some people just like the sound of their own voice
my husband always says
better to be quiet and thought of as being stupid
than to speak and prove it
2007-09-09 09:37:57
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Have you ever noticed that someone can put a Buddha on their desk or stick a Wiccan bumper sticker on their car, and while people may wonder about it a little, no one gets all upset about it. But, if someone puts a cross on their desk or sticks a Christian fish or bumper sticker on their car, or mention the name of Jesus, some people will be so offended they get almost violent about it--like the way some people answered the question you referred to?
I think I know the reason why--but first, let me answer the people who want to know why I feel I need a cross on my desk and a fish on my car and why I might make a reference to my Savior.
If you found a medicine that cured every disease in the world, wouldn't you want to tell people about it? Of course you would! If for no other reason, so you could reap the rewards! That's how Christians feel about Jesus and it is hard NOT to talk about Him! My life has CHANGED since I turned it over to Jesus. Woo hoo! I feel so much more at peace with the world and full of joy, my life has purpose. I can see Jesus at work every day--it's amazing! I don't want to offend anybody, I want to share what I have! For me the hard part is keeping my mouth shut! And I do find it odd that I can tell folks when I find a new shampoo--but they don't want to hear about what has transformed my life.
Unfortunately, I realize that some pushy or misinformed or well meaning but overzealous Christians, or evil people calling themselves Christians, have put a bad taste in some very good nonchristians' mouths. I ask forgiveness for when I have been that Christian. But if a person buys one car that is a lemon, are they going to hate all cars for the rest of their lives? That's how it seems to me sometimes.
Now, back to why I think some people react so negatively to any reference to Christianity--I believe they react so strongly because either the Holy Spirit is working on them and they are fighting it, or Satan is working on them, or both.
To me, that's just one more argument for Jesus being real. Otherwise, why would it make such a strong reaction in people? Think about it.
2007-09-09 10:29:43
answer #2
answered by Share 2
It IS an open forum. You inevitably get silly and/or rude answers.
You would have to admit the Bookish's answer is not rude it is true. The asker did not give enough information in the question and many Christian songs contain those lyrics.
PS: It is Sunday. There are prolly plenty of answers from kids on here.
2007-09-09 09:39:35
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
There seems to be on YA! R&S a definite chunk of the Atheist community that I really don't think are actually Atheists. They do seem to have a definite amount of hatred for any concept of Deity, and anyone who has a belief in Deity.
If you really don't believe, then why is there so much negative emotion? You don't invest that much energy in hating something that you don't believe in...
But, I do agree with Pangel (hugs Backatcha)
Hail Eris! All Hail Discordia!
2007-09-09 09:52:14
answer #4
answered by Hatir Ba Loon 6
Dont I know it I had a person named God curse me out on a post and call me evil names I reported him because he/she was nasty and abusive and the fact the the true living God does not talk like that at all. The Bible says love is not ride and self seeking there is a reason why the Lord has that in the love chapter of 1 corinthians 13. Peace be with you and thanks for posting. E4G
2007-09-09 12:25:05
answer #5
answered by encourager4God 5
it's the sign of the times... the bible prophecies about the truth coming to light... about satan and the deceived... all these things are omens of the truth and who truely serves evil... we can't help it just because the christians fell for serving satan and call him god.. doesn't mean the real powers that be will let it slide... So we can simply say in our defense that our GOD, what ever that may be has spoken through us...
2007-09-09 11:53:45
answer #6
answered by Gypsy 2
Sometimes people are rude about their differing opinions of religion and that extends to someone asking about a religious hymn. Did they need to make the comments that they made, no. If someone wishes to follow a religious path, then let them and enjoy that you are allowed the freedom of religion or to not follow any religion at all!
2007-09-09 09:39:39
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Probably for the joy of it. I love smashing people's taste in music, too, but not always in a public forum. I don't mind having my taste in music smashed by others, either. Go ahead and make fun of Tool. Or 1970's punk rock. I don't mind. I'll still listen to it just as loud!
2007-09-09 09:39:37
answer #8
answered by That Guy 4
Not to be mean, but isn't Pyhllis like that on just about every question asked by a religious person...
2007-09-09 09:42:53
answer #9
answered by ? 3
Sad, intolerant and rude. Unfortunately, I see that all too often on here. Never have understood why Christians are accused of being so hateful and intolerant when those very responses are commonplace on here.
for shame
2007-09-09 09:38:45
answer #10
answered by Loosid 6
Need you ask????? The disrespect for God and especially for the name of Jesus Christ is so evident...Remember...the bible tells us "the love of many will wax cold" we are living in a day and time when everything goes and nothing is sacred....absolutely nothing....Paul says to us in the last days scoffers will arise
2007-09-09 09:43:11
answer #11
answered by Moza 3