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I need some assitance in prayer. My girlfriend is insecure about herself and is bulemic. She is starting to hate herself altogether and it just kills me inside, because when I try to help she just pushes it away and changes the subject. She doesn't eat and when she does, she just throws up. She has done it so much that it is starting to hurt each time she does. She won't seek help, and her parents do not care...

Can you please join me in prayer? Also, please do you have any advice?

She is wonderful, beautiful and an excellent person, but doesn't see that at all, she needs her eyes opened to the truth, but how?

2007-09-06 15:39:12 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

She is indeed a Christian.

2007-09-06 15:40:10 · update #1

36 answers

This indeed is a tough one; and you are absolutely in my prayers ( her too, of course!). Having been in the same situation, by that...I mean-being a female, and letting the world creep in and affect my body image, and thus....deceitfully so; affecting my take on God's handiwork. It is difficult to hate oneself image; but rather than "preaching to her" (EVEN IF u are doing it in the MOST correct way...) you should encourage her to do a topical study by getting out the concordance and looking up the topics relevant to the flesh, the body being the temple of the Holy Spirit, and have her read up and memorize the scriptures which apply. In doing so, she will learn to see TRUTH; that the very fingerprints of God are on every detailed curvature of her body, that she has YOU....a faithful, considerate and loving mate, and that this life is fleeting, our "inward man" is to be our focus; for that which comes out of the mouth, comes from the heart, and if the heart is full of negativity and disagreement with God's will, then breaking free from this "body image" bondage; will never take place.
Unfortunately; there are other options that come without willfull invite. Im talking about the repruccussions of habitual vomiting. I was bulemic for just under two years. I brushed off the errosion of my teeth, the vomiting of blood and the overall DAILY weakness from malnutrition....BUT!!!!! When my heart began to give out at just 26 years old, I soon learned that looking good is not worth death. THIS SHOCK FACTOR may or may not do it, for her? But THIS IS MY TRUTH, and am testimony to the serious damage that buliemia has on the mind and body.
She may also be approached (by you) with the questions which are right and just.....for instance; What does the Lord think about this? Is this not willful disobedience to dare live contrary to the Potter; does the clay have a say? NO. He has His reasons for our individual shapes, sizes and statures.....and it hit home for me when the Holy SPIRIT led me to the truth on how I was in perpetual disagreement and CONSTANT belittling of HIS decision and will for my body and my look.
Coming to grips with the fact that in the heart of every man is envy, this is but one of many 'old nature' facets of our WALK that we need to work on; but can only be done in SUBMISSION to the HOLY SPIRIT's LEADING.
I will pray for both of you; that she is reminded of the Lord's view on putting all this energy and pain into her outward being; Praying that the Lord will open the eyes of her understanding to the fact of YOUR place in her life; how much you care....you sound very loving and faithful, and I applaud you for staying that course! It is a rare, OH SO RARE..quality of man in these latter days. I will pray that the veil of confusion is lifted, and that she see's that this is a tripping up of an intended WILL for her life, and is consuming perhaps, and choking out the way that the Lord wants her to go. Approaching this with spiritual armor is most important; but it may do her well to see that there REALLY is a line that cannot be crossed, a place in which one has weakened the heart muscles and all things concerning the heart for that matter; and the host of other havoc wrought in the body....that may bring her to a place of permanent degenerative ailments, if not DEATH itself. I know her pain, I know the oddity of knowing the LORD, and what is RIGHT; but then also hating what Ive been dealt. I know inadequacy, and the full focus on needing to feel beautiful. But the LORD has shown me that these trappings and perpetual thoughts on the flesh is HINDERING me from being transformed, brought thru the REAL sanctification that HE has set out as the primary purpose for ALL who Name the NAME of CHRIST; you are both in my thoughts and prayers, may the Lord give His angels charge over her; to keep her from self harm and may the Spirit of GOD set her focus back to what matters MOST......PROCLAIMING CHRIST CRUCIFIED AND RISEN; the Good News....and the fact that every second of our lives that passes us by; another soul is on thier way to eternal seperation from Christ. This is what matters; HUMILITY matters, and pride in SELF is contrary to HIS very calling; HIS very attributes, and HIS will for us.
Let His Will be done in her; this I pray. Amen.

2007-09-06 16:13:03 · answer #1 · answered by º§€V€Nº 6 · 1 0

You can pray until the cows come home and nothing is going to change. She needs professional medical help. If she is pushing the people close to her away, you should do the best thing for her, by having her committed to a hospital for medical treatment.
She wont seek this help herself , as she finds this as a way of attention seeking. I give you thumbs up, for giving your time and self to be concerned about her. Remember this how can she really love you when she's harming and has no love for herself. I will leave you with a simple test, have her look into a mirror and ask her does she love the person she sees. She can only give two answers ,yes or no. If she says yes ask her why does she want to hurt the person she is looking at. Tell her a lot of people love the person she sees. If she says no you have your answer. Shes on a path to self destruction and seriously prayers aren't going to help her. A Psychiatrist can, are you strong enough to take on the responsibility of always looking after her knowing she doesn't truly love you when she dosen't love herself ?

