There is absolutely no reference to crucifixion in the Old Testament because that was a Roman form of execution. Contrary to Soul Shaper's statement the law was not done away with because, Jesus Christ came to fulfill the law. Luke 24:44 Christ states the following, "And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me."
The Mosaic Law encompassed much more than the Ten Commandments. In fact, there are 613 laws or mizvots described in Judaism. By fulfilling the law, with His Crucifixion, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension salvation became available to ALL, not just to the Jews.Acts 13:46 tells us, "Then Paul and Barnabas waxed bold, and said, It was necessary that the word of God should first have been spoken to you: but seeing ye put it from you, and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life, lo, we turn to the Gentiles."
Thus the Gentiles were offered the same salvation once reserved for the Jews. However their unbelief caused them to be lost for eternity unless the accept Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord.
2007-09-10 07:06:06
answer #1
answered by gatita 7
First of all, crucifixion is a Roman, not Jewish practice, and certainly not one mentioned in the Old Testament as a punishment for false prophets. Here are two salient verses about false prophets:
"But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded him to say, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, must be put to death... You may say to yourselves, "How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the LORD ?" If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the LORD does not take place or come true, that is a message the LORD has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him." (Deuteronomy 18:20-22)
The punishment, then, for false prophecy is stoning.
The Jewish people, ultimately, were not the arbiters of whether a prophet was false or not, but whether what they said actually came to pass was the evidence--and, besides, the punishment doesn't determine whether a person was guilty or not.
I think another point is that the crucifixion, while urged by the Jewish authorities, was ultimately carried out by the Roman civil authorities and not by religious rulers.
The Bible does say the following though:
"Be sure to bury him that same day, because anyone who is hung on a tree is under God's curse." (Deuteronomy 21:23)
Paul does address this, in Galatians 3:13:
"Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: 'Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.'"
In other words, yes, what Christ did was take a curse upon himself so that we would not be cursed for our sins.
2007-09-10 04:32:12
answer #2
answered by Kevin S 2
Use logic.
If A, then B. From this, I cannot say that If B, then A. That is not logical, for other things than A can lead to B. I also cannot say If not A, then not B, for (again) other things than A can lead to B. These two are known as the converse and inverse of the logical statement.
I can say, though, If not B, then not A. This is known as the contrapositive.
Thus, we take the statement "If you are a false prophet (A), you are crucified (B)."
Jesus was crucified (B).
You are saying this means Jesus was false (If B, then A). As we see above, this is a false conclusion.
Besides the logic above, which is flawless and simple, the whole POINT of Jesus being crucified was that He did no wrong. He sacrificed Himself, the pure and unspoiled Lamb of God, to pay for the sins of everyone.
2007-09-10 04:27:17
answer #3
answered by Jay 6
I believe no matter how the Bible is analyzed, it is flawed. Strictly discussing only the New Testament, translators had complete discretion over content. If a story wasn’t complete, multiple stories were woven together to form one book. pieces were moved around and put together like a puzzle. When a turn of a phrase seemed to disagree with the King’s Church, it was removed in its entirety. We now know that multiple scrolls of material, intended to be included as part of the Bible, were carefully hidden instead. This was necessary to avoid destruction of both the authors, and the information. Scripted Codices, have slowly been discovered. They’ve been carbon dated and authenticated by experts to prove they were written at the same time the Bible was written. Numerous experts believe these writings were intended to be part of the original Bible. However, it is also true to say that these compositions are still the cause of great debate. The New Testament was written two centuries after The Christ was crucified. Before the Bible was let loose to commoners, these powerful people had just simply raped it. when one controls the religion of a people, they then control those people. This is why it was so important to make sure the Bible only told the stories approved of by the King and his Church. It also explains the hiding of certain texts. If anything written even smacks of freedom for the common man, it must be destroyed. For if it was found that the King was not god, the King could loose his ability to control his kingdom. As the translators were loyal to the King, the Bible was edited very carefully indeed. Speaking only of the New Testament, the Bible remains one of the very best set of life instructions known to man. There is only one, most important law. It is: To love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might, and to love thy neighbor as you love yourself. If this Law is followed to the letter, it isn’t possible to break even one of the old Ten Commandments. When Jesus was born, all prophecies from the Old Testament were fulfilled. The Old Testament passed away with the first coming of the Christ. The Ten Commandments were no longer relevant. This Commandment was the only one needed in order to not sin, and live as God wants man to live.
