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Why would a truly loving, benevolent god discriminate about who lives, dies, suffers, lives joyously? It makes no sense..... thoughts please?

2007-09-07 12:17:43 · 18 answers · asked by Yogini 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Alright, say you pray for your cancer to be cured and suddenly it is but another very devout person prays and nothing happens.... why? I don't buy the 'it's god's will' philosophy as it seems unloving and unkind.

2007-09-07 12:25:23 · update #1

No one to take responsibility in my life? That is unkind..... I don't have to defend myself against nonsensical attacks and I won't... I have a feeling that you are many years younger but thank you for calling me 'lady', you would be correct..

2007-09-07 12:30:59 · update #2

18 answers

I agree 100%. If he exist, why does he discriminate? The reason I say this is as follows. Christians claim that God performs miracles on the sick and injured all the time. He does everything from cure cancer to help people recover from injuries, that normally would be deadly. If this is the case, as Christians claim, and he really has helped people in these ways, why has he NEVER caused an amputee regrow a lost limb. This has never happened. Not one time. Does god have something against these people, even though many are faithful Christians? I cannot believe that god doesn't help these people, because it happened to every single one of them for a reason or to teach them something, or for some other inane reason. I just don't understand it. If god is all powerful, this surely isn't beyond his grasp. This only leads me to believe that he chooses not to help them. The only reason I can come up with to explain this phenomenon is that he doesn't exist or if he does, he isn't as loving as many Christians would lead you to believe.

2007-09-07 12:51:35 · answer #1 · answered by Danny 6 · 1 2

God does not "discriminate". The rain falls on the just & the unjust alike. Yes, it is a manner of giving an "easy" answer to say that it is God's will which gives it a brief but still truthful answer. But I am thinking you are looking for a bit more of an "answer" than just that? There are MANY things that happen to us in this lifetime. Things that SEEM unfair at the time. Some things are even above our level of understanding. But I do KNOW this much, that currently we see only a "piece of the puzzle" of life, which outside of the context (or being able to see the WHOLE picture completed) seems a bit scattered or difficult to accept. But we as Christians have come to realize that ALL things happen for a specific reason...even the sufferings that we endure. We may not understand the "why" of it now..but we WILL. (God's word says that ALL things happen for our benefit (or our good) and more importantly for His Glory) But as an example...let's say a man & a woman that do not have any faith or very limited faith...(In Christ) these 2 have a baby...let's say the baby gets very ill...causing the man & woman to seek medical help...the doctor's do all they can but to no avail..these 2 people turn to the Lord & pray because they FEEL they are out of "options" ..let's say the child dies...but still the mother & father hang on to their faith and eventually they have other children. Now let's jump forward to the "End times" when all things are "complete" we see the whole picture. Had the first child lived, the faith of the couple would have "disipated" & ALL the family would have been lost....but because the child dies...ALL the family are now in heaven with Christ...ALL are happily living together in a place FAR greater & far happier than anything they could have EVER imagined.
So...would God NOT have been MORE loving to allow the one child to be TEMPORARILY separated from the parents..to the benefit of ALL?! Even though for a VERY short time (when compared to eternity) they had to be separated?!
That is one possiblity of the "bigger picture" that God alone "sees" that we here do not...we only see the momentary issues. We that have a relationship with Christ have a future HOPE that God will fufill His promise to a "happily ever after" for us! (and he hasn't broken ONE promise yet!) So why doubt that He won't fulfill the rest!
Hope that "helps" maybe a little?

2007-09-07 22:50:08 · answer #2 · answered by maranatha132 5 · 0 1

It all goes back to Adam and Eve. They had it made, no sickness, no death, nothing bad. They lived in Eden worry free, having kids (nobody knows how many, but it had to be quite a lot) with no pain, everything was going spendidly, until that stupid fruit. Because of that, God let us alone, let us live our lives without His constant interference. Thus we get sick, we die, we suffer. He doesn't make us sick, but He doesn't interfere. Kinda like when a serial killer decides to kill, God doesn't interfere, because basically, that would be interfering with bad dudes free will. It's the ultimate non-discrimation. He doesn't want bad things to happen, but if He fixed everything or stopped all the bad from happening, we wouldn't really be living our own lives, would we? We'd be controlled. So yeah, I'd like it if kids didn't get cancer or any other diseases, but that's not how it works. It's not that the bad things happen, it's how we deal with it when it does happen. He never told us life was fair.

We seem to believe it's all here, everything. What we forget is that our lives are just a very short bleep in eternity. The suffering here is nothing compared to eternity. I'm thinking that those who suffer the most here, are rewarded the most there, hence the "meek will inherit the earth". The movers and shakers, the wealthy, the powerful, will not be the powerful in heaven.

