Because either God does not exist, or God is evil, or God is weak.
Logically, those are the only three possibilities with the world we observe.
2007-09-06 14:48:32
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
GOD gives humans free will. Satan gives temptations and unclean thoughts. We are here to learn and pray and worship GOD.
GOD is perfect in every way. GOD is the furthest from any bad and unclean things. He created us, and all the foods we can eat and the air to breath and our water. GOD created humans but we are also not from GOD.
There is suffering in the world because of people making wrong choices. People listen to Satan and accept his temptations. The ones that kill will be punished by GOD. Even if a person repents they also will be forgiven if they repent to GOD in the right path.
Everyone is responsible for their actions.
The innocent ones that are murdered, GOD will take care of them where they need to go. If an innocent child has a terminal illness like cancer, that is GOD calling upon that child. For what? Only GOD knows and GOD knows what is best. It is not fair. My cousin died in an unfair way... in a trucking accident, but Im comfortable that GOD takes care of everything. HE knows what is best.
I know someone very close that got molested. They know that the ones that did the molesting will have to deal with GOD's punishment.
As we live our lives making choices, then we die, we are being divided up into groups. Those that dont worship the one and only true GOD and keep doing unclean things will suffer for eternaty in hell.
That is why there are all these bad things.
Dont forget there are good things that happen in life too.
Dont forget there are good people out there doing what they can to help others.
2007-09-06 15:03:03
answer #2
answered by Onomatopoeia 4
Because if God made everything perfect and there was no pain or suffering you wouldn't understand love and hope. Thus, you would have a reason to believe in God and you wouldn't appreciate anything cuz everything has been easy for you. You wouldn't have free will, and you just wouldn't understand. Even if God appeared right in front of you, you would still have questions. questions lead to more questions.
If every question gets answered it's fake, the mystery is the truth.
2007-09-06 16:03:53
answer #3
answered by Alix 2
There is an explanation for this. I will try to simplify it, it is normally a long answer.
There is a set of scales and balances.
For some time now the scale was balancing.
It has recently gone out of balance.
This many will scoff at and laugh at.
Grace is provided in direct relationship to the amount of "Faith" there is on a planetary scale. Faith increases so does Grace. Doubt increases, Grace diminishes.
There are those that have no faith, or say that God does not exist, they have no understanding of how much damage they are causing. This is through "Ignorance".
The scale is about ready to tip in the wrong direction, many people are finally realizing this and are finally asking questions.
This is one of those questions!!!!
2007-09-06 15:05:50
answer #4
answered by WillRogerswannabe 7
He lets you sin doesn't He?
Or would you prefer to go straight to judgement?
Why should He stop others from sinning but not you?
If He stopped you from sinning how would you know that you are a sinner? And without conviction of sin how could you be saved?
That He allows some of the things you complain of shows He has judged the world for its sin and rebellion and one of the consequences is the manifestation of these terrible Godless actions.
That all deserve judgement can be seen from these things.
Or do you suppose you are better? are superior?
Such is the monstrous pride of man.
We all deserve judgement and punishment.
How can any complain in view of their sins?
You obviously have absolutely no idea of the depths of your own sin and depravity.
If God were to reveal it to you it would kill you.
Because He is merciful and seeks for the lost you presume to judge Him.
How churlish and implacable. You are like the rulers who said, "He saved others; let him save himself, if he be Christ, the chosen of God.” But if He had saved Himself, as well He was able, then all, every single one of us would have been lost.
No, He rules wisely and perfectly and does all, and allows such, as will work for the best, and such as is perfectly just and right. He is love unfathomable.
That you are so far from Him and understanding is simply a sad reflection upon you.
O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!
For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counsellor?
For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen.
There is nothing more to be desired than the will of God.
2007-09-06 15:17:54
answer #5
answered by Jens Q 3
It may have something to do with the fact that some of us are proud to have children. Or maybe some of us as parents have little else to talk about lol. I once got the stink eye from a co-worker for telling her that her grandkid looked like a leather sack filled with mashed potatoes. That'll usually get them to shut up about it.
2016-04-03 07:58:13
answer #6
answered by ? 4
Maybe because we have - in so many areas of our lives - excluded or ordered God not to be there.
We have ordered God out of our schools, our governments, we have banned the reading of the Bible, teaching love and grace, from our schools, yet we embrace publications which promote hatred, racism, dissention, we can't talk to others about God for fear of "offending".
We have ordered God to stay out of our lives, so we can hardly complain when He does just that, and to then blame Him when bad things happen is the height of hypocrisy.
This doesn't mean He is not deeply grieved at the pain and suffering we have brought upon ourselves, but we have no-one but ourselves to blame.
I find it interesting that when bad things happen, people always seem to think its God's fault. How come the devil never gets the blame?
2007-09-06 15:00:17
answer #7
answered by maggie rose 4
why would u think its his fault? he is the one who created u, who gave u a life, he loves u and satan doesnt. GOD wants you 2 come to his house in Heaven and live there 4 eternity and 2 b happy there. all satan wants is 4 u 2 go to hell and suffer. do u really want 2 burn in a lake of fire 4 eterninty? satan is just trying make people think bad thouhts, he doesnt care about any of us. but GOD will always and 4ever luv u no matter what. u just have 2 beleive in him and live a christian life and u will c his miracles . GOD has ur life in his hands and he could do anything with it. he can make u suffer if he wants, but if u truly believe and luv him back the way he luvs u then everything in ur life will go well. dont blame him but believe in him. dont hate him but luv him.
2007-09-06 15:28:18
answer #8
answered by sula 2
all of these things happen because people are not really following scriptures. God does exist but we humans make our own decisions, whether good or bad. God left people with free will, which means people make their own decisions. If you believe in God and follow Jesus teachings you will be save. Those who disobey will be punish severely. Jesus love everyone and that is the reason he died, h e doesn't want anyone to perish. If you accept him in your life you will be saved.
evil had always been existed, so we simply need to separate ourselves from evil and do good so we can be saved.
2007-09-06 14:55:36
answer #9
answered by dimitri 3
"can" is the keyword in your question. When considering this question one cannot dismiss everything the bible tells us, not just the parts about God being righteous, just, holy, etc. -- it plainly tells the world that he is also not above punishing disobedience, including punishing the sins of the father to the third and fourth generation. Doesn't mean he's evil but simply steadfast about his word and his requirements.
Also, God searches the heart and knows the contents, we as people really never know what's in another person's heart. So how do we know who is truly good or bad and not just appearing to be good or bad, but God knows.....
2007-09-06 14:55:04
answer #10
answered by LadyB!™ 4
God exists and He does love us. He could stop all this trouble from occurring in our lives, but He warns us in His word that in this life we shall have tribulation. We are at war with Satan and He is the father of lies and brings pain and suffering. We see God when ever another person helps the suffering and hurting folks in this world. It is up to us to act as God's hands in this world. The day will come when God says "enough is enough", He will intervene and all wrongs will be made right. Don't lose faith in His goodness. Be kind and loving to others so that God's spirit works through you in this world.
2007-09-06 14:55:05
answer #11
answered by angel 7