Jesus taught his disciples to pray: “Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.” Our heavenly Father, whose name is Jehovah, is described in the Bible as being superior to his Son. For example, Jehovah is “from everlasting to everlasting.” But the Bible says that Jesus is “the firstborn of every creature.” That Jehovah is greater than Jesus, Jesus himself taught when he said: “My Father is greater than I.” (Matthew 6:9; Psalm 90:1, 2; Colossians 1:15; John 14:28 Yet, the Trinity doctrine holds that the Father and the Son are “equally God.”
The Father’s superiority over the Son, as well as the fact that the Father is a separate person, is highlighted also in the prayers of Jesus, such as the one before his execution: “Father, if you wish, remove this cup [that is, an ignominious death] from me. Nevertheless, let, not my will, but yours take place.” (Luke 22:42) If God and Jesus are “one in essence,” as the Trinity doctrine says, how could Jesus’ will, or wish, seem different from that of his Father? Hebrews 5:7, 8; 9:24.
Furthermore, if Jehovah and Jesus were the same, how could one of them be aware of things of which the other was not? Jesus, for instance, said regarding the time of the world’s judgment: “Concerning that day or the hour nobody knows, neither the angels in heaven nor the Son, but the Father.” Mark 13:32.
2007-09-10 07:33:07
answer #1
answered by LoyalOne 2
If you doggie has babies, are they cats? Are they fish? No, they are doggies. If God has a Son is His Son just a man? No, rather, God begets God. That the Son obeys the Father does not remove the essence of the Son's Deity, nor does it imply that there are two Gods, but rather that this unique being in all the Universe can beget a son which is also Deity, and that being is not separate, but communed (existing in unity).
That's how we can have passages such as John Chapter 1, and Collossians 2:9 that describe the eternal existence of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as being one God, not three.
So the existence of the Son is undeniable, and the Unity and singular nature of God also is undeniable, and so there is harmony when we realize the supernatural is not bound by the physics of the natural, and Jesus Christ is Lord of All.
See Revelation 1:8, then Revelation 2:8...
Who is the First and the Last in Rev 1:8?
Who is the First and the Last in Rev 2:8?
Who is speaking that identifies himself as the Spirit in Rev 2:11? Is He not the same speaker as in Rev 2:8?
What about in Rev 2:17?
What about Rev 2:18?
Isa 9:6 is very clear that the Son that called Mighty God
Isaiah 44:6...who is the First and the Last...and yet declares to be the only can the Son be the Mighty God if there is only one God?
The great mystery (kyrios) of Christ is that two beings existed...the son of man and the Son of the same person!
And so the prophecy goes that in the great and terrible day,
every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
God is one, praise Father, Spirit and Son! Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty!
2007-09-10 08:01:37
answer #2
answered by Just David 5
Jesus, the god of Israel? No thanks - we are looking for someone who actually FULFILLED the prophecies and brought peace to the world. Oh, and didn't die like an animal at the slaughter. That's not the role of the Messiah, in Judaism.
Anyone see anything like this (world peace, no more illness, ingathering of all the Jews to Israel, 3rd Temple built, etc. etc. etc.) since Jesus's time?
No, in fact, the OPPOSITE of those things has happened.
Oh, and there is no concept of a "second coming" in Judaism, never has been and it is irrelevant. If the claimant to the title "Messiah" doesn't fulfill ALL of the prophecies DURING HIS LIFETIME, then he was not the Messiah. Period. There have been literally thousands of claimants to that title over the years, and the same criteria as given by God on Mt. Sinai has been applied to them all - and not one has passed yet, including Jesus.
Please feel free to look at the links below for further information as to what Jews believe, why Jews do not accept Jesus as the Messiah, and what the ACTUAL prophecies are (instead of the hundreds that Christianity has tried to back-engineer into our Torah that aren't even messianic prophecies, or are total mistranslations in their book, etc.). Oh, and also be sure to look at what the circumstances of the REAL Messiah's birth and life are - it's certainly not being created from a "god" and a human virgin, and all that other ancient paganism.
