I respect Evangelists who serve God through His creations. This Chennai based televangelist claimed in a TV appearance that in 1981 Jesus appeared before him - Jesus meets con evangelists only when they are alone – and asked him to spread His message all over the world and after that for over 26 years he took to beggary and claims that he is still a beggar in the Service of Jesus Christ. Now he says that his present debts amount to over 2 million in Indian currency. I take beggary as respectable if it is for a cause laid down by the society. He has over billions in assets including blade educational institutions and earns millions every month through healing frauds. If his criteria are taken on bank loans then all the billionaires all over the world are beggars, as they owe billions to the Banks while their solid assets are many times more like this Indian Evangelist. Cheats have many ways to dupe the innocents and the unwary and devotion to God is one avenue some prostitute with.
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