People limit God and bring Him down to human level. It’s easier to understand God that way. I just wish folks would realize that God has no limits. He can do whatever He wants.
Jesus understood that people needed a sacrifice to believe in God’s forgiveness. Remember the time he came from. Sacrifices were not only commonplace, they were law. So he allowed himself to be the sacrifice. Even though Christ knew His sacrifice wasn't necessary, he allowed it anyway so we could feel, “Saved”, and get, “born again”. This action shows me quite clearly that God and Jesus loves me beyond any human understanding.
2007-09-18 02:05:42
answer #4
answered by Linda B 6
False prophets were not crucified in the old testament, Crucifixion was a roman practice. People were merely stoned or burned, the Rabbis of that age tried to stone him many times. Read the book of Isaiah, it tells of the messiah being lead like a lamb to the slaughter, predicts the exact year of Christ's death, and his betrayal for 30 pieces of silver exactly!!!!!!
Psalms 22 talks of the Crucifixion a thousand years before it happened to Jesus (was part of Gods plan for redemption of man kind), the amazing part is that David would never have seen or heard of a Crucifixion at the point or in his culture.
The bible does say, Cursed is the one who hangs on the tree, So that may be what you got confused on.
In Christ,
2007-09-10 04:31:16
answer #5
answered by JIM 1
It's not nullified. Jesus was tried by the Pharisees as a false prophet and that's why he was crucified because he was declared a false prophet by the Pharisees. The fact that Jesus was crucified and crucifixion was the punishment for a false prophet doesn't make him a false prophet. It's just a man who gets the gas chamber for murder but he was innocent. Just because he got the punishment of a murderer doesn't make him the murderer. Crucifixion was also the punishment for murderers and thieves in Jesus' time so does that make him a murderer and a thief also?
2007-09-10 04:27:40
answer #6
answered by alack81 2
Actually, much of the New Testament is based on the "requirements" that the Old Testament lays for the Messiah (i.e. Joseph being of the bloodline of David, and so on). I agree that the question is loaded with faulty logic, although it is interesting to consider that if any of those requirements were embellished would that make it impossible for Jesus to be the one true God?
2007-09-10 04:31:00
answer #7
answered by V2 1
Nope. there is no crucifixion in the Torah. Crucifixion was an uniquely Roman method of killing. A false prophet would be stoned which, unlike the popular misconception of people standing around throwing rocks at the person, actually invlves pushing the person off a cliff (or high platform if no cliff is available) so he hits the ground head first on a roick- and only then pushing rocks onto him to make sure he dies quickly (assuming the fall hasn't killed him).
2007-09-10 04:26:15
answer #8
answered by allonyoav 7
Even interior the NT, devil has no longer been expelled yet; so, why could desire to the OT talk of it? It does describe devil, whether. And what counts Christians could desire to come to a determination, no longer non-Christians for particular. The e book of interest, of Isaiah, Genesis, etc communicate approximately devil in a fashion that throughout straight forward terms could be attributed to an enemy of God. Zechariah 3:a million-2 Isaiah 27:a million is a clean connection with devil. Its language is nearly comparable to that contemporary in Revelation wherein the sea is depraved mankind and the place devil is obviously pointed out by way of fact the unique Serpent, Dragon. -- Quote edit: "God and devil have been pals. They have been having a communication in heaven. devil replaced into doing God's Will." Edit: ouch properly, have exciting. you have the main suitable on your opinion. now and returned to us human beings, you may look actual, whether it in straight forward terms seems that way. ha ha Why shouldn't God confer with one among his very own sons? What do you think of all the fuss is approximately? It replaced into heaven that fell aside first - then the outcomes arrived at our doorstep and Adam replaced into too stupid to stand as much as the gynecological charm he could desire to have pronounced no to as quickly as she had sinned.
2016-10-18 13:10:20
answer #9
answered by ? 4
A false prophet would be stoned to death, not crucified. And that rule was made by one of the prophets.
Now down to what you think Jesus prophecied falsely. ?????
2007-09-10 04:31:09
answer #10
answered by judysbookshop 4