Read these and you'll know more than 99.999 % of Christians, about the original concept of the Messiah and all the circumstances surrounding him. And you'll also know about how the religions of Judaism and Christianity are actually COMPLETELY different, and have basically nothing in common whatsoever. I always think it's so interesting how people just think that the two are the same except that Jews don't accept Jesus. Nothing could be farther from the truth. There is really not even ONE foundational belief in the two religions that's the same. Anyway, please read the links if you're interested in learning about this:
Why the Jews don't believe in Jesus as the Messiah:
What Jews Believe: (if you'd like to find out the real meanings of what's in the Torah, click on "Parsha" in the menu on this site, or go down to the bottom of the page and browse by subject)
Where Christianity got it's foundational doctrines and beliefs:
The actual way that God gave on Mt. Sinai for non-Jews to merit their place in The World To Come:
And of course it goes without saying that there is absolutely no concept of a "triune god" in Judaism. Dividing God up like a pie, into three, is total idolatry. Yes, a person can be a father, son, brother, husband, etc. at the same time. But since when does ONE of those aspects get up, leave the others, walk around for 30 years, get KILLED, then rise back up and sit BESIDE the rest of himself? If anyone believes they are actually capable of this, they are probably suffering from a mental illness and should be on meds. No. God is ONE, not 3-in-1. The Triune God concept is pagan.
2007-09-10 07:50:20
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Good point. However the issue is not IF he obeys his father's commands. Rather the issue is that we SHOULD obey his commands and that his commands come from his father.
Correct, Jesus was under His father's authority. However, as you read you will see that the Father has given Jesus complete authority. The Father still exists, but as an equal with Jesus (in other words-there is no jealousy in the godhead).
2007-09-10 07:38:54
answer #4
answered by Jeff- <3 God <3 people 5
Jesus Christ IS the Christian God. there's a difficulty called the Holy Trinity. there is the father (the Lord of Israel), the Son (Jesus Christ... the Lord's in user-friendly terms Son) and the Holy Spirit (what Jesus left at the back of on the earth to shield Christians till He returns). Jesus' father is The Lord. he's not Christian. he's not a Jew. Christian skill "little Christ" and that's concerning the persons who worship and stick to Christ. Jesus' father would not worship him. they're one. they're portion of the Holy Trinity. they're all God. Jesus substitute into certainly born in Bethlehem. He substitute into Israeli (despite the fact which you won't comprehend it by ways he's depicted in all our artwork and "photos" of Him). You look perplexing unique Christianity with present day Christianity. the unique Christians have been Jesus' disciples. The twelve apostles. After He substitute into crucified and lifted as much as heaven, the information of him (the Gospel) unfold throughout what's now the middle East. as quickly as Rome have been given ahold of it (and Saul substitute into switched over to Paul), it grew to become even larger. Jesus substitute into an Israelite. He substitute into/nevertheless is rejected by his own human beings. using fact of this Jews deny that he's the Messiah. people who believed that he substitute into God interior the flesh are Christians. purely using fact that's customary interior the U. S. and Europe does no longer advise it began right here or that it belongs to us. sounds like human beings in many situations ignore that Jesus is center jap. he's a Jew. His Father isn't something. he's not a guy. he's a no longer a Jew. he's the God of the Jews. you're asking between the toughest questions in Christianity to describe that's the Trinity. that's complicated yet user-friendly. 3 beings (The Lord, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit) are all one.... God.
2016-10-10 07:50:50
answer #5
answered by biever 4
Jesus (the Lord, not lord, Genesis-Malachi) was the Son of God. Yes, Jesus was the prince of peace, not the King of peace. God the Father was Melchisadek King of peace. (See Hebrews 7:3). A son is to obey his father; Jewish and Christian principles. What is your point; if any?
2007-09-10 07:55:13
answer #6
answered by 7
Jesus was never a God of Israel and Israel never never perceived him to be God. The Romans made Jesus God. He also can never be the Prince of Peace for ever since He was given the title, there have been no peace in the world.
2007-09-10 07:41:10
answer #7
answered by Rallie Florencio C 7
I don't know what you're ranting about...Jesus is God...hello...the Trinity! The Trinity explains that Jesus, God and the Spirit are all one being...none has more power over the other. If God is King, then Jesus is King as well (not Prince).
2007-09-10 07:36:49
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
If Jesus is God, then why did He say the Father was greater than He?
Is Jesus the same person as the Father?
Jesus' humbled state and what it means
2007-09-10 07:46:19
answer #9
answered by Rella 6
I don't know what religion you are but I was raised Protestant and I was always taught that God is a Triune God, consisting of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit - Three in One. I don't have my Bible handy to add scripture to this answer but I know it's in there. It's my personal understanding that Jesus was sent down to earth by God, the Father, to help us and in the end suffer and die to save us from our sins. "He sits on the right hand of God and who so ever believes in Him shall have Everlasting Life".
I don't know if that helped or made it more confusing.
2007-09-10 07:36:05
answer #10
answered by shockusa1 1