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29 answers

No ...! of course not we live in a schizophrenic world

2007-09-05 18:06:55 · answer #1 · answered by dogpatch USA 7 · 0 2

I was always doubtful about religions but by chance I was imprisoned for some case. There I really found the true God by my meditation and proof of that