History tells us that Global Warming has been a time of increased food production and variety, of new discoveries in both arts and sciences, and of finding new homes for growing populations.
I have to gather that these are all bad things, from what I read on how terrible Global Warming is. However, I have failed to find records of massive flooding, severe storms, new deserts forming, in the records of the last big warming, the MWP.
So I am dubious that all the terrible things projected by the Global Warming enthusiasts of our time are supported by the history of the last such time.
I believe rather if we stop expecting doom and disaster, and make allowances for the expected 3 foot rise in ocean levels, currently calculated to occur over several hundred years as the massive ice caps slowly melt, we can have more food, more land for people to live in, more time for arts and sciences, again. And if we are not terrorized into turning over everything to those who want to deprive us of our freedoms and our monies, to enrich a few people and some shadowy big international companies dealing in Carbon Credits and international deforestation for monocropping for immediate big profits, and instead let all scientists work freely without pressures and sanctions and muzzling, we will come out pretty well.
I am not sure about it improving the deserts, but it will give us more shallow sea area to grow fish and other marine foods in quantity, and possibly even live on our underwater plantations in underwater houses. We have lots of time before the water gets appreciably deeper to plan and build.
And with more resources and less money spent in subsistence expenses, we ought to be able to work on irrigation of the deserts, and on getting energy and raw materials from Space.
Of course, from History too we know what can happen when science is subverted by alliance with the government and a state "religion". Think Dark ages, inquisitions, and serfdom for most. Let's not repeat THAT history; we should have learned from it what to avoid, I hope.
2007-09-10 08:48:32
answer #1
answered by looey323 4
It's not. I would love to have milder winters, it can get pretty cold here. LONger growing seasons, better health (not being stuck in a polluted house for 3 or more months each year breathing in fumes and concentrated dust and such) getting more exercise, it would take a book to tell the benefits.
you know what's funny? when they talk about all the harm of global warming people dont' stop and think about what would happen to the intensity and numbers of flooding, intensity of storms and the amount of crops if the temperature would go back down to before the car? if we drop one degree we would still have the same floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, shifting of the ice caps, melting, freezing etc.
so the increase in global temperatures are not causing this, it was already happening. If global temps were going down, then they would blame global cooling for all these devestating events. Though man is affecting the temperature a bit around the big cities due to heat island affect, and affecting water tables, and rivers and such with developement mismangement, or diverting rivers or whatever or putting a lake in where one was't previously. some of the fires out west and flooding is caused by this mismangement and has nothing to do with the climate.
Anyone hear of lake pleasant in arizona? manmade lake. Did you know the caspian sea was expanding in size? did you know global warming might be the cause? no just kidding, actually what happend is the land in that country are considered the commons and as result no one really owns them and as a result no one cares what their impact was so companies just go in a take resources without regard to the harm they are causing. as a result the peebles found along the sea was valuable and they harvested tons and tons of it and this causes serious erosion and thus the beaches were devestated. The same with the timber around the caspian sea they chopped down every last tree. I bet if someone ever brings that to the attention of the public they would say global warming did it.
Helps one appreciate the importance of private property rights. if I owned that beach I would use it carefully. If one doesn't own it one just uses it up.
Global warming Is only designated as doomsday to get MONEY!!!! no one is going to spend money on a nonproblem. And taxation for it wouldnt go down to well with people thus causing a revolution. If it wasn't global warming it would be something else. They wouldn't have an excuse to regulate us to death and hinder freedom of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness (or property).
2007-09-10 09:20:20
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
It isn't. Many good things occure when the climate warms. Compaired to global cooling, we should all do our part to insure that we never again see another ice age.
2007-09-10 02:29:29
answer #3
answered by Dr Jello 7
Global warming is not good... It can cause many storms, floods, tempenture differences, along with our pollution is killing so many people with Lung Cancer, and people with asthma are suffering too. Please visit: http://www.dogwalkeraz.com/survey.htm and let us know what you think about pollution, once you send it then you can see ways to help this and you can also see what others have said. Thanks so much and take care!
2007-09-10 14:37:13
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
So many resons.
1. It will increase the sea level, so that most or europe, australia, parts of USA, eastern cost of India, China, Bangladesh etc. will be sink into sea.
2. Overall changes in climate. Tropical region average temperature will increase by 2 degree. Where as increase in temperature along Europe will be around 12 degree centigrade.
3. Some places there will be excess of rain and will results flood. Some places will face severe draughts.
4. Increase in tornados and typhones. Bing increase in narural calamities.....etc...etc...etc.....
2007-09-09 22:44:50
answer #5
answered by Shreeprasad V 2
it's a bad thing if they raise taxes and steal freedom from the people.
other than that, i'm cool with it.
2007-09-10 03:02:28
answer #6
answered by afratta437 5
It may at first, and the other "positive" consequences may also occur-- in the short term. Those that would follow are much less attractive.
2007-09-10 02:02:52
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
because it's a tax/power ruse that plays on your fears.
2007-09-10 01:48:47
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
It's changing the weather. Can you explain the Hurricane Katrina, Tsunami, etc? The weather is getting 'better and better'
Even the weather forecast are unpredictable nowadays.
2007-09-09 22:32:27
answer #9
answered by Beach bum 4
Because its liberal hot air
2007-09-09 22:38:21
answer #10
answered by Anonymous