2007-09-07 19:43:21 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

We had a chance at his perfect will and it was rejected by disobedience. We call this the Fall and it corrupted Gods design. Now we live with the consequences.

As for who lives, dies, suffers, etc... The rain falls on the just and unjust. God intervenes and only he knows why. Saints were martyred and even his chosen people were sent into captivity. Few if any will get out of this world alive. As for suffering Paul was told "my grace is sufficient." You must remember we have a better place to go to and no matter how bumpy this one is it will be as if waking from a bad dream. Give it a few minutes and you will no longer recall it. (don't believe me? Ask a woman during child labor and after.)

Now living joyously is up to you. If you live your very life for God and offer up everything as a pleasing sacrifice you will live joyously even when the hard times hit. Paul is a good example of this and it is seen throughout his letters.

Let us not forget Jesus, Gods only son. He did not spare him, because of us. So, are you better than Gods own son?

2007-09-07 19:39:10 · answer #4 · answered by crimthann69 6 · 1 1

Your question for Godly discrimination, shows that you have Pre-conceived idea that How world should work, move, grow and decay.

So this lands you in the Seat of God directly.
And many humans , thinking that they are doing great service to humanity start to spread that God is Unjust, or there is No God.

When You get good job, good house, good food good comforts you feel it is your effort,rightful right, luck. But when you loose out on any thing ... Blame it one God.telling Godly discrimination... Head you win and tails I loose...! Humans have the tendency to find the cause of unhappiness to some Unseen force and God is readily available. No one will look at the faulty system of Exploitation and Discrimination in society, business, politics, religion. Even schools. where Evey one is not treated equally

Ambitions makes one cruel and cold blooded competitions adds fuel to fire. No God can help any one save from this fire from discrimination

2007-09-08 05:31:17 · answer #5 · answered by krishprud@yahoo.co.in_KISHORLAL 6 · 0 0

God does not discriminate. He just has in own plan, Does not the Potter have Power over the clay. My mother died when I was two, I didn't know her. Thats seems so unfair. But I don't have the right to question Gods authority, Sure I have gotten mad before and screamed at God about it but it does no good. Now that I am older God has given me peace about it. I don't know the future, God does, What if something worse than cancer was going to happen to her. We just don't know why the good Lord does what he does we just have to believe that he is doing it for our best. Remember Romans chapter 8 verse 28. I just choose to believe that and go on. As a matter of fact the Holy Spirit just showed me something recently I will share with you, a local lady that runs a childrens home died recently, she was 62. She took in orphans and crippled kids and all sorts of non wanted children. God showed me by somebody elses dream that she had another job in Heaven to do until the rapture comes. In the Preachers dream all the children that are aborted ever year in this country and around the world of course go to heaven and they are so many of them that someone watches over a set amount of them. So it is my belief that she is busy in heaven. Jesus does love you and me and everybody else, he died on a cross for us. We just have to let him be God and we have to have the faith to follow him, Where ever he leads I will go. I hope you can say, it is well with my soul....

2007-09-07 19:46:01 · answer #6 · answered by victor 7707 7 · 0 1

We have free will and it's up to actions and attitude in life if you end up happy or miserable. We have to take responsability for our own lives instead of blaming God or anything else for our thoughts and actions.

Everyone has to die at some point even though it seems unfair that some people don't get to live a full life span. Cancer isn't about God wanting us to suffer, there are possible explanations for illness outside of God being the direct cause.

2007-09-07 20:07:05 · answer #7 · answered by xanadu88 5 · 1 1

Why do you think ones that pass over now, are luckier than the ones who pass on after years of heartbreak, pain and anguish. Are you judging what's better for each one?

We may discriminate against the poor of this world, it doesn't mean God is discriminating, He may have a 'great' plan for that fellow. Why should we be the judge of his life. And heck if he knows what's going to happen in his future, and what has even happened in his past.

2007-09-07 19:38:13 · answer #8 · answered by Blank 4 · 0 1

God doesn't descriminate. He loves everyone equally. People live and die because that's life. The bible says the rain falls on the just and the unjust, meaning, no one is singled out for special things or for suffering.

You don't "buy the 'it's God's will' philosphy". Well do you buy the "God gave us free will" idea? If God controlled us, no one would sin, there would be world peace, everyone would get along and be happy....and we would be robots. Think "the Stepford Wives".

2007-09-07 20:29:48 · answer #9 · answered by kaz716 7 · 1 1

God doesn't discriminate against anyone nor is he the cause for death and suffering. Unfortunately, most religions and religious leaders won't tell you the truth of the Bible:The three reasons for the reason the world and humans are the way they are is 1-Satan the Devil, 2-Human imperfection, 3-the deviation from God's purpose for the Earth. Sorry to hear you're not finding real answers out there.

2007-09-07 19:26:32 · answer #10 · answered by LA Law 4 · 0 3

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