New York City is beautiful.
Definetly take her to Central Park (has lots of rocks, nice scenery). You can also take her to the History Museum, or, if she's more mature, the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), or the Metropolitian Museum of Art. I wouldn't count too much on Radio City Music Hall, though. On other days, just take her for a walk around the city! Get a taxi (don't use them too much, they're very expensive!), and drive to 5th Avenue, where all the stores are, or Time Square, and walk around and see all the sites. If money is not a problem, you can take her to see a play on Broadway (the Lion King is excellent, be sure to reserve fast!). Also, take her to the big toy stores - Toy's R' Us (Time Square), and F.A.O. Schwartz and American Girl. Another great thing to do would be to take her to see the ABC (or was it NBC?) Studios, then take her to the Observation Deck on Rockefeller Center. You may also take her to see the Statue of Liberty or Ellis Island. You may also want to ride to the top of the Empire State Building (everyone looks like ants!). As for eating, don't worry! There are tons of diverse restaurants in New York City.
2007-09-12 16:25:55
answer #1
answered by calamari kid 5
The Museum of Natural History is great for kids- they have dinasaur exhibits which kids love. Radio City Music Hall has shows and movies, check out and see what they are showing. If she's on the mature side and in to art, there's the Metropolitian Museum of Art. Central Park has a skating rink and a petting zoo and perhaps you could rent a bike. There are so many great things- these are just a few.
2007-09-12 12:13:30
answer #2
answered by GEEGEE 7
The zoo. Plays - The Lion King, American Girl Doll Tea Parties, Madame Tuseaud's Museum, Metropolitan Museum, the adventures are endless!!!
2007-09-12 12:34:49
answer #3
answered by phantom 3
the first time i went to NYC I was 11.
we went to the mall in manhatten.
and to all of the tourist sites of course. and to the museum.
perhaps a broadway show would be fun if your daughter likes that kind of thing.
2007-09-12 12:38:28
answer #4
answered by notyoursrey724 3
Take her to the American Girl Store. Good books, cool dolls, great stuff!
2007-09-12 12:13:00
answer #5
answered by tigerlily23 3
Try that website,i looked up New York City,if your planning somewhere else,i don't have it:(.You could go to a mall,there must be a build a bear workshop or something.Ask her what she would want to do going on a trip so you don't ruin the suprise,and look it up.Good luck,i wanna go to NY!!!!!!!
2007-09-12 18:05:41
answer #6
answered by Anonymous