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well im not sure whether i would be preggas because i had my period on the 27th of last month im not sick or anything just dizzy every now and then. but my boobs are bloody sore and getting bigger by the day, worse when it is cold. and havent had sex after my period. (plenty before but not after) it is probally a really stupid question but i thought i would ask what are the symptoms of pregnancy anyways. i always thought u would have to be sick well anyways

2007-09-09 06:19:37 · 12 answers · asked by cool bannas 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

12 answers

Bigger by the day? Well, I haven't had any formal training, but I will gladly have a good look at them for you.

2007-09-09 06:23:20 · answer #1 · answered by Phil McCracken 5 · 5 2

It is possible that you are pregnant. Some women have had a period after getting pregnant, or at least something very similar. Also, not every woman experiences morning sickness to the same extent or at the same time. Either way if you're concerned, get it checked out by a doctor instead of the nut cases on Yahoo.

2007-09-09 13:26:56 · answer #2 · answered by rohak1212 7 · 2 0

As a mother of five, I can tell you my first symptoms were my breasts, they got larger, very tender and achy, my belly itchy after a while...also soon, if you haven't already, you'll see a dark line that goes down your mid section from the mid belly to the top of your pubic hair. Also, though i never had morning sickness, you become very sensitive to smells, things that didn't bother you...will now...also the sight of some foods..like dried out meats...and other things may make you feel nauteous...my big thing...i couldn't stand in lines for long...as i'd feel lightheaded and dizzy..also, i had light periods till like 5 mo...diff was they were more like spotting n not an actual period.

2007-09-09 16:54:50 · answer #3 · answered by hello kitty 2 · 0 0

Morning sickness is not necessarily an early symptom of pregnancy. I didn't feel sick until week 12. Most women have symptoms that are very similar to getting your period. There is only one way to know for sure..do a test!

2007-09-09 18:41:39 · answer #4 · answered by impnaughton 3 · 0 0

Well everyone get different symptoms when pregnant and some get none at all except their stomach get swollen. Having big and sore breasts are one of the symtoms. The usual symtoms are current trips to bathroom to pee.maybe a headache. a backache sometimes. Even if you have these symptoms you might or might not be pregnant. But it would be good to take a test or go to the doctor or if you want just ride it out and see if you get fat.

2007-09-09 13:44:55 · answer #5 · answered by bxshorty064 2 · 0 0

some people just a sick to the stomach. some are sore like you mentioned there are so many things that can or canot happen. some people never get sick by the way. get a test and find out.

2007-09-12 22:26:23 · answer #6 · answered by Tsunami 7 · 0 0

not eveyone is sick when pregnant but they feel sick it might be cos your due on your monthlys but you shouldnt be if you just finished, alot of women get sore boobs and they are very sensitive when they are due on. if you are worried go and see the doctor and tell him what you are feeling

2007-09-09 14:24:41 · answer #7 · answered by NIKKI 3 · 0 0

my boobs were well sore for a couple of weeks running up to when i found out i was preggers.thats the only symtoms i had.i was around 4 weeks.

2007-09-09 13:24:22 · answer #8 · answered by #kjm# 2 · 1 0

No idea cos im a guy but just so you feel better my boobs are getting bigger too

2007-09-09 13:25:02 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

GO GET A PREGNANCY TEST! if you have had sex theres a chance you could be pregnant.

2007-09-09 13:52:14 · answer #10 · answered by llllll_amanda_lllllll 6 · 2 0

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