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If God hurled Satan to earth as his punsihment for his attempted mutiny BERFORE human existance, why then did he create humans to exist in Satans world? And why would He allow Satan into the garden, and why would He tempt the couple by planting an untouchable tree in their midst? I do not set out a dish full of candy in front of my child and leave the room telling him not to touch it and if they do they will get a spanking and REALLY expect them to NOT touch it.
Is it possible that humans are merely an experimental "bet" if you will between the opposing factions of good and evil? How can there be a "war" in heaven if the outcome is predetermined? Is it redundant or is there a possibility that good may NOT triumph over evil. How can there be a "war" if God has absolute control over EVERYTHING? Why give Satan ANY power what so ever?? Why did God not simply destroy Satan and his followers instead of allowing them to hurt his beloved human creations?

2007-09-10 10:22:38 · 14 answers · asked by Mom of 7 gramma of 3 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

14 answers

before Satan made himself into the evil deceiver and liar he now is, he was the angel of light Lucifer and was included in all the plans GOD had for many things.but not everything Jesus was GODS son and more priveleged and powerful than Lucifer.Lucifer became jealous and angry and proud and thought GOD was wrong to not put him on the same level as Jesus and because of this spread lies,hatred and discontent in heaven,questioning GODS character and rules.he tricked one third of the angels in heaven to back him up!!! yes there was war in Heaven and Satan was cast out and the one third of the angels with him to Earth!!!GOD finds then that he must defend his character and that is why even knowing all things as GOD does he made Earth and our people anyway.so great was his love for us he sacrificed his own son to redeem us because the consequence of sin is death!!! he knew Eve would be tricked by Satan and Adam would choose to disobey because of his love for Eve but he would not stop his plans because of Satan.GOD could have destroyed Satan and the one third of the angels but then we and the other angels and people GOD created may be afraid and only worship out of fear.that is why this is playing out before the entire universe to validate and prove GOD is love!!!GOD is holy,righteous and GOD is worthy alone.remember JOHN3;16 "for GOD so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son:that whosoever beliveth in him should not perish but have everlasting life" that sums it all up.for a greater understanding try reading"The Great Controversy" by Ellen White.you can go online at AdventistBookCenter.com or call 1-800-765-6955 Sunday thru Friday AFTERNOON.GOOD LUCK.

2007-09-10 10:58:19 · answer #1 · answered by dixie58 7 · 0 0

It's difficult to figure out by just reading the bible alone with no help.
but satan wasn't "hurled" to earth until Jesus was crowned as king in heaven, the book of revelation (12:7-9) then says that he hurled satan (the great dragon) to earth. before that, satan, when he was an angel, had the ability to go back and forth form earth to heaven as the book of job proves.
god's original purpose was to inhabit the earth with humans, happy and perfect, and as a loving god (1 john 4;8) his purpose is still the same (malachi 3:6) as a loving he alos has gicen us the freedom to chose our path (deuteronomy 30:19)
the bible also says that God needed to prove that satan was wrong when he told eve that God was keeping something good from them and that they could be better off without him thus he had to leave satan alive, otherwise it wouldn't have proven anything.
God does have control over the universe after all he is God but satan is the "god of the system of things" as 1 John 5:19 says.
but here's my opinion in the end you will beleive only what you want, i could tell you that the bible says nothing about God "pre-dertermining" our lifes but its all up to you whether you want ot beleive it or not.

2007-09-10 11:21:40 · answer #2 · answered by Lizzie01 3 · 0 0

I think the point was to see if we could be worthy of inheriting all God has...

If we choose well, then we're of a refined enough character to be able to handle it.
Some (like Satan) chose to not take the test, which implies default failure of the test. Those never get a physical body... their loss- I like my body- it does prettty great stuff!

Some (all those who are, have been, and will live on earth), have chosen to take the test. God's hope is that we will be strong enough to pass the test, but even those who fail miserably still receive something grand- a physical body. We all get a physical body at the end of this, no matter how well or poorly we do.

2007-09-10 10:42:22 · answer #3 · answered by Yoda's Duck 6 · 0 1

Yes, well that is just the point isn't it? Remember, "No man shall behold the face of God and live." The logic of the finite does not translate into the infinite. Or rather I should say it the other way around.. the infinite truth does not translate into finite logic. At least you are thinking about it...which is a start...but you will only understand it without thoughts. Paradox is the marker along the way...riddles of the sphinx and all that....

2016-05-21 07:38:08 · answer #4 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

okay. not sure about this but sure think about it.
after adam and eve sind by creed they did have children as the first humans on earth.
so al children came from them so also the people on earth now.
so i wouldnt listen to any of these answers and pray to god to forgive your sinds . not to anyone else but you can pray for people that god may forgive there sinds and trust me everyone sind at least ones.
this is my opinion i dont know if it is true but i have a strong feeling about that.

remember, if you want to know if someone is talking to you in maybe your head , your dreams. or maybe even humans and if he is trusted. DO YOU BELIEVE JESUS IS THE CHRIST AND WALKED ON EARTH IN FLESH AND BLOOD. maybe he wil say yes. THEN SAY IT you have to ask him. if he says he is not an serpent of the devil (yet) and he can take part of your life until god senses he is bad or lost or even taken by the power of the devil the devil's creation THE LIE. keep praying

2013-09-30 17:04:36 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Thats what Ive been thinking - if God is real, then HE is the one who tempts and baited us... I would never leave a porno out on the kitchen counter and then tell my teenage son I was leaving for a few hours and that he could do anything he wanted, anything at all - except, please do not touch this here porno movie, because I said so.

God is supposed to be omniscient. Didnt he KNOW that it is human nature to inspect that which we are told not to? Its as if we were baited from the beginning. And, then he blames US for doing exactly what we were allegedly created to do - being curious.

2007-09-10 10:32:10 · answer #6 · answered by ? 5 · 1 1

1) Satan did not "lay" with Eve. Not sure where you got that.
2) Satan does not exist.
3) Satan did not attempt a mutiny (at least, not in the Bible)
4) Satan was not in the garden. That was a snake (never identified as satan).

2007-09-10 10:32:03 · answer #7 · answered by NONAME 7 · 0 3

Great question, and one I have yet to see a good answer to.

Seems if all of this is predetermined, it's a sick game. If it's a bet, it's a sick game.

One would think a kind and loving god would have destroyed evil, then created that which he loves unconditionally. I wouldn't tempt or try my daughter, I'd want to keep her safe and out of harm's way.

2007-09-10 10:27:54 · answer #8 · answered by Armless Joe, Bipedal Foe 6 · 2 1

God gave us free will, a will to choose to obey or to rebel, would you want a God that controls our every move or the one we have that gives us all the knowledge we need and lets us make our own decisions??

2007-09-10 10:32:52 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

God knew that Adam and Eve would sin, thats why he sent his son later. If they never sinned 1. someone after them would have and 2. God couldn't send his son, thus teaching the world about his forgiveness.

2007-09-10 10:29:04 · answer #10 · answered by Rach 4 · 1 1

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