yes the role of Muhammad (s) wsa to clarify the faith and purify it by removing the ideas which were added in error. but who brought-in those errors? GOD? No way!! people of that time brought in those errors and made them a part of religion. this religion islam has been same since Adam. God did not make changes in it. he sent prophets to bring back people to the right path again.
you ask why people are not mistaken yet agian? they are not. bec Muhammad (S) was the last prophet, and someone had to protect God's last book (Quran). so god took up the responsibility n its mentioned in Quran.
Plagiarism (from Latin plagiare "to kidnap") is the practice of claiming, or implying, original authorship of (or incorporating material from) someone else's written or creative work, in whole or IN PART, into one's own without adequate acknowledgement. (
well as u can c that it says "in part". muslims belive in bible bt nt in this bible. this bible has been changed again and again. it has been changed so much that it has many errors in it. let me give u an example. christians say that jesus christ was crucified on the cross. while on the other hand bible itself says that he was not crucified. for details, you MUST MUST watch "was jesus really crucified?" by Dr. Zakir Naik, on google videos. its outstanding! that shud clear ur doubts.
2007-09-10 19:32:01
answer #1
answered by Ali 1
This is very narrow thinking.
First off people. The bible. The Bible is a compilation of different writings. It was not a 'book' until recent years.
The revelation that was sent to the prophets that came before Muhammad (saw) were all correct. God did not make any mistakes, astaghfirAllah. Muslims do not believe that the ORIGINAL revelations were corrupt. We believe that the bible as printed currently (and in many years past) is corrupted. Man made changes to it and these were the things that Muhammad (saw) was instructed to do away with.
Jesus (pbuh) also at his time came to abolish the law's that had been made by men (regarding religion) that went against or added to what Allah had already revealed.
As far as plagiarized....rofl. That is just plain funny. Do you think Muhammad went to the Barnes and Noble in Medina and picked up the King James version? Maybe the NIV?
2007-09-11 03:37:29
answer #2
answered by ~~∞§arah T∞©~~ 6
The Qur'an has been and still is frequently charged with plagiarizing The Bible; however, whether people believe that to be so or not has not stopped them from downgrading or slandering The Qur'an.
Please keep in mind that The Almighty makes no mistakes. Never has. Never will. As a faith community, Muslims believe Prophet Muhammad (Allah's Peace be upon him) was prophecied to come after Jesus (Allah's Peace be upon him). In other words, we believe that if Jesus was meant to be the last or final prophet of Almighty God, then The Almighty would have made that expressly clear in The Torah/Old Testament and The Gospel/New Testament. If that were the case, there would have been no Prophet Muhammad (Allah's Peace be upon him) and no Qur'an.
In addition, we believe that The Qur'an is the only Scripture which names the way of life (or, people may say "religion") The Almighty established for humanity. We believe that if this was done before and/or during the time of Jesus, then again, there would have been no Prophet Muhammad (Allah's Peace be upon him) and no Qur'an. For us, it's that simple.
2007-09-10 09:37:44
answer #3
answered by Shafeeqah 5
If you were taught the books in first grade, and the same teacher later taught you in fifth grade, does that mean your teacher was not very bright for teaching the same you different books at different times?
With progress in human affairs, the rules had to be kept elevated. Before Moses, Abraham did not even discuss the issues of justice. Jesus in contrast discussed and taught the concepts of Mercy. Our Prophet in my view taught the synthesis of Justice and Mercy, when the Christians began to look down upon justice as something inferior, which is it not.
Just has a place in the scheme of things. Mercy is superior to justice, but does not eliminate justice. In fact, until justice is done first, mercy can not even take place.
Let me give you an example. If you made an allegation that I stole some object. I said no I did not do that. You said, but regardless, I am going to forgive you and have mercy on you. I will be offended as you are not only not doing justice, but you are using mercy to make things worse.
Everything evolved in stages. In our belief evolution of morality is clearly shown in the development of the Bible. Mercy did not come before Justice. Justice was brought over injustice, and mercy was brought to balance out the shortcomings of justice.
If Quran plagiarized the Bible, then you would have seen that the Christians and Jews were already in the vast regions of the East, which they did not reach until after Islam was firmly established in the East. Why was that so. After all Christians had six hundred years of time before our Prophet came about. Why did they not over-run the East, with their ORIGINAL Non-plagiarized beliefs? THINK.
Why did the Jews not take over the World before Christians came along? They had a lot more experience and knowledge.
Everything has a time. Everything evolves at a certain pace. If the Almighty wants to, a false prophet can fall into a well, or off thehorse. A stray arrow can hit him from the back, a rock from the horse in front of his can dash against his head. A scorpion or snake can bite you while resting in the desert.. a bacteria can kill you at a time when there were no anti-biotics.
In contrast, not only did our Prophet not get killed, but turned his entire nation to his single view point. Is that not the greatest miracle for all times? Bush can not get the Will of the Iraqis. USSR or NATO can not force the Afghans to submit to their will. How could an illiterate "false Prophet" do what the most modern of forces are unable to accomplish?
Christianity really spread after the conversion of the Roman Emperor Constantine. Until then things moved slowly at best. Until an emperor Ashoka did not convert to Budhism, that faith did not become popular or wide spread.
Not so with Islam. Think what are the forces at work and why.
