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they are one as the disciples are one.
John 17:6-19

they are one as believers are one.
John 17:20-26

so i guess that makes all believers one being. and all disciples one being too.

John 17:21
"that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. "

notice the term "just as". meaning in the same manner. so how does the meaning of this keep changing depending on what you want to believe...?

2007-09-11 07:47:42 · 9 answers · asked by Chippy v1.0.0.3b 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

9 answers

You said it right, they are one but not the same one, yet alike. More then that, Christians are one with God ("that they also may be one in us", John 17:21). Makes perfect sense to me.

2007-09-11 07:52:33 · answer #1 · answered by Even Haazer 4 · 2 0

FAQ: Do "Swedenborgians" believe in the Holy Trinity?

The idea of God, with all conception of Him, having been thus rent asunder, it is my purpose to treat, in their order, of God the Creator, of the Lord the Redeemer, and of the Holy Spirit the Operator, and lastly of the Divine trinity, to the end that what has been rent asunder may be again made whole; which is done when the reason of man is convinced by the Word and by light therefrom that there is a Divine trinity, and that the trinity is in the Lord God the Savior Jesus Christ, like the soul, the body, and what goes forth from these, in man; and that thus this article in the Athanasian Creed is true:"

"In Christ God and man, or the Divine and the Human, are not two, but are in one person; and as the rational soul and the flesh are one man, so God and man are one Christ." -- True Christian Religion n.4[3]:

2007-09-11 14:54:22 · answer #2 · answered by WhyNotAskDonnieandMarie 4 · 0 0

These passages refer to all believers, who are the body of Christ, united in a common salvation, forgiven and justified in the same manner. All believers are united in this way.

John 17:21 can be explained this way:

(1) As thou, Father, art in me - This does not affirm that the union between Christians should be in all respects like that between the Father and the Son, but only in the points in which they are capable of being compared. It is not the union of nature which is referred to, but the union of plan, of counsel, of purpose seeking the same objects, and manifesting attachment to the same things, and a desire to promote the same ends.
That they also may be one in us - To be in God and in Christ is to be united to God and Christ. The expression is common in the New Testament. The phrase used here denotes a union among all Christians founded on and resulting from a union to the same God and Saviour.

2007-09-11 14:58:52 · answer #3 · answered by BrotherMichael 6 · 0 0

WE who are saved are one in CHRIST- That is what this is speaking of. I told you this chipster. Jesus and God are ONE in the same. Just as we who believe have the same salvation through Christ- but because we are human beings we are not all Spirit as God is. We cannot become another human like God can- He pours His Spirit into us who are saved to keep us from falling, but because we are still living in a fallen world, our flesh is weak and we still sin. We were never born sinless as Christ was, because He is God! Go ahead get out the boxing gloves! hehe
Hey you are asking all of these questions because of our heated debate eh?


2007-09-11 16:44:13 · answer #4 · answered by Mandolyn Monkey Munch 6 · 0 0

yes, we are all one in the "koom-bye-ah" sense, we are all part of the Body of Christ.

but Jesus makes a clear distinction the He is also God the father. He tells the pharisees "before Abraham was, I AM" they knew what He was saying because they tried to stone Him after He said this.

2007-09-11 14:55:47 · answer #5 · answered by Quailman 6 · 0 0

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, world without end.

2007-09-11 14:52:55 · answer #6 · answered by carl 4 · 0 0

One in unity
Jesus and his Father is one in divinity
Others is the same One in unity not in divinity.

2007-09-11 14:59:02 · answer #7 · answered by Mosa A 7 · 0 1

You have hit on one of the great truths that God wants us to remember. (re-member) WE ARE ALL ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!
God is Love, We are Love. God is Life, We are Life. Life is God, Love is God. We are Love, Life, God. Isn't it great!!!
God Bless

2007-09-11 14:56:06 · answer #8 · answered by pinkeee 3 · 0 0

Jesus and the father are not one ...in body.
Only in purpose.
Right on!

2007-09-11 14:56:07 · answer #9 · answered by Uncle Thesis 7 · 2 2

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