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Christians - what happens to a Jew, Muslim, Mormon, when they die?

Mormons - what happens to a Jew, Muslim, Christian, when they die?

Muslims - what happens to a Jew, Mormon, Christian, when they die?

Jews - what happens to a Muslim, Mormon, Christian, when they die?

You can also answer what happens to atheists when they die, and atheists can answer as well.

2007-09-10 16:18:34 · 45 answers · asked by kaltharion 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Mention your religion!!

2007-09-10 16:21:11 · update #1


not afterlife?

2007-09-10 16:22:14 · update #2

a lot of people are answering what will happen to themselves, what have the non-believers of your religion?

what are the punishments for each religion is what I want to know.

2007-09-10 16:24:16 · update #3

45 answers

There is no such thing as heaven or hell its just said to scare people into a religion. once you past away you simply move on to your next life.

2007-09-10 16:23:47 · answer #1 · answered by lexy 3 · 0 2

I am an atheist. I don't believe in heaven or hell, but wherever people go after death (whether it's dirt or air or somewhere else,) I believe all people go to the same place...

If there was a heaven and there is a God (in the Christian sense,) then I believe God wouldn't care about who you believed God to be, as long as you were a moral person. If there was a Jesus, I think he'd be accepting, loving, and forgiving towards all...and that's the ideal we should all strive for, no matter what religion, heaven or no.

I mean technically in the Christian sense, even if you were a murderer, if you truly repented then you would still go to heaven. So I don't think God would've cared if you were a Muslim, Mormon, or Jew anyway.

MORE IMPORTANTLY, in my opinion it doesn't matter what religion you are as long as you treat others with kindness and respect.

2007-09-10 16:28:54 · answer #2 · answered by travwell 4 · 2 0

I am wiccan. I believe there are many paths to the divine, and I believe the divine set it up that way. I expect to go to the summerland where I will rest and learn until my next incarnation. I believe I will run into many friends from a variety of religions there. I used to be Mormon. It must be said that Mormons are Christians. They teach that everyone will have the opportunity to hear the gospel of Christ and to accept or reject it, either in this earthly life, during the millennium, or in the spirit world, which is a place where teaching continues after death. After Judgment there are basically three levels - terrestial, which is similar to earth and where the sinners would go - murderers, thieves, etc, telestial which is a glory like the stars, and is a nice place, but one is not in the presence of God, and celestial , which is the highest glory. Outer darkness is the closest Mormons have to traditional hell. This is where the devil, his minions, and t hose who have sinned against the holy ghost will be sent. I was raised Catholic and so believe in the inclusivism the church is currently teaching.

2007-09-10 16:39:05 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Hi, good question!

I am Muslim. When a muslim/jew/christian/atheist dies they live the life of the grave until Judgement Day. On that day, the fate of all mankind is determined and they are judged as to whether they deserve heaven or hell. While in the grave, they are interrogated by angels as far as their good or bad deeds and their faith. If they were a bad person, they get punished even while in the grave. Regardless, they await Judgement Day, and nobody knows when that is. Islam says all people are capable and deserving of going to heaven. They must however believe in God, accept Jesus as the messiah, acknowlege the last supper, accept Moses, Abraham, Muhammad as prophets of God, follow the ten commandments, the teachings in the Torah, the Bible and Quran. Hope this helps.

2007-09-10 16:30:21 · answer #4 · answered by thegirl 3 · 0 0

I'm Mormon, and very proud of it.
EVERYONE goes to the Spirit World. If you have heard the true Gospel and have been faithful to the end of your mortal life you go to Spirit Paradise. If you did not hear the truth for whatever reason (you died as an infant, lived in the mountains of Siberia or Timbuktu) then you go to Spirit prison where you will have an opportunity to hear and accept or reject the Gospel. Everyone will be judged at Resurrection Day so do your best till then eh? Call your local LDS Missionaries who would be thrilled to enlighten you further on this subject. Their advice is free. They will even give you a Book of Mormon free. No obligation, no fee, no signing on a dotted line. What do you have to lose? Maybe a bit of time. I think if you are on YA you've got some spare time to educate yourself further. LDS.org can answer loads of questions too. that's free too.
Good Luck and God Bless.

2007-09-10 16:33:45 · answer #5 · answered by sinned 4 · 2 0

I'm Christian and God isn't limited to my religion. My beliefs don't dictate God's beliefs. And God has a vantage point that is able to view the strengths and the weaknesses of each religion AND he can still love each and every person that participates in each one.

I have a large capacity to love jews, muslims, mormons and christians, and I'm only human. How much more love would an omnipotent being be capable of?

I also like aspects of Wicca, Buddhism and Hinduism, so I suspect that God is infinately capable of loving those practitioners as well.

2007-09-10 16:29:09 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

All believers of the world are Muslims. Some people erroneously call themselves as Christians or Mormons or Jews or Hindus or Buddhists. God is one and only one. There is no God except God. God has fixed only one religion for entire mankind. Whoever believes God and obeys him is Muslim. God will judge people in the afterlife and according to that judgment people will be rewarded or punished.

2007-09-10 16:39:06 · answer #7 · answered by Wahidur Rahman 4 · 1 0

Christians - what happens to a Jew, Muslim, Mormon, when they die?

We all face the judgment.

2007-09-10 16:23:40 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I am a Christian and do suppose within the God of Abraham. However I am no longer definite approximately Muslims and Mormans, however I understand that Jesus Christ got here to die for my sins. Most Jews nevertheless suppose the Messiah remains to be to return.

2016-09-05 09:43:18 · answer #9 · answered by besecker 4 · 0 0

I am Jewish and we don't focus on the after life hense why we don't believe in hell. Most jews believe that life is the important part not what happens after. If someone is good then they will have a good afterlife (we don't really call it heaven) religon doesn't matter. This is why Jewish people don't try to convert others.

2007-09-10 16:26:56 · answer #10 · answered by Robyn H 2 · 2 0

I am Jehovah ´s witness all people when die normally is dead
and according to Eclessiastes 9:4-6 "For as respects whoever is joined to all the living there exists confidence, because a live dog is better off than a dead lion. 5 For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all, neither do they anymore have wages, because the remembrance of them has been forgotten. 6 Also, their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished, "

If Jesus find them righteous and the unrighteous in the judgement day then Acts 24:15 " and I have hope toward God, which hope these [men] themselves also entertain, that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous"

but if he find them evil then Psalms 37:9-10 "For evildoers themselves will be cut off,
But those hoping in Jehovah are the ones that will possess the earth.

10 And just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more;
And you will certainly give attention to his place, and he will not be"

2007-09-10 16:21:31 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

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