I think for those of who believe in God, he is such a force in our lives, and we can see evidence of him and his creation in every aspect of our lives. We feel that he has helped us personally, and we feel we have a relationship with him. The idea of genuinely not believing in his existance is completely foreign to us. It's something most people, including myself, can't really wrap their brain around.
2007-09-12 07:49:57
answer #1
answered by mtn_girl84 2
Since not believing in something is not a something but a nothing, there are really no such thing as atheists.
There is the illusion of being an atheist, which is simply "not a theist."
I totally support their right to be whatever they want to be.
But it should be remembered that a person who feels that there is no God is simply one who has not found God or seen or experienced God. Or maybe they have experienced it but they did not recognize it as such.
If the definitions of what God might be are made broader; such as nature or the universe or the self or beauty or love or consciousness or peace of mind or stillness, then suddenly the atheists become a lot more open minded.
It is the religionists that have created atheists.
In their smugness they have claimed God to sit on a high throne of judgement and that God directs every detail of our lives and even that God will help those who worship him and curse those who don't.
It's no wonder that people rebel against such an ignorant model.
If it's any consolation to the atheists, they are right. This Biblical God does not exist. He was made up by men who could not understand the reality of Spirit.
If it's any consolation to the believers, they are right to believe. It isnt their fault that they have only partial information. Its not like the truth is everywhere and easy to find. You could spend many lifetimes searching. There is a world of propaganada telling them that the biblical god is real. Our president even claims to talk to Him....yeah right!
2007-09-12 07:57:21
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I'm glad there are some people out there who think this way, who understand that everyone's beliefs are based on their life experiences. Those who don't understand that, probably never had an experience like you describe - they were just born in some religion, were told that t's the true one, end of story, they just believed blindly and expect everyone to do so
2007-09-12 07:45:57
answer #3
answered by larissa 6
Actually, that is often an excuse used by religious people for why they really don't like Atheists.But in reality, it has more to do with the fact that we Atheists reveal a side of themselves that they desperately are trying to escape- doubt.Also, it stands to reason that if Atheists were once religious then they were open to the idea of having the divine enter their hearts.Even I once sought that experience.When I had it I felt like I was on cloud nine.But on further analysis and deeper reflection, that experience was self induced.The fact that I can identify that fact is another reason I am scorned by religious people who desperately want to hold firm to their own divine experiences.But, in either case, you raise excellent points.
2007-09-12 07:51:02
answer #4
answered by Demopublican 6
I've never heard an atheist say "I honestly have never had ANY experience like that and therefore I cannot believe." Because I have never had a christian actually tell of their miraculous experience. So do tell your I'm sure we'lll all be blown away.
2007-09-12 07:47:25
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I think Atheism frightens Christians. Because the number one thing all Christians have in common in the necessity of Faith. And many of them--most, I would even say--try their best to remain steadfast to that faith even when they have no had an experience of the kind you mention.
Hence: I think it scares them when they come across someone who claims that 'lack of proof' is the reason for their lack of belief, because it reminds the so-called believer that they also have no proof.
I think the only Believers who are shaken by an atheists stand are those who are in a spiritual crisis themselves, and need to surround themselves with believers so they have less opportunity to question their own floundering faith.
2007-09-12 07:49:19
answer #6
answered by quixotic_jade 1
I think that they are stubborn because they keep using the same illogical "proofs" over and over again to show that the bible contradicts itself, or that religion is stupid, even though many of their arguments have been rebutted, or are just plain illogical. This makes them sound desperate, not honest.
Since when have you ever seen an honest atheist simply admit that he doesn't believe in God simply because he hasn't seen him, and nothing else? Rarely.
2007-09-12 07:47:31
answer #7
answered by Randy G 7
i don't comprehend approximately them being in simple terms obdurate, yet as quickly as I a approach or the different set off an inter-galactic brawl with a bunch of thugs from Altair-4, i does in no way refuse the atheists offering a hand in kicking some alien asses.
2016-11-15 01:28:30
answer #8
answered by weberg 4
i am an atheist and i thank you for asking this question. and btw...just cuz a person is an atheist doesn't make them rude. i'm ony rude when i'm accused of being rude, by close-minded people such as yourself catholic crusader. haven't you ever heard of living and thinking outside the box? did you ever think maybe you were living in a box? or under a rock for that matter?
Sorry but it's people like that that make me be rude. i'm usually a very nice person :o)
2007-09-12 07:48:13
answer #9
answered by §eeker 5
What many people assign as a "divine" experience an atheist writes off as something else.
It is simply how you view the world. If you view god as beneficial, he or her will be.
If the world is a chaotic, painful place, it will be.
Power Of Suggestion
2007-09-12 07:46:19
answer #10
answered by devinthedragon 5