They never worshiped him, its man made garbage regurgitated like a bird gives its food to its young.
2007-09-16 13:03:40
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Yes they did, absolutly worship Jesus Christ as the one true God.
The beliefs and many of the forms of worship we have today were CREATED by the Apostles as they tried to live the Word that Jesus had given them.
And they knew that Jesus was raised from the dead -- so they never considered Him to be 'defeated' by the Romans. It just gets better now, when we can see how the 'powerless' sect of a murdered carpenter did, indeed conquer the entire Roman empire.
2007-09-10 14:21:52
answer #2
answered by SMBR 5
I'm afraid I must disagree with almost all of the above responses. The apostles knew that Jesus was the son of God, not God himself. Jesus told them that the Father was greater than he was, he told them to pray to our Father, Jesus prayed to his Father, etc. Jesus never said he was God. Jesus said he came to minister to the people, not to be ministered to. He said he came to spread the word about his Father's kingdom. The trinity is not mentioned anywhere in the Bible. Prayer and worship need to be directed toward God, the Father, not to the son. This doesn't mean we should disregard Jesus' sacrifice - far from it. He was the Messiah, and without his sacrifice we'd all be doomed. We shouldn't pray to Jesus, but to God and end the prayer "in Jesus' name." It's like asking Jesus to second the motion that we made in our prayer. I'm sure the apostles were well aware of this. Jesus may have been crucified by the Romans, but it was a victory for mankind. Jesus had said he had bigger things to deal with than the Romans, and when he comes back that's exactly what he's going to do.
2007-09-17 21:43:09
answer #3
answered by alikij 4
They worshiped Him and in fact had a very close personal relationship with Him like we all should have today through faith. Jesus was by no means defeated. He died on the cross to fulfill prophecy of the Messiah and could've saved Himself at anytime but instead took the blunt of our sins through severe pain and suffering. That is how much He loved us. He arose from the grave 3 days later and soon joined His father in Heaven and still sits at His right hand. No defeat there in my opinion.
2007-09-17 20:40:02
answer #4
answered by Angela F 5
Jesus was defeated by the Romans? Which battle?
from the christian point of view, it is not a defeat in any sense of the word, as it was meant to happen. He was also not on the run from them. You oversimplify too much
2007-09-10 11:21:56
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Christ can never be defeated, he is the son of God, he is KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS, read revelations, the battle is over Christ has won, all we are waiting for now is for him to return for his bride, the church, the body of believers out of every nation kindred and tongue, Praise the Lord, come quickly Lord Jesus come quickly.
2007-09-17 20:43:29
answer #6
answered by victor 7707 7
They did indeed worship Jesus as God.
2007-09-17 13:08:37
answer #7
answered by Anonymous