The Earth has ALWAYS gone through increases, and decreases, in temperature throughout its history. There have been periods where there were NO permanent polar ice caps, and the average ocean temperatures were some 20 degrees higher than today. And the last time it was this warm was in the Middle Ages -- and we all know how many SUV's people were driving back then.
These simple facts beg the questions:
1.) Just how much control over the environment could we have, even if we wanted to?
2.) Exactly what is the "correct" temperature for the planet, anyway?
2007-09-06 04:54:54
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Global warming isn't a myth, but whether it's due to human activity is open to debate.
The reason for this is because out closest planetary neighbour, Mars, is also experiencing global warming. As Mars is lifeless it's not due to Martian activity is it?
Perhaps the Solar System is moving through an area of space that causes higher temperatures.
2007-09-06 11:55:52
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I'm with you friend. We've been hearing the asinine opinions of those who are in denial for a couple decades now. When the polar bears are drowning because they can't find an ice floe to climb onto, there's something seriously wrong with Earth's environment. Don't hold your breath waiting for something to be done. That would require a commitment to the reality of the physical realm (aka, science) that Believers will never allow. As long as political power is held exclusively by the deluded majority who imagine the basis of reality is human perception (solipsistic believers, Republican and Democrat alike), Earth's environment will continue to suffer. Christians imagine they long ago received God's permission to destroy our planet (Genesis1:26). Believers will never be convinced to protect Earth's resources because they almost universally imagine the "end-times" are just around the corner. There's little point in preserving Earth's ecology for future generations, simply because the majority of citizens (Christians) imagine there won't be many more future generations. Such believers are traitors to the human species and work relentlessly to undermine human civilization, fervently hoping they will be lucky enough to enjoy watching their superstitious prophecies being fulfilled.
I fear Earth's ecology is doomed, unless we can somehow free ourselves from our own ignorant superstitions.
2007-09-06 13:03:15
answer #3
answered by Diogenes 7
Yet again, I fail to understand the mentality of some of your answerers.
Even if global warming IS a myth, what harm does it do anyone to live in an environmentally friendly way? It could even save us money in the longer term!
I don't believe it is a myth, BTW, I was just pondering . . .
An atheist
2007-09-06 12:10:36
answer #4
answered by Grotty Bodkin is not dead!!! 5
The Earth warms,The Earth cools,it has always done so.The dawn of civilization occurred during a warm period.Warming trends have always been prosperous periods in Earth's history.So it's warming?I wonder who was driving all the Hummers on Venus to make its greenhouse effect so great?I mean,after all,man HAS to be the cause of it,right?It can't happen as a natural climatic development>So,who were those guys on Venus?
2007-09-06 11:57:21
answer #5
answered by nobodinoze 5
i definitely don't think it's a myth. the earth is bound to undertake some serious geological changes eventually whether or not people tear down rain forests or emit harmful chemicals into the air. the fact is that it would happen anyways, we're just kicking it up a few notches and increasing the speed at which it would happen. you can't deny the frequency of odd weather, floods, more intense hurricanes, seismic activity, typhoons, etc...though these things have always occured, it seems like their frequency and capacity for damage is significantly higher.
I like to think of the earth as an elderly person. When people get old they develop bladder problems, mental problems, heart problems, cholesterol problems, and so forth. but if a person takes care of themselves that have a better chances being healthy seniors. howeve if one smokes and drinks and participates in other risky behaviors, you increas the number of potential problems and the severity of each one. instead of dying of old age, you die of pancreatic cancer, or lung cancer, or pneumonia. The earth is similar in this way.
2007-09-06 12:26:02
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I believe its real. However, the only way each of us can have a significant impact is to conduct collective efforts to preserve the environment en masse. Whether its driving hybrid cars, submitting less household waste to landfills, utilizing biodegradable personal and household consumer goods, we must do all this in lock step on a regular and consistent basis. And the only way we can each buy into the seriousness of this environmental issue is for high ranking political officials and the academic community to provide, in consensus, real scientific evidence. And I think what has been provided to the public is good, but is not enough to influence lifestyle changes in the greater population.
2007-09-06 12:21:17
answer #7
answered by Dr. G™ 5
Global warming is real, the myth is that man is the main reason it's happening. Even if one actually believes US SUV use is also causing the polar ice caps on Mars to melt, it's still a myth.
2007-09-06 11:58:39
answer #8
answered by Rossonero NorCal SFECU 7
As long as I've understood it, I haven't thought it was a myth. Automobiles do not create a significant enough amount of emissions to cause such an event, but industrial exhausts and pollutants certainly are a major cause. Buying hybrids does nothing but increase smug levels.
2007-09-06 11:51:31
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Wrong forum...
The world is warming true. However, if it weren't warming then it would be cooling. In short another ice age. So its good that the globe is warming.
However, I diverge from the popular 'hypothesis' of man mad global warming seeing to great of a lack of evidence to support it. I recommend a video "The Great Global Warming Swindle". You should watch it.
2007-09-06 12:00:19
answer #10
answered by You Ask & I Answer!!! 4