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2007-09-07 01:54:05 · 18 answers · asked by I give you the Glory Father ! 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

My Grandmother told my Mother that Jesus was using me to show other people that the Lord loves us all, when I was a very small child.She said look at that child and how happy she is, don't ask God why, I became disabled as a very small child. I had had 16 major surgeries from the age of 2&1/2 and 9&1/2 years of age. I was recieving bone(not bone marrow) transplants( I had three of them) in the 1950's,in my left leg. I have a couple of the News paper articals that are brown with age.As an adult my condition worsened. I am now very disabled, and people ask me all of the time how can I keep my faith when I have had so much phycial pain and suffering. I just smile and tell them that "God is using me just as I am so that others will want to know the Lord."

2007-09-07 02:20:24 · answer #1 · answered by Pamela V 7 · 5 2

Everyone has been born to serve a purpose...your question should be is yours a common or a noble purpose? Very few of us are made for noble purposes...but there are varying degrees of commonality that are necessary to the greater good of all of those that believe and acknowledge God our creator. Love in Christ, ~J~

2007-09-07 09:32:55 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes we all were born for a purpose and a freewill to choice to serve this purpose or deny. Jesus knew me before I was in the whom He knows every hair upon my head by number. We are to Love the Lord our God and to Love our nieghbor as the Lord has Loved us God bless you always

2007-09-07 09:59:40 · answer #3 · answered by jamnjims 5 · 1 0

Yes, of course! Otherwise life would be meaningless, wouldn't it. I believe that I was born because God loved me. I believe that God loves every child even before they are born, from the moment they are conceived. And our purpose in life is to find the way back to God, to open our hearts for his love, and to live our lives looking out for his footsteps and following them.

2007-09-08 18:53:48 · answer #4 · answered by zef3v17 5 · 0 0

Yes, I do sense that God has placed me here with a purpose-His perfect will for my life. It may not always be clear. But I have always sensed that I am where I am, with the family and friends I have for His reasons. My utimate purpose is to worship the Lord and share what He has done with others. To bring honor and glory to our heavenly Father.

2007-09-07 11:09:44 · answer #5 · answered by fairgirlbluezap 3 · 0 0

YES. i should have never been born, after my mother had 7 miscarriages before i was born, i was born not breathing, i have been electricuted, attempted suicide and survived a car accident that not even the paramedics on the scene could not believe i was talking coherently with them--ONLY after all that, did i REALIZE that even if there is no God (christian); there is some purpose that God, karma, mother earth, or WHOEVER has decided i need to be here for...

2007-09-07 09:02:37 · answer #6 · answered by ddking37 5 · 3 2

No, I never really felt that, but since I came to the Lord, I found out that He has a divine purpose for all of us.

2007-09-07 10:33:46 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I believe we are all born with a purpose. The challenge is to remember what it is.

2007-09-07 09:01:45 · answer #8 · answered by Soul Shaper 5 · 1 1

yes,we are all born for a purpose,God makes no mistakes sometimes the purpose He has in mind for us is not the one we would have chose but we will all fill it before we are through

2007-09-07 09:02:20 · answer #9 · answered by loveChrist 6 · 1 2


The purpose of our life is to WORSHIP ONLY ONE GOD.
He create human to worship Him alone....this is the true purpose of life !

2007-09-07 09:14:06 · answer #10 · answered by Kashif E 3 · 0 0

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