I actually took my son to the doctor for treatment. He plays soccer and had games coming up and to ease his discomfort I took him to the doctor and asked for the Medrol Dose Pack - or Prednisolone (generic version). The doctor also told me that lightly spraying Lysol in the bath water will kill any bacteria that may cause infection. We also added an oatmeal bath solution & of course applied calomine lotion. But what really dried it up & quickly (within a day) was the Medrol Dose pack, which if you have insurance is quite inexpensive. I paid $9.00 for the dose pack, atarax, and triaminicolone cream.
2007-09-11 15:11:26
answer #1
answered by libragurl66 3
Poison Ivy Home Remedies
2016-12-11 16:48:48
answer #2
answered by ? 4
Home Remedy For Poison Ivy
2016-09-29 08:31:38
answer #3
answered by clawson 4
2016-04-05 17:12:13
answer #4
answered by Sam 3
You'll have to go to the drug store for this... so not home remedy but it is the best thing I have found. I've tried about every remedy there is. It's called Iodex. It looks like axle grease but if you use it your poison ivy will be dead the next day.
To use it though you have to break all of the rules:
1. scrape open the blisters and clean with soap and water.
2. dry off and quickly apply the Iodex then cover with gauze or a soft dry cloth so you won't wipe the Iodex off accidentally.
The next morning you'll see that the poison ivy is dead.
You'll probably have to ask the pharmacist to get it for you as it won't be out on a shelf or display. It's not prescription. Make sure you ask for the one that is for cuts and abrasions.
Thanks for that. Like you I have been covered from head to foot, many times. I will have to give your Neoxyn a try. This is the first I have heard of it.
2007-09-12 15:28:18
answer #5
answered by FlannelBack 1
Yes, yes, yes!!!!! Mine is definitely the best answer, so I hope you try it. I've been allergic to it all my life and only recently have found the perfect antidote. When I was younger, I used to run hot water over it. For some reason this takes out the itch for awhile, but it didn't last very long.
Here's the cure:
Then I talked to a nurse about it, and she said I should use cold water instead, because hot water increases blood circulation and allows the itch to spread faster. Cold water decreases the circulation to the infected area and restricts its growth.
So, with me and my experimenting ways, I stayed with the hot water treatment (just because it felt good and it did get rid of the itch). Then I would follow it with running the cold water over it and then maybe a cold ice pack and you know what? IT WORKED!!! In fact, it worked beautifully. The itch went away and stayed away.
But then I still had the redness and a few ugly scars to deal with. So, for that, I used Gold Bond powder or the cheaper alternative "Equate". I'd put it on at night before going to bed or just when I was sitting around resting for a while, and always right after the water treatment. It kept the oil from the poison ivy dried out and was therapeutic and helped heal the skin faster.
CURED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sometimes I would get rid of the bubbles and surrounding redness overnight. Never have had to worry about the ivy since then. :)
stay away from just plain water or oil based liquids or creams, these only seem to help the ivy run its natural course which I've always found just makes it worse.
I've tried rubbing alcohol too but that makes the skin way too dry and seems to cause more damage than its worth.
I've seen people try to use just cold water and find that it doesn't work that well and salt water can potentially make it very worse, so I use hot and cold fresh water - it seems to kill it. It doesn't have to be too hot, just as hot as you can stand. Just make sure you don't scratch it when you first run the hot water on it. Scratching will irritate it and cause the oil and the itch to spread. Then run the cold water over it and / or a freezing cold ice pack afterwards for awhile (before drying it out with the powder), and BAM!!!!!!!!! IT'S GONE BABY!!!
I'd be interested to try the acidic fruit treatments people have suggested here (tomatos and lemons) to see if the acid works on it. There seems to be a lot of good suggestions here (except for the bleach, don't use that!!!!!!!)
However, I hope you try my remedy and make it your own, and if it is the best for you, I hope you give me ten points.
Thanks for a great question and allowing me to offer my perfect cure to you. I hope it works for you.
2007-09-12 03:55:46
answer #6
answered by endpov 7
I have had poision ivy so bad that my eyes swelled shut. (I went to the doctor of course and got LOTS of medication!!)
