A wise person asks questions. A foolish person conceives the answer before asking the question and can not be swayed from his answer.
2007-09-10 15:13:11
answer #1
answered by demandfreespeech 5
2007-09-10 12:37:30
answer #2
answered by unfit_commander 5
God is not cruel or sadistic. He had to do what was necessary in order to protect the Chosen Race and keep them in line. We have to realize that what we see as cruel, sometimes, is just a necessity - like capital punishment.
When one really studies, God was way more patient with people than they deserved. He often held back when some deserved to get whacked.
I love Him because of His love for me - when I found out that He was willing to humble Himself and become a man and die for my sin, then rise again to continue to intercede for me, how could I not see this as love? Then, I also know that He did this for everyone - yet not everyone wants anything to do with Him. If they don't want Him, they will ultimately get what they want, and that ain't a picnic.
2007-09-10 12:54:47
answer #3
answered by TroothBTold 5
The God of the Old Testament is just as kind, loving, and magnanimous as the God of the New Testament. The difference is that in the New Testament, He sent Jesus to prove His love, and to be our mediator between Him and us. If you want examples of His love in the Old Testament, one only has to turn as far as the Psalms.
In answer to the first part of your question -- All of the above! Have a good day!
2007-09-10 12:44:28
answer #4
answered by Gee Wye 6
I personally believe love would not exist if it is only based on force or sheer "obligation." If one were to say that a self and God relationship were equal to a self and other relationship, then I would have to make the decision that one has to love the other/God (including respect, trust, and appreciation) because the self wishes to have love returned back to them. If it isn't returned by the other, that should not mean that the self should halt loving them simply because of that (i.e. treat others the way you want to be treated... with dignity).
2007-09-10 12:42:43
answer #5
answered by Lana 2
The Bible says that we love because God first loved us.
It also says that God commended His love towards us in that while we were yet sinners, He died, the godly for the ungodly. And furthermore it says that He who knew no sin became sin for us so that we could become righteous in God's eyes.
Finally, in the very words of Jesus, Himself, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him would not perish but have everlasting life."
Additional note:
All these people who answered that God is cruel, etc, have obviously never experienced the love of God, and if they were to experience even a percent of a percent of God's love, their shame over their foolish accusations would burn in their hearts with great guilt and even self-condemnation.
When they DO stand before God, and they see His infinite Love pouring out, they will, of their own accord, find the nearest exit and crawl into the very bowels of hell, when they realize their folly and accusations in the light of a God who sacrificed everything just to save their wretched souls!
2007-09-10 12:39:19
answer #6
answered by no1home2day 7
I love God because God is good. He's not sadistic, and never has been. He did drastic things to change people who needed to see a drastic God. and it worked. He blessed His people.
2007-09-10 12:38:53
answer #7
answered by zero_or_die77 3
I don't believe God was cruel, sadistic, or unfair at all in the Old Testament. I love him because he first loved me, he "wooed" me, and because he deserves my love.
2007-09-10 12:36:25
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I do love God,he is my Father.
2007-09-10 12:38:26
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
4. Because if we don't. we go to hell. Hard to love a god like that.
2007-09-10 12:39:01
answer #10
answered by Shawn B 7