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hes only 14 month but he bites and hits everyone he comes in2 contact with. I am taking him 2 nursery soon and i need 2 get him out of this. Is this a normal thing that toddlers go through? will he just grow out of it? I do say no when he does it but he laughs and carrys on.

2007-09-12 05:31:09 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

17 answers

I wish I could tell everybody about this before it starts. You are suppose to ignore and use distractions when the child first bites or hits. I used this method and none of my 3 kids we're ever biters. Now that your son has gotten a reaction and has made a habbit of it, it's going to be a lot harder. I would use the sit down technique. It's so unorthodox but it works sooo well. Every time he's toddling around and he hits or bits you, sit him down on the floor (not a time out) and walk away. Kids can't stand it because they want to me up and moving. Actions speak louder than words so be consistant.

2007-09-12 05:45:25 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

He is definitely old enough to understand no, kids are so much smarter than a lot of people think.
He is also old enough for time out or the corner, but for him to get it you will have to do it every time he does it even if he spends all day in time out, after a few days he will get it.
It does need to be taken care of before he starts nursery because how would you feel if your son came home and had been hit and bitten.
Do not yell or over react simply tell him no very firmly and get up and put him in time out or the corner.
They say one minute per year but they need to not scream the whole time, he can understand be quiet, my kids time outs never started until they were relatively quiet. It is not effective if they are screaming the whole time.
Consistency is the key to kids behavior if they know you will take action every time they will behave, false threats will never get good behavior.

2007-09-12 05:56:17 · answer #2 · answered by Miss Coffee 6 · 0 1

My son was exactly the same I did try giving him a small bite back but that never worked as it made him worse. What worked for me was everytime he bit someone I would tell him no then I would put him in his cot walk out his room and close the door(for 1 min for every year of his life) and everytime he bit someone thats what I did. It does work but it does take time. if that dont work ask your health visitor for some advise. Most children do go through it I now have an 18 month old trying to bite chunks out of my leg

2007-09-12 05:53:31 · answer #3 · answered by missyme 2 · 0 1

I know this is gonna get a reaction from some people but when my son was around 2 years old he went through the biting stage I tried time outs, smacking, emotional blackmail nothing worked he just laughed at me until one day I snapped and bit him back I drew blood and he never did it again.

2007-09-13 07:34:32 · answer #4 · answered by Carol 2 · 0 0

No, it is not normal. Time out everytime he hits and if you don't believe in time outs, then every negative action has a consequence - don't hit him back if he hits you will send a mixed message - say no but be FIRM, he DOES understand and KNOWS he is doing something wrong, do not laugh when he acts up! He will not last long in Nursery School if he behaves this way.

2007-09-12 05:41:27 · answer #5 · answered by phantom 3 · 3 1

they could be little horrors ok at situations and at different situations very beautiful. 2 confusing issues to do here, yet you're able to do the two in case you desire it to give up. extensive type one is which you will no longer enable it to proceed in any different case your life would be confusing so the suitable thank you to give up any unacceptable habit is to make helpful he knows it extremely is undesirable, and not acceptable. in case you react with a actual punishment it could subdue him yet no longer cope with the undertaking. individually i think of it desires to be stopped the on the spot you notice the 1st sign of it. cope with it straight away and do never enable it to amplify. do away with him from the area acceptable away with a noisy "NO," and take him someplace else. it fairly is a naughty step, his room, yet another room, everywhere as long as he's faraway from the area. it works on a distraction theory and it does paintings! Secondly some thing is inflicting him to try this, some sign of vulnerability which you're sending out. if he purely does this to you this is via fact he senses some weak spot so which you will exchange the trend. you would be the chief and he the follower. do no longer react to him and make him react to you. the jobs have have been given reversed and you will get those back into place. good success

2016-10-04 10:53:37 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Say "NO. That HURTS." Then put him in time out for 2 minutes. Ignore him the entire time he's in time out. If he cries or screams or gets up, put him back without saying a word.

He has to learn that hitting and biting will make people not want to be around him.

When time out is over, say "You were in time out because you bit me. No more biting." Do it everytime and be consistent.

2007-09-12 05:51:28 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

O MY! Do NOT bite him back!! C'mon people that's sick and twisted. Just give him a gentle swat on the diaper along with the "NO" and make your face look angry. He'll get the point eventually. Does he possibly have an older sibling who may be being mean to him when you aren't looking? He seems frustrated and this is his way of communicating it. He may just be very very shy and this is the best way he knows how to get people out of his space. It's pretty normal. Both of mine went through it. I just stayed right on top of them and gave them a pop on the tush and a stern no no Mommy doesn't like that. And ALWAYS make them say sorry. I realize he probably can't say that yet but if you start teaching it to him now he'll pick it up fast.

2007-09-12 05:40:56 · answer #8 · answered by . 4 · 2 3

Give him a smack on the mouth and tell him NO its not nice. He will eventually get it. Theres also nothing wrong with biting him back, obviously no one is suggesting you bite his skin off, but when u do give him a little bite he will see how uncomfortable it is and he will stop. The people saying its sick to bite him back are the same ones whos kids are hitting and biting kids at daycare spoiled little brats.

2007-09-12 05:51:12 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

Maybe you're sending him mixed messages or maybe there are just no real consequences to his actions. If you are playing with him when he does this tell him no and refuse to continue to play until he stops. This will show him it's not a game for other people and he'll learn.

2007-09-12 05:45:43 · answer #10 · answered by Evelyn 3 · 0 1

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