Poision Ivy is very uncomfortable. First thing you need to do is buy some vitamin C take it like candy. If you take to much the worst thing that will happen is you will get diarehh. So take the Vitamin C it will STOP ALL itching. It will dry the p.i. up very quickly. This will get rid of it!! It could take up to seven days but usually not that long. Also whatever part itches the most on your body...get an ice pack and put the ice pack in that spot. It Helps!! Believe me it helps!! (After the p.i. is cleared continue taking the v.c. for about 24 hours.)
Now for future reference...a lot of people said don't go near it. Even the one that said her brother got it through the air. I get it that way also...how else do you p.i. in the winter time when the snow is blowing...the doc said it was from hay or straw...go figure. Anyway when you know that you are going to be around p.i. start taking vitamin c 24 hours before you are going to the woods or wherever and continue taking it for another 24 hours after getting out of the woods. You won't get p.i. I found this remedy in a Natural Home Health Book.
Try it, it works!!
2007-09-12 07:43:44
answer #7
answered by Shell 3
For some tips on easing the itch and facts about poison ivy.
Most home remedies are hit and miss. They work on some people but not on others.
If the rash is on your face try using a cold washcloth and patting it no rubbing. Heat will make it itch more.
An astrigent while it doesn't have a strong solution of alcohol in it the skin is sensitive enough right now and might not feel too good!
For an over the counter product benedryl cream works best.
But there is also a cream that you can ask your doctor about that is absolutely wonderful:
It clears mine up within a day or two and is inexpensive.
2007-09-11 19:11:47
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
This isn't really a home remedy, but Burts Bees has a body soak that is supposed to work wonders. Perhaps that combined with Burts Bees ResQ Ointment you could get some relief. I haven't had poison ivy but I know that the ResQ oinment will relieve sunburn, bug bites, and rashes. Best Wishes for fewer itches -s
2007-09-12 15:43:53
answer #9
answered by Smarks 3
My grandmother had a old remedy for poison ivy and did t believe he till i tried it. as may know poison ivy gets worse every time you get it.i get poison ivy so bad know i have to go to the doctors to get shots for it to go away, and spend about $350 every time i go there. But my grandmother told me to go buy about a gallon of gas take a rage and soak it in gas. After you soak ingas rub the rage on the poison ivy. gas is known for cleaning oil out of stuff and all that, and i know this because i am a mechanic and i you gas all the time to clean oily parts on a car. Well i tried my grandmother s remedy and with in the next few days my poison ivy was gone and kerosene while work if not better. Gas and kerosene DOSE NOT BURN when you use ive done it about 5 times know. i really hope you try this because ive been dealing with poison ivy for a long time know and this the only thing that gets rid of it only in a few day. i hope you try and if it dosent work email me at zakmarr@yahoo.com ive got some more remedy s that while work as well.
2015-06-09 20:35:04
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
I am a poison ivy/oak pro. I thought I should say so before answering this question. I get the stuff by looking at it! Seriously, I have probably had it 30 times in my life. I've picked it up hiking, gardening, etc. Here is the best way to deal with it. First, if you know you've been exposed, that' the best time to nail it. If not, this product still works miracles. The product is Tecnu poison ivy/oak/sumac wash. You will need to use the product exactly as the instructions say. The product neutralizes the poison oils that are seeping out of the infected areas, so they don't spread to surrounding areas of your skin, and so they stop irritating the areas already infected. You need to use it about 2-3 times per day, if possible. The basic routine is to take the product and rub it gently into the infected areas for several minutes then rinse in cool water. This will not fully relieve itching, but you'll get rid of the stuff twice as fast. For itching, I use Caladryl Clear Gel. It works really well. Finally, the oral drugs your doc gave you work miracles. The stuff will begin to clear up within 24 hours. Some doctors also recommend taking one Claritin per day until it's gone. Finally, I don't care what the books say, experience has shown me that the stuff does spread. As the histamine in your body pushes the poison oils out of your skin, the oils can spread to other areas, especially if you scratch or take hot showers (no matter how good they feel). For this reason, you should wash your clothes and sheets daily until its gone, so you don't reinfect your skin.
2007-09-12 00:49:53
answer #11
answered by Bean Counter 2