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God has shown me very clearly that it is his perfect will that every one of his children be physically healed. It is a blessing which the Lord Jesus has already paid for; just as He paid for our salvation by the shedding of his blood. Jesus has been teaching me on this subject for several years. I am now at a point where I need to join a new church. I have been visiting a particular church for quite some time. However, when I asked the pastor if he believed that it was God's perfect will to heal us all, He told me that if this were so, He told me that if it were so, then Jesus would not of had to go to the cross; which makes no sense at all to me, concerning this matter. For Jesus going to the cross had nothing whatsoever to do with us being physically healed. The pastor seems to deliberately avoid ever teaching about this particular matter. I believe that Jesus has already paid the cost for our physical healing. Do you believe that I should go ahead and join this church, or move on?

2007-09-09 10:14:34 · 15 answers · asked by Calvin S 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

only you can make that decision. Do you feel happy and welcome at the church? Despite your disagreements with the pastor do you feel like this place could be like a second home to you? You can search far and wide and I doubt you'll ever find a pastor who agrees with everything you believe 100%. Just follow your heart and I'm sure you'll find where you belong. Good luck

2007-09-09 10:23:27 · answer #1 · answered by MoonWater 3 · 1 0

Hi. I was just talking to someone today about a church who broke away from a larger group because of this very issue - "is divine healing in the atonement"?

you have to be true to your convictions. If joining the church means that you have to sign a statement or declare that you are in agreement with the church's doctrine on healing, then obviously you cannot do that (if the church has an "official position").

but on the other hand, if people in the church have different viewpoints on healing - or if the pastor would welcome you as a member despite this difference - then you could join without being untrue to your convictions.

the pastor just might be deliberately avoiding teaching the subject because he isn't sure about it himself, he doesn't want to alienate people, etc.

In that case, maybe God would want you to be there and be a blessing and offer your thoughts when appropriate, etc.

Certainly God wants you to support and pray for the pastor - even if you are not an "official" member.

I go to a church that believes some things I do not agree with - but I try to be a blessing, supportive, in prayer ,etc.

We need God's guidance, don't we?

god bless

2007-09-09 10:34:36 · answer #2 · answered by happy pilgrim 6 · 1 0

In 2 Timothy 4:20 Paul leaves Trophimus sick in Miletus. Paul himself was not healed of the thorn in his flesh which was most probably a physical ailment, and in all likelihood, a disease of the eyes. But Paul accepted this state of affairs as a source of grace in his life. He said "when I am weak, then I am strong" because he recognized the fact that it is troubles and ailments that drive us closer to the Lord. Believers have to be prepared for tribulation. In John 16:33 Jesus did not specify what that tribulation would be - it could be a bad marriage, rebellious children, a terrible boss, a nagging wife, persecution for our faith or sickness. Anything! Look up the meaning of tribulation in any good dictionary and you will find that it does not discount sickness or ill health. The Christian life is no bed of roses. If you want to follow the Lord and be a true disciple indeed you have to accept whatever he sends your way. Just look at Job. Over and above his financial worries and the bereavement of all his children he was plagued with sickness and sores all over his body and yet the almighty God Himself couldn't resist boasting about him to Satan - that he was a righteous man.

You better think long and hard whether you want to be a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ or live a comfortable life free of any tribulation which is the lot of not just Christians but every human being; and the reason is sin.

The day is coming when all of creation will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God (Romans 8:21) but until that day, things will not be perfect - there will continue to be illness, death, sorrow and suffering.

God has given us common sense enough to take care of our health as well as the daily necessities we need to maintain that health - food to eat, water to drink and air to breathe. Let us use the common sense that He has given us and not expect to be given health and wealth on a golden platter when we decide to follow Christ who Himself had not where to lay His sacred head.

2007-09-10 03:53:21 · answer #3 · answered by jael 2 · 0 0

No church is perfect. Pray God will guide you to where He wants you. Your choice of church should not be entirely a matter of personal preference, but also a matter of the Lord's leading.

Read these to help you use discernment in your search:


Actually, I believe that Jesus going to the cross did have something to do with providing for our healing, although like you, I don't understand that pastor's remark.

You might like Larry Huch Ministries (although of course you still need a local church).

2007-09-09 10:42:06 · answer #4 · answered by Rella 6 · 0 0

It is probably because he doesn't know the answer and gave you the standard reply for everything.

It is true but he does not know that. Jesus' sacrifice enabled us to be brought back in line to God's original purpose for man. In this case, our living forever in perfect health. Remember why man dies? Romans 5:12 shows because Adam broke his one law he had, death spread to us all. But think of it, if Adam had not done that, where would we be now? Death and disease was the punishment for law breaking. What sense does it make for that to be a great punishment if we were designed to get sick and die anyway?

Humans were designed to live forever as medicine points out. They can not figure out why we die from old age. Throughout the Bible, we are promised everlasting life as servants of the only true God. Only shortly before his death did Jesus mention for a small group to have a heavenly life as kings and priests with him in his kingdom. Everyone else has an earthly paradise hope to keep God's original purpose for the earth of inhabited by perfectly healthy humans whose job is to make the entire earth a paradise.

God does not leave projects hanging. When He wants something done, it happens. On that earthly paradise, Revelations ch. 21 shows "every tear will be wiped out of their eyes and death will be no more, nor morning or pain." Now that does not mean literal tears as the eyes need them but the reasons we cry...death, disease, sickness..that pain will be no more. We will be healed then.

Now you see why that preacher had no answer for you, he never will.

2007-09-09 10:45:04 · answer #5 · answered by grnlow 7 · 0 0

I'm just curious, do you believe this healing may happen after death? Is that what you mean by "God's perfect will?" Because I have sure seen a lot of people die of disease, accident, etc...people who prayed for healing. And don't try telling me they lacked faith. As for the rest of your question, you're never going to find a church that believes everything the same as you do. if you do it's probably a cult...

2007-09-09 10:22:33 · answer #6 · answered by keri gee 6 · 0 0

You will never find a church that you are perfectly satisfied with. There will always be someone or something with which you do not agree.
If it is a little thing, ignore it. If it is a BIG thing to you, move on.

I will say that I disagree with you. If what you believe is so, then no one would ever get sick.

Now, I do believe that sometimes a person is "healed" through death. No more pain....no more disease....just peace in Heaven.

2007-09-09 10:24:17 · answer #7 · answered by batgirl2good 7 · 1 0

The Bible says that at the beginning of the great tribulation, Satan will be loosed to assault the churches and congregations with false gospels near the end of the time:
And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison. Revelation 20:7
And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ariseth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them. Revelation 11:7
And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. Revelation 13:7
They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. John 16:2

Search for "THE END OF THE CHURCH AGE ... AND AFTER by Harold Camping Family Radio: http://www.familyradio.com

2007-09-09 10:32:21 · answer #8 · answered by JESUS means: JAHWEH is Salvation 2 · 0 0

If god has shown you that "it is his perfect will that every one of his children be physically healed," then why does my aunt still have only one arm and one leg?
And why did he allow her to be born that way to begin with?

2007-09-09 10:23:44 · answer #9 · answered by DontPanic 7 · 0 0

You believe whatever you want to believe and let others believe whatever they want to believe. If you can't find a church that suits you, start your own, lots of people do.

2007-09-09 10:21:07 · answer #10 · answered by tentofield 7 · 0 0

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