i know the big lie "once saved always saved" permeates many so called "Christian churches" however......
Jesus contradicts the liars of those churches when he says and makes it quite clear "NOT ALL WHO SAY LORD LORD SHALL ENTER THE KINGDOM, For in that day/7th trump/day of the lord MANY shall say to me lord lord we cast out devils in your name and healed the sick in your name and I shall say to them Depart from me ye workers of INIQUITY I NEVER KNEW YOU"
wowsers, took lots of faith to cast out devils and heal in his name, they felt they had salvation doing those works, BUT they did something to lose it!!!!! no?
also he said "Because thou hast kept the word of my patience I will keep thee from the coming hour of temptation/antichrist that shall try ALL that dwell on the earth, TAKE HEED THAT NO MAN/antichrist TAKE THY CROWN/Salvation"
your crown/salvation CAN Be lost due to something which jesus makes quite clear but is another discussion for another topic.
2007-09-10 11:53:46
answer #1
answered by pissdownsatansback 4
No. Once you are truly saved, that is, in heaven, you cannot lose your salvation. However, no-one is "saved" while still in the flesh. This error is one of the many that has grown up in some branches of Protestantism, but it is completely unbiblical. The Bible tells us "he who endures to the end, he SHALL be saved". Paul tells us that life is like a race, and that we must run well in order to receive the prize. Who ever heard of the prize being awarded in the middle of a race? That's why Paul used this powerful analogy - to warn us that no-one can be assured of salvation as long as he is alive on this earth. Scripture tells us that we cannot be "snatched away" from the Lord, and that is true. But we don't lose our free will when we accept Christ, so we can always choose to walk away, and we all know some people who have done so. When this happens in a Protestant church, they say, well, he wasn't really saved in the first place". CORRECT! And neither is anyone else. Having a false sense of security because you think you are already "saved" is a great danger, since it means you no longer have to "work out your salvation in fear and trembling" as the Word of God instructs us to do. There is nothing Satan likes better than a Christian who thinks he has it made, and that nothing can keep him out of heaven.
2007-09-10 18:55:42
answer #2
answered by PaulCyp 7
No, not if you have seriously taken salvation, and Jesus as your Lord and Savior. You may back slide, but you won't lose salvation IE the prodigal son.
I question people who say that they were Christian and then all of a sudden refuse God in general. What are they basing this view that they are Christian on? If it baptism when a baby, then no they as a person did not except Christ with their own free will. it has got to be an honest, and truthful acceptance of Jesus as Lord. Not something you did to please someone else at the time.
2007-09-10 19:02:52
answer #3
answered by Kathy H 3
There are many great Christian scholars on both sides of that issue; I doubt if it will be resolved once-and-for-all here. However, I believe that if it were possible, it would have to be a conscious choice to cast the Holy Spirit out of your life, so to speak. The main thing for you and I to do is to be sure we continue to trust in Jesus and what He did for us on Calvary. That seals our salvation.
2007-09-10 19:01:38
answer #4
answered by Gee Wye 6
Some people get "saved" a number of times.
Maybe it doesn't stick.
I guess you could turn your back on what you were supposed to be doing and distance yourself from God after you'd been saved if you weren't sincere about it. Anybody can go bad, because if you have free will, you always have the choice to do the wrong thing.
Salvation isn't something where you just choose it once and never bother with it again. I doubt it's that easy.
But maybe that was the thinking behind Constantine converting to Christianity on his deathbed...if he died, he'd be saved and never get the chance to lose his ticket to heaven.
Very sneaky, that Constantine.
2007-09-10 18:56:57
answer #5
answered by SlowClap 6
Matthew 24:12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
So, To what end have you endured? Nobody that has not been to the end of their lives can't say they are saved. This is a misconception. You can however be born again and backslide, if that's what you are asking.
2007-09-10 19:02:29
answer #6
answered by br549 2
The only person that can remove themselves from God's grace is yourself. If you willingly choose to renounce God and revert to your sinful ways, you are no longer saved. It is purely your choice.
When Christ was 40 days in the desert, Satan tempted Christ in a variety of ways. One of them was to tell him that he could jump off the high cliffs and God's angels would catch him before he ever got hurt.
Christ's answer to Satan was, 'You shouldn't put God to foolish tests.'
I Think if you fall off the path that is narrow, you have to bring yourself back because you are the one who made the choice.
Besides, in the Old testament people had to bring sacrifices regularly to atone for their sin. Why would we be any different? What would make you think that you can flout God's sacrifice and not jeopardize your immortal soul?
2007-09-10 19:30:07
answer #7
answered by The Y!ABut 6
Yes it is possible....remember we are saved thru keeping Gods laws and word...if we at any point decide to turn back from that which we know is right, then how can we be "saved" when we are doing contrary to Christ....Remember we must be ever perfecting our character to get to heaven or we cannot be there....we are not just going to die and miraculously be changed when Jesus comes back from sinner to righteous...we must work towards perfection daily...when God sees that, He smiles and soon will be able to say, "WELL done thou GOOD and FAITHFUL servant"....we must do our BEST to be a GOOD and FAITHFUL servant.....just dwell on those words.....inhabit them....sometimes it is important to read every word that God means a lot that way....well done, thou GOOD and FAITHFUL! AMEN!!!!!!!
2007-09-10 18:57:18
answer #8
answered by Señorita Bonita 2
It really depends on what your religion believes in. My church believes that God's children have already been chosen before he even created the world. So if you are one of God's children then you wil go to heaven reguardless of how many times you backslide. God does not expect us to always be perfect!
2007-09-10 18:56:12
answer #9
answered by Britnie S 1
I think a soul would have to turn his/her back on God and never believe in Him again to not be saved.
Otherwise, I believe all can have eternal life.
2007-09-10 18:55:57
answer #10
answered by Soul Shaper 5