16; 17:3; 2Pet.3:13; Rev.21:1-5; All is made new. Rev.20:7-10; Rev.21:8; Those that self destruct and have only self to blame, they are given every opportunity.
2007-09-13 04:12:17
answer #2
answered by jeni 7
It's not.
One should believe something because one thinks it is the truth not because if you don't you'll suffer the consequences.
Besides, it's not like beliefs can be changed at will.
Though I think you need to ask yourself whether you want to worship a god that will torment you forever.
2007-09-13 04:16:28
answer #3
answered by bestonnet_00 7
You are right... u can't just go and tell "Yeah! i will agree that u r God's son, now in return free me from these eternal torment"
It seems too selfish to me also...
If u truely regret for your wrong deeds, that's enough. Do u really belive in hell & heaven ???!!
2007-09-13 04:44:02
answer #4
answered by Miss Studious 2
of course it is. that's all he's asking of you. the good works you think are the qualities necessary, will follow. you can't believe in Jesus and not do good, because you're changed forever. and you don't have to do everything for everybody- everytime you help even one person, you have done the Lord's work. give it a try-donate food to a pantry or soup kitchen, raise money for a charity, do a chore for someone who needs help. and see how you feel then.
2007-09-13 04:22:21
answer #5
answered by sugarbabe 6
The church doesn't save you....Jesus does.. Do you not think we all have sinned?? And do you not think Jesus died for you and your sins as well as He died for mine?? Do you not think I on my own, need Jesus to save me from hell? The only way to God is through His Son? Hey, I deserve hell also..I have sinned!! But, God gave us His only son, His perfect Son, to die for the likes of me & you. Yes, it's right to say yes to God's salvation plan...That's why we love Him...
2007-09-13 04:33:19
answer #6
answered by Thunderrolls 4
It is not belief in Jesus that saves you but accepting the atonement.
Is it right to repent and accept the atonement?
Your decision the option would be to be seperated from God.
It is a gift from God who wishes for you to be joined to him in his righteousness in eternal paradise...hard gift to reject.
God foreknew that we would sin before he created us it is the reason the lamb was slain before the foundation of the world.
the price is paid the decision to accept the atonement is yours.
2007-09-13 04:10:12
answer #7
answered by djmantx 7
Not only does it not SEEM right - it ISN'T right!
You are walking the right path.
Reality is just around the corner.
2007-09-13 04:28:27
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Well can you think of a better way?
Actually, Christians want to be saved so they can serve God their Father for all eternity - not to escape the fires of hell as so many mistakenly believe.
2007-09-13 04:04:59
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Sure it is, because nobody is worthy of it, that is why it is a gift. Also nobody else could do it so God had to step in. God wants the relationship with you back and offers you this gift, it is yours to take because it has already been done but you do have to make the effort to take it.
2007-09-13 04:04:39
answer #10
answered by mrglass08 6