I would probably say "I do believe in God".
My thoughts would be based on the context in which you said it. If you meant "shut up , I am tire of listening you go on and on about your beliefs." Then it would have bean much better to say that. For I don't read well into subtle hints and may not get the hint. If you just meant it as a simple statement of fact. Then I would catalog that with other interesting facts about you and go on with the conversation. Those are just two examples of what I would think.
Why would I say what I said. I like to face an interesting fact about someone with an interesting fact about myself. That is the only way in which I know to hold a conversation.
Though I might also ask you how you came to not believe in god and also more in depth questions about your beliefs. That would be just me trying to keep and interesting conversation going. Or any conversation for that matter. I am interested In many things , one of them being why people choose to believe what they do.
2007-09-06 15:02:05
answer #1
answered by RedBirdofChaos 2
I would say it is your right as a free person to believe or not believe in anything that you choose. I am a Christian i do believe in God , but i don't force it down any ones throat. I have friends that don't believe in God also, I would tell them the same thing. What ever make you happy, as long as your not hurting anyone or yourself.
2007-09-06 15:18:02
answer #2
answered by 60659 3
I would think that you're searching for Him or you wouldn't have posted this question (just my take, not a judgment).
I would say that if you are searching, feel free to contact me and I'll do anything I can to help you.
I would say that because, as a Christian, it's my responsibility to give you an honest, accurate account of what true Christianity is so that you can make a decision whether or not to believe.
I hope to hear from you. God bless.
2007-09-06 14:51:52
answer #3
answered by ChildofGod 3
I would think you have been given the wrong impression by people who don't understand who God is. I would say that you should give God a chance one on one. I would say that because it is what happened to me. Church people made me sick and I knew there had to be something else to God if He was real. I asked for the truth and I'm satisfied with the answers I got.
2007-09-06 14:58:01
answer #4
answered by A B 3
I would say I understand why you would not believe. I would leave it at that unless you asked me to go on. Then I would share why I do and pray for you to see greater then what I have seen and that this would bring you the belief you lack.
2007-09-06 14:56:17
answer #5
answered by . 3
I would feel really sad for you. I would tell you how He has personally worked in my life and how I've experienced Him. The reason I would tell you this is because I would want you to know Him the way He has revealed Himself to me.
2007-09-06 15:32:08
answer #6
answered by ? 6
I would say I don't believe you, you just want attention because you know there has to be a God and you just refuse him
2007-09-06 14:53:06
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
i would say " y in the wonderful world would u ask that kind of question"? how can u...................i have nothing elese 2 say 2 u, exept that i hope u change because there is heaven and hell and u have a choice wich one u want 2 go 2. i hope u choose the 2nd one. if not...........sux 2 b u!
2007-09-06 15:02:18
answer #8
answered by sula 2
OK you don't believe in god theirs nothing wrong with that
Goddess Bless
2007-09-06 15:03:02
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I think lot's of people will tell you that you are wrong and try to insist you to believe that there is God.
Me? I respect what you say. It's your belief or thinking.
2007-09-06 14:52:42
answer #10
answered by Äcorn (`.~) 3