I am a firm believer in the 1st amendment. While I may think religion is stupid and primitive I also firmly believe that people have the right to be as stupid and primitive, I mean religious, as they want.
However, I do believe we need more oversight on how the business of religion is practiced, the avoidance of taxation while operating as a profitable "not for profit".
I think religion would get a lot more respect from people like me if religious people would not put up with the rampant hate that is espoused by religion, the corruption that is promoted by religion and the attempts at forceful indoctrination of all children were abandoned.
Religious people need to get the idea that tolerance and respect is a two way street.
2007-09-12 06:03:38
answer #1
answered by Atrum Animus AM 4
Towards what end?
Churches and religions have had their problems, certainly- and as they become a big business, things are getting worse- but it was the influence of religion that started formal education, universities, adoption programs, hospitals, and so forth. Slavery was abolished, in part, because of the work of organized religions.
Jesus said that 'true religion' was taking care of the widows and fatherless- if they stuck to that plan there would be little problem.
Religion also makes an easy scapegoat for other problems. Many wars and problems that religion gets blamed for are really fought over power, control, greed, etc. The Crusades, for example, were cloaked in religious trappings, but it was all about protecing valuable spice trade routes. Many long-term conflicts between different faiths are usually rooted more in political or other issues.
2007-09-12 06:04:01
answer #2
answered by Madkins007 7
Absolutely not! Although my personal preference would be to eliminate the institution of organized religion from human civilization, I cannot support a law that would deprive others from embracing the belief of their choice, however irrational. Just as Freedom of Speech means people I disagree with still have a perfect right to express themselves, so too does Freedom of Religion mean those I disagree with also have a perfect right to believe as they wish. The only reasonable alternative is that the debate be allowed to continue in the spirit of free inquiry and, as The Reverend Soleil (above) points out, allow personal growth and education to prevail.
2007-09-12 06:03:30
answer #3
answered by Diogenes 7
If anyone were to do this, the USA would break its Constitution by denying the freedom of religion. Who would want to remove more freedoms than what is already being taken away every day as it is? What would be next? your chance to receive an education? your right to work? your privilege to drive? There are people who believe that some of your possibilities are should not be available, would you want anyone to take away something you believe in? I know I wouldn't, even though some do this every day, for the "sake" of others who might be offended. When did we become a country of whiny children thinking we need to bend over and kiss the ground others walk upon? People need to look after themselves more and worry less about what others are doing.
2007-09-12 06:02:31
answer #4
answered by julvrug 7
No, of course not. Here in the USA, every person has the constitutional right to believe (or not). In any case, as the galloping technologies and the sciences continue at the present pace, as we humans learn more and experience more, all religions will diminish. When your great-grand-children's children come along, in a century and a half, say, religion, as it now exists, will be considered a relic of days-gone-by, and a primitive one, a thing to laugh at. Already we are starting to see the stirrings.
2007-09-12 06:13:27
answer #5
answered by Yank 5
No how can we do it ?
What will the Pope do without Vatican ?
What will the Arabs and Isrealis do when there is no fighting ?
What would Iraq and Iran do without their fight for Shia and Sunni domination?
Muslims from all over the world goes to Saudi Arabia to perform their once in a life time ritual and without this nobody will remember Saudi Arabia and they may go back to the times of the Lawrence of Arabia.
What will the Hindus do with their thousands of Gods whose prayer we are hearing in the US official ceremonies. What will the Pandits, Pujaris, Moulanas, Mutawas, etc do without the religion they have nowhere to go.
BUT then if this can be done the world will be a better place to live and people will get bored without all the fights and wars and there may even get bored on Yahoo Q&A without any religion.
2007-09-12 06:08:13
answer #6
answered by azrim h 5
I think people should have their own beliefs. Keep the religions but not be so strict by them. Let a person be themselves without religion standing in the way. And still be able to worship as they see fit.
2007-09-12 06:00:27
answer #7
answered by Anonymous 4
That's been tried before in some countries. Actually, there are prophecies about false religions coming to an end and political powers will try to get rid of all religions. When that happens there will be no doubt in anybody's mind as to who God is. It's going to be a wild ride.
2007-09-12 06:05:37
answer #8
answered by alikij 4
um... if you are American, please see the bill of rights immediately, especially the 1st amendment. We all have the right to freedom of religion, speech (like this crazy question), press, and peaceful assemble.
So, banning religion would take away from that right, and be mixing church and state. Everywhere else in the world can ban religion, but here in the states, we have something called unity. and we will stand together, fight together, and die together to preserve our rights to keep religion.
2007-09-12 06:02:16
answer #9
answered by sweetblueyes 5
so you cant prove god doesnt exist. BIG DEAL! churches do much to help people in poverty, volunteer work, marriage counseling, bringing people out of depression. I dont see atheists like yourself doing those. If you want to outlaw religion, show that you're better than us instead of sitting at your computer all day asking stupid hypothetical questions. you really hate christians dont you.
2007-09-13 05:59:29
answer #10
answered by Anonymous