2007-09-06 16:09:36 · answer #2 · answered by Josh 3 · 0 0

First of all, I have just said a prayer for your girlfriend. And I know that God hears me when I pray. I know that He also hears you when you pray. If your girlfriend is not certain that she has ever asked Jesus to come into her heart and save her soul, that is the first thing that she needs to do. If she is insecure, that is a very good indication that she needs to seek the Lord, and pray for forgiveness for her sins. She does not have to have any doubt whatsoever, that Jesus will forgive her, and save her soul. For He tells us in Rom. 10:13, that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, shall be saved. That includes her also. Whatever she may be facing, always remember that with God, nothing shall ever be impossible. But she will never get anywhere by just changing the subject. If she truly wants help, God will help her. But He must have her cooperation. It sounds as though her parents need to be saved also, if they do not care or are not concerned about their daughter. Just keep praying for her and her parents. And begin to thank God each day for hearing your prayers. God will not fail you. Sooner or later you will begin to see God's hand move, and things will begin to change.

2007-09-06 15:51:13 · answer #3 · answered by Calvin S 4 · 2 0

When someone becomes bulimic it usually become they feel little self worth. Reminder her that Jesus died for her , that is how much worth the Lord sees in her .

Tell her that you love her just the way she is. She doesn't have to change for you.

Most importantly explain to her that if her body does not receive the nutrition it needs it starts taking it from her healthy organs. Also, if she gets weak enough she will have to go to the hospital and be fed by a NG Tube. This is when they put a tube through her nose into her stomach in order to get food into it.

I definitely will say a prayer for her . God bless

2007-09-06 15:51:10 · answer #4 · answered by ckrug 4 · 2 0

It is time for an intervention. I know that she won't like it and neither will her loved ones , but if she keep this up she may die from it. It is time for you all to get together and talk to her and tell her that she has an mental disorder and needs to seek help groups and therapy.

It might be best if you contact a professional mental health worker and asked them how best to go about the intervention or getting her help.

You well be in my prayers as will she be.

2007-09-06 15:44:29 · answer #5 · answered by RedBirdofChaos 2 · 5 0

The Lord sends people to help us in our times of need. She needs the help of the white coats. If she gets to a certain point, she cannot return from it. You must ask for help, not only of God, but of others who are ready, willing able and trained to help. Good luck. Her family must do this, not you. You have no jurisdiction.

Such behaviors are caused by a complex of reasons. Fear of being fat, a distorted view of your own body, and the desire to be little, and not grow up. Usually the mother is also dieting throughout the victim's life, unconsciously projecting this unhealthy expectation onto her daughters.

2007-09-06 15:48:01 · answer #6 · answered by Somewhat Enlightened, the Parrot of Truth 7 · 3 0

I respect your faith in asking millions to pray for you. It is indeed a blessing to know someone believes in the power of pray as much as I do. I will most definetly pray for you and your girl friend.
My suggestion is to write her a letter, telling her how much her problem is hurting her and you, tell her she is awesome, and pretty and wonderful...Just like you told me in your question. If speaking to her won't work, then try this. Tell her you would like her to read it, because you wrote it for her. (make it sweet, make it the truth) Tell her how much God loves her, and that He doesn't care at all about her size, (and neither do you) Let her know you are always there if she needs to talk.
I hope this helps!
God Bless you.

2007-09-06 15:48:30 · answer #7 · answered by Ashla 3 · 2 0

She needs counciling, but will probably not seek help on her own. Be patient with her and leave something subtle for her to find and read on her own. A magazine article or chinese proverb, phrase from the Bible, something like that. It`s not easy to help someone like this. You may want to seek some advice from a professional who may be able to give you better advice about this than I can. Call Dr. Phil! or email him.

2007-09-06 15:57:41 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

She really needs therapy for this, it is no shame to need help and from what you describe something went wrong in her life somewhere.

You may need to seek therapy yourself to deal with this self-destructive behavior of hers. I would see about that and then you can more thoroughly describe what is going on and they can make informed suggestions.

A Christian group that I recommend is called Celebrate Recovery.

She can start to really reap repercussions of this soon, at first all she might see is that she is damaging her fingernails and mouth with the stomach acid, but inside she can start to damage important internal organs like her heart if this continues.

2007-09-06 15:44:39 · answer #9 · answered by Makemeaspark 7 · 5 0

You can count on me; I strongly believe in prayer. Tell her that you don't want her to die, because eventually this illness will kill her. Keep pleading w/her to get help, get several of your closest Christian friends to intervened w/you and let her know that you are all their to support her. Pray together w/your friends; get a white handkerchief and lay it on her hear, get someone to say a prayer and that person should lay his/her hand on top of the handkerchief along with the others.
Do research and get information for her of Dr.'s and clinics that are experts in this illness so when she's ready she will know who to contact for help.

2007-09-06 16:04:18 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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