There have been some good suggestions on here for making better food choice and exercise plans but I suspect you already know what you need to do to lose weight -- the problem is that you will simply keep regaining it back if you don't deal with the issues that you brought up in your last paragraph.
Clearly you are unhappy, maybe even depressed, by the circumstances of your life and you see the overeating and being inactive as somehow "comforting" yourself in the absence of comfort from others. The truth is, you are really not rewarding yourself with food and sloth, you are punishing yourself because someone else's attitude towards you has convinced you that is all you deserve. I think it might be helpful for you to talk to a counselor about your feelings of rejection and helplessness, but the good news is that you are not really helpless. We can't control how other people treat us or value us but we CAN control how we treat ourselves. I sense you are caught in a cycle of deprivation. First you "punish" yourself by dieting and depriving your body of food, then you "punish" yourself by eating and behaving unhealthfully til you gain the weight back.
Instead of doing that again, why don't you try rewarding yourself? Think of your food intake and activities as positive actions. Reward yourself with a walk in a park on a nice day. Reward yourself with a tasty healthy meal of fresh fruits, grilled salmon and crunchy steamed vegetables. Drink lots of water and imagine it cleansing and refreshing your body. Start taking a multivitamin plus a 1200mg capsule of Omega 3-6-9 oils every day. When you feel bored or unhappy, don't turn to eating chips, or sitting at the computer or watching TV -- go out to a bookstore or a museum or, if you stay home, do some fix-up projects around your house or get a pet and play with them. You don't need to make drastic changes, make little ones, a bit more each day, substituting "rewards" for "punishments" and soon you will find that you prefer the "rewards" more and more and you will learn that you deserve those rewards. The ultimate reward will be that you will feel better physically and emotionally and your body will adjust to a healthy stable weight.
Just because other ignorant people treat us badly doesn't mean we have to treat ourselves that way. Your best defense against their thoughtlessness is to care for yourself.
2007-09-14 04:52:09
answer #1
answered by c_kayak_fun 7
You have to break multiple bad habits and acquire multiple good habits immediately. Identify your stress foods and replace them. Identify your activity pattern when 'feeling down 'and replace it. Learn to feel good and enjoy a new life without holding the weight loss as the end in itself. Your body composition will be consequential to a healthier lifestyle.
For example, when I was heavier I ate 'comfort foods'. I replaced this habit with protein only comfort foods like jerky and zero calorie beverages. I really got into coffee and tea as hobbies. It wasn't even a sacrifice at that point to drink a strong, high quality coffee instead of eating doritos.
I also laid around and watched TV when I was down. I replaced this habit with walking. Walking helps clear your mind, can be interesting, slightly increases muscle density, burns a few calories, improves circulation, helps your heart, etc.
The best combination is a brisk walk with a strong coffee.
A side point I won't go into is that sugar is your enemy when it comes to weight gain, impulsiveness, mood swings, and overall health.
2007-09-12 06:12:26
answer #2
answered by BodBlogs Rocco 1
First of all you can get fit again. The greatest stress reliever is exercise. So when you commit to exercise it pays off in many ways.
The best weight loss plan will be the one you develop yourself. Give yourself a week or two to study several weight loss plans. Then design one that you can live with. You are more likely to stick with it if it's your very own plan designed by you and made for you.
How about Jared in the Subway commercials, he designed a plan that used low fat Subway sandwiches it was a plan he could live with. So do your home work and be your own weight loss guru.
Good luck!
2007-09-12 06:17:29
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
It's really really hard to gain lean muscle and lose fat at the same time. A lot of professionals will go through a bulking season (fall, winter) where they just lift weights and eat like crazy. Then when spring rolls around they do a little less weights, and more cardio to burn off the fat that they gained, but they keep the muscle.
2016-05-17 22:19:56
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
The "yo-yo" effect that people experience when their weight fluctuates from trying different diets is unhealthy. There is an alternative to conventional "diets" called "calorie shifting". On this program, you eat from all the food groups, you lose weight quickly, but in a healthy way, and you KEEP IT OFF, as long as you continue to follow the plan. It's based on sound nutrition, which is why the weight loss is sustainable. There is more information about the calorie shifting approach at this blog:
2007-09-12 07:25:53
answer #5
answered by timscap 1
Try the Atkins Diet and just continue to walk at least 2 miles everyday.Drink a lot of water and cut out all of your sodas,if you are drinking them.If that doesn't work for you then Join LA Weightloss.It is a little expensive,so try to catch them when they are running a special.Good Luck! And God Bless!
2007-09-12 06:12:44
answer #6
answered by ann c 1
look up Alissa Cohen on the net. She is a famous for helping people loose weight and get healthy once and for all. There are Alissa Cohen teachers all over that can help you as well. Life is all about quality, not quantity!
2007-09-12 06:07:40
answer #7
answered by MaryBerry 3
One of my good friends lost 100 pounds with this cleanse!!!!!!….Of course it took 4 months, but still….she looks 20 years younger and says she feels great….I only need to lose about 70 pounds,………I actually just ordered more a couple days ago!!....check out this site……
2007-09-12 06:07:56
answer #8
answered by kelly s 1
swap out brown rice or quinoa yes even the new super food which both add up to about 220 calories per cup for cauliflower or roasted peppers that are only about 30 calories per cup
2016-04-23 05:31:19
answer #9
answered by Shawn 3
use the freezer to add some extra oomph to summer foods freeze grapes for some bite sized delights or get a popsicle mold and freeze some greek yogurt with berries
2016-08-14 22:11:55
answer #10
answered by Carolina 3