why do most people including scientists say that the sun rises and sets each day?
because its the perspective from the earth.
and that is the same case with Joshua.
2007-09-09 13:34:15
answer #1
answered by opalist 6
Considering the fact that certain incidents differ from one gospel to another, the Bible cannot be the inerrant word of God. For example, the synoptic gospels place the famous scene where Christ removes the moneychangers from the temple at the end of His ministry - basically the last act leading to the crucifixion. The Gospel of John has the incident occurring near the beginning of Christ's ministry. In Luke one of the criminals who is crucified with Christ chastises the other for insulting Christ (saying that they were getting the punishment that they deserved), while other gospels make no mention of this confession of conscience. You also make mention of 2nd Timothy 3, which was a letter from Paul to Timothy. Some people consider this to be scripture, but there's no reason to believe that Paul considered his correspondence with Timothy (or anyone else) to be scripture. He was writing letters of exhortation to fledgling churches, not writing a gospel or delivering prophecy. There's reason to believe that most - if not all - of the texts in the New Testament date from the first or early second centuries. They were widely used by Christians of many varied sects and denominations. The New Testament as we know it - a collection of 27 texts - can only be reliably traced back as far as the 39th Festal letter of Athanasius (367 A.D.). As individual texts they express eyewitness accounts of Christ and the apostles, and therefore bear occasional discrepancies (as eyewitness accounts usually do). Seen as a collection, those discrepancies become contradictions and prevent the collection from being the "inerrant word of God".
2016-05-20 22:23:29
answer #2
answered by gladis 3
Once again there is confusion and misinterpretation of what is said in God's Word, both who is responsible for actions being taken and the literal versus figurative language used within the Bible. This is a very common attempt to confuse the uneducated and lead them astray from God's Word.
Joshua didn't stop the sun. God stopped the sun. Next, the sun was not stopped in the literal way but relative to the human perspective. It doesn't take a Harvard education to figure that out.
2007-09-09 13:48:55
answer #3
answered by Wookie 3
You didn't know that the sun orbits too? I guess you didn't hear the news. Not only does the earth orbit around the sun, but the sun orbits too. Get your facts right. Oh, and there's no such thing as atheism... "We can't live wihtout faith. Try it. Say to yourself, 'Today, I refuse to exercise any faith at all.' Then before you eat your corn flakes, go through every flake, scientifically testing it before you eat it...Before you drink your coffee, don't trust that the cup is perfectly clean. Wash it out yourself. Don't use untested water, in faith...If you decide to take a taxi to work, you will have to trust your life to the vehicle and the taxi driver, and trust the other drivers to stay on their side of the road...Believe me, we either live in faith or fall victim to paranoia. If, then, faith so evidently surrounds us, why should it be so offensive? The professing atheist thinks that if he can get rid of any thought of faith, he can get rid of Christianity. In trying to do so, he saws through the branch he is sitting on. His own faith in the erroneous information he has makes him think he is atheistic in his beliefs." Here's a couple of questions for you. "First, do you know the combined wieght of all the sand on all the beaches of Hawaii? I think I can safely assume that you don't. This brings us to the second question: Do you know how many hairs are on the back of a fully grown male Tibetan yak? Probably not. Therefore, it is reasonable for me to conclude that there are some things you don't know. It is important to ask these questions because there are some people who think they know everything...To say categorically, 'There is no God,' is to make an absolute statement. For the statement to be true, I must know for certain that there is no God in the entire universe. No human being has all knowledge. Therefore, none of us is able to truthfully make this assertion. IF YOU INSIST upon disbelief in God, what you MUST say is, 'Having the limited knowledge I have at present, I BELIEVE there is no God.' Owing to a lack of knowledge on your part, you don't KNOW if God exists. So, in the srict sense of the word, you cannot be an athiest. The only true qualifier for the title is the One who has absolute knowledge, and why on earth would God want to deny his own existence?"
There you go...
2007-09-09 13:44:11
answer #4
answered by love&&life 3
Hey, guess what else He did! He raised His son from the dead, created the universe and everything in it, flooded the world, foretold the future, gave rise to a king so powerful, that this entire planet could not contain His dominion. He brought the plagues on Egypt, He felled Goliath, and He stopped the sun (the passage of the Earth around the sun). Wow. What has evolution given us? You know, besides a pancreas.
2007-09-09 13:33:13
answer #5
answered by KJLONG 3
Because it was a description, and you cannot describe stopping the sun to people who don't know the Earth orbits the sun. You have to speak the language of the people you're dealing with. Should I have typed this in Swahili?
I thought atheists were supposed to be so logical.
2007-09-09 13:32:40
answer #6
answered by babbie 6
The same way that the weather man can tell you that sunrise tomorrow will be at 6:30am and you understand that he means that the earth's rotation will be such that daylight from the sun will start hitting your part of the world at that time.
2007-09-09 13:27:44
answer #7
answered by Martin S 7
One of many errors. There is nothing in the BuyBull that couldn't have been written by any literate person living in the mideast in the 1st century.
Oh man, someone is dumb enough to believe what Ray Comfort says! LOL!! Didn't you see him and Kirk Cameron get PWNED by the Rational Response Squad?
2007-09-09 13:29:47
answer #8
answered by mattgo64 5
It says the sun and moon stood still meaning the earth stopped rotating and the moon stopped revolving (this may be proof they are correlated).
If God is omnipotent this is easily achievable.
2007-09-09 13:29:21
answer #9
answered by Holy Holly 5
It magically transformed from literal to metaphorical once it became obvious to anyone with a brain stem that the Earth rotates around the Sun.
I wish they would hurry up with Evolution.
2007-09-09 13:29:11
answer #10
answered by robert 6