You may know me from several nasty answers. To clarify, any religion that is based around peace has got my respect (I'm still iffy on Christianity...). It's just the retards that are behind the religions that I hate.
2007-09-06 14:40:23
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I absolutely respect other people's beliefs. Everybody is different, and everybody is titled to whatever path to God they choose--even if that path happens to be none at all. Whatever gives you comfort and you feel is true is wonderful, and it's great to SHARE it with other people--NOT shove it down people's throats.
My beliefs are absolutely not the Truth--I'll be the first to say that. Anybody who claims to hold the Truth is ignorant. However, at least part of my belief IS the truth...but only a PART. Every religion in the world has a different piece of the Whole Truth, but NEVER the whole thing. Most religions are hampered by dogma and fear. Each religion has a different piece, each and every single individual one--it's almost like every religion has only a few pieces to a giant puzzle that we can't seem to fit together.
It's simply impossible for one religion to hold the entire truth--it just doesn't make logical sense. I don't care what the Bible says, I care what my heart and brain say. They decide for me, not the Bible--and there is no "one way" to God--there are many roads that all lead to the same place.
Religions have changed over time, of that there is no doubt. They've all branched off into different denominations with slightly differing beliefs, and just like breaking off a piece of bread, when something fragments, it becomes smaller pieces of a whole. Each major religion has major differences, and it's in those differences we have to look for the pieces that fit. Everything else--all the dogma and fear--are like puzzle pieces thrown into the box from a completely different puzzle. It's up to us to figure out which pieces belong and which don't, and there's a very simple formula to figure it out:
Fear and Love.
We can separate the Truth from Dogma by fitting it into one category or the other. So many religions and beliefs fear God--they'll worship Him instead of loving Him. What we have to ask ourselves is, why would God have us fear Him? Is love out of fear of being damned truly love? No, it's still fear.
When all the fearful puzzle pieces are removed, we are left with a beautiful picture--one of pure, unconditional love. Everything else is false. And when you think about it, love is the one thing ALL religions have in common--that's a piece they all hold.
If we just loved each other...if we truly, unconditionally LOVED each other and accepted that same love from God instead of fearing Him and each other...the world would be a much better place.
2007-09-06 14:54:14
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Christians believe the Bible
Muslims believe the Koran
Jews believe the Torah and Talmud
Hindus believe the Vedas
Buddhists believe the...well Buddha
Mormons believe the Book of Mormon
Athiests believe....Darwin?
etc etc etc...
everyone believes that what they believe is right or they would not believe in the first place.
only one is true if any are...don't deny it, just read the tenets of faith required for each and if one is true then the rest have to be false because they all contradict one another.
That being said...A person from any of these faiths can respect any person who believes a different faith, but this does not mean they will agree with them.
Respecting a person has nothing to do with accepting their faith is right--believing that all faiths are universally true is schizophrenic.
Belief in God is not a buffet line.
2007-09-06 14:54:25
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I respect other's beliefs (or lack thereof). My understanding of the Divine by definition cannot be the SAME as anothers as we are not the SAME PERSON!
Even if we share a religion our beliefs will not be identical, so I cannot say that my belief is the ONLY one, but I DO EXPECT the same courtesy from others.....
2007-09-06 14:54:12
answer #4
answered by Anne Hatzakis 6
I don't think the two are mutually exclusive.
I think there is a lot of good in many belief systems and I respect what they teach and the people who follow them. That doesn't mean, however, that I have to agree with everything they say. I can respect a belief and still think it's wrong.
2007-09-06 14:43:59
answer #5
answered by King James 5
Any faith is good... It's RELIGION that becomes a problem because it is a man made institution (I think the Vatican just opened a new airline!! What a business!!) . Still, if you know how to respect and love others, there's nothing wrong with being a member of any given religion.... any faith that preaches love and peace is good and in reading at least the bible, the torah and the Kuran, as well as a few bhuddist texts and a book written by the Dalai lama, most religions are cool. Faith is something even more personal than sex. So to go around saying that you are the one and only truth and that the rest of the world is wrong is definitely not right. I made my own faith based on the good messages I coud get from any religious idea, I made my own mix.... and no, I don't think AT ALL I am better or my ideas are better.... all I know is that I am a human being trying her best to get by in life, phisically and spiritually alike. I respect ANY belief.
2007-09-06 14:52:55
answer #6
answered by veevintage 2
Yes I do respect others beliefs and also the atheists although I think my religio is the only true one.I do not want to humiliate others beliefs or unbelievers .If I answer the question about belief I apologize to you all that I should defend my religion.
My religion is Islam there no force to become a muslim.God spoke to us in Qur'an that your religion/God is yours and my religion/God is mine.I do not want to worship to your God/idol and you do not need to worship to my Allah the only one God..There is a free choice.
2007-09-06 15:07:58
answer #7
answered by ? 7
I do think that what I believe is the truth. Everyone who believes in something thinks its the truth. I do, however, respect other peoples beliefs (not necessarily the people who believe them, if they put me down for my own belief). There are a lot of people who all think in different ways and make their own conclusions on things, so who am I to say you are wrong? Who are you to say I am wrong? I agree, I can't physically prove to you that God is real, but you can't physically prove to me that he is not. That is the truth, no matter what you believe.
2007-09-06 14:47:17
answer #8
answered by ϑennaß 7
I respect the person I might not agree with what they believe. Does that mean I bash them or maybe not even be a friend? If thats what my faith teaches me then I have nothing. Jesus said without Love you have nothing, Love your enemy, Love those who do you wrong, Jesus never spoke bad about the Roman Government, He actually said give to Caesars what is Caesars and to God what is Gods. He spoke the truth to the Pharisees and let them know the truth. Jesus showed love to all who came to Him. The greatest commandement is Love, so how can i not respect and show love?
2007-09-06 14:50:00
answer #9
answered by bmdt07 4
I discern between what is commonly known as "mythology", and what is known as "religion". I have a problem with people who claim to be intelligent, and yet fail to mark the distinction between the two. As for whose beliefs are true and whose are not, there are several criteria for determining this, and I always start with first principles of logic when making comparisons. The Law of non-contradiction usually discounts another "belief" system before further analysis becomes necessary.
2007-09-06 14:47:58
answer #10
answered by RIFF 5
I try to respect people's beliefs, but when answering a question I try to be honest. Unfortunately, my answers will more than likely offend someone, and appear to be disrespectful towards their beliefs.
2007-09-06 14:40:32
answer #11
answered by Anonymous