You will clearly begin to see the Hand of the Almighty in making the Prophet success beyond the imagination of ANY LEADER in the World who has succeeded through the hard work of a single decade, which has spread and spanned over a thousand years and a hundred thousand kilometers of area. I hope when you see an individual on the street next time, think what are his chances of being a "false Prophet" who would turn one fifth of the globe to his way of thinking, without being a super power, without having enormous money or resources.
Thinking is the key though.
2007-09-10 08:28:52
answer #4
answered by NQV 4
The errors were not made by God, but by man, the biggest error being turning Jesus into God. The original Bible, the Injeel, was indeed the word of God and did not state that Jesus was in any way God's son. But to gain more followers, a couple of hundred years or so after Jesus' death, Christians made him out to be divine.
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was sent to show people they were wrong about Jesus, as well as to put a stop to idol worship etc. If Jesus really was the son of God, why would God send Muhammad (pbuh) to tell them he wasn't? And if Muhammad (pbuh) was - may God forgive me for saying this - jealous of Jesus' divinity then why didn't he ever claim to be God's son himself?
The truth is, God sent Jesus as a prophet, but knew what people would turn him into, so after a few hundred years he sent Muhammad (pbuh) to bring people back to the right path.
And as for your other question, God has said Himself in the Quran that he will protect the Book and it will survive, unchanged, until the End. And so it has. It is exactly the same as it was 1400 years ago.
2007-09-10 09:46:50
answer #5
answered by lykastar 3
Muhammad (SAW) is "The Seal of the Prophets." There will be no more Prophets after him.
The Qur'an is "The Criterion" for the books which came before it.
Now, to answer your questions- No Allah (SWT) does not and cannot make mistakes. The Prophet Isa (Jesus;may Allah be pleased with him) has a message that was so distorted, Paul is telling the world (I've seen this in the Bible) "...has risen on the third day according to MY gospel."
As Christians (as they were identified by their enemies) tried to fit in (adapting pagan practices), more of the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah was changed and distorted.
The 4th century sees the formal introduction of a so-called trinity godhead.
This is the reason (amongst many-Allah knows best) Muhammad came as the last and final Prophet of Allah (SWT).
One thing we all most understand-we all were created to WORSHIP Allah (SWT).
We can love an entity our eyes can't physical see but hate our own flesh and blood. Teachings of the Prophet Isa, like this, may have been lost completely save for the will of Allah (SWT).
2007-09-10 08:39:17
answer #6
answered by سيف الله بطل جهاد 6
Salam :) i'm a Muslim teen residing in Canada. I placed on hijab alhamdullilah and this is for the main area many times occurring right here considering the fact that i stay in a huge city with a vast Muslim inhabitants. I do get the few ignorant comments and idiots in college nevertheless who ask stuff like "yo have been given a bomb below there hahaha". however the toughest area is being distinctive out of your persons. Being a Muslim, events, alcohol relationship boys wearing revealing outfits etc is haram, and jointly as i do no longer opt to try this besides, this is slightly awkward to ought to describe why i do no longer do it to those that evaluate it in effortless terms a factor of being a teenager and its person-friendly to them. Muslims residing in Muslim international places actual have it much less complicated while it is composed of installation in. And with foodstuff this is slightly problematic yet I continually attempt to confirm the label if i'm uncertain of the components. yet i does no longer wanna be the different faith no rely how complicated it gets and how distinctive i believe from anybody else, i'm happy to be Muslim :)
2016-12-16 16:35:58
answer #7
answered by cavallo 4
plagiarized the bible?? does it have any of the MAny Mistakes that the bible has??? does it have any of the scientific inaccuracies?? does it have any of the contradictions ??
God didn't make a mistake, God send the Prophets with the message to worship the One True God, if you look back, that's what Moses said that's what Jesus said, it's the people that change God's word. How do I know that We are not wrong? well simply because we haven't changed any of what God has given us. We didn't start worshipping Mohammed (pbuh) instead of God, as Christians do with their Prophet. And when you say that the ''Quran plagiarized the bible'' that's a pretty silly statemement, if the God of the Quran is the God of the Bible, as we Muslims believe (btw not today's corrupted bible) then of course they're gonna have some similarities and they will tell many of the same things. The Thing is the Quran doesn't have any of the innacuries that you can find in the Christian Bible, Why is that?? How did Mohammed (pbuh) know which parts to ''steal'' ??
And btw your whole arguement is false because even the bible mentions that there were many many Prophets sent to people, so according to our analogy then even the Bible is false.
2007-09-10 08:08:42
answer #8
answered by B 4
There are lots of reasons for Quran to be the truth and that it hasn't plagiarized the bible...
First of all... the belief is that the msg was always the same... but ppl changed it every single time... so there are lots of similarities between the books...
Second of all... compare all the Qurans that are in every single house to the oldest one u can find in a museum or something... NOT a word of it has changed...
NOW... plz tell me how many different versions of the bible exists?
2007-09-10 08:44:45
answer #9
answered by Samantha 6
Well, God never makes any mistakes, but we believe that these mistakes were made by people, they rewrite their holly books millions of times...
We believe that Quran is right since we believe in all the previous religions and prophits...but right ones. Quran was partitioned throughout our prophets life and each part was written Immediately by more than 40 people and the prophit was making sure that everything was right......also, at that time, muslims had to memorize all the verses of when they combined all the verses together, they made sure everthing was right, and there are alot of books that explain this process in a very clear way...
2007-09-10 08:26:45
answer #10
answered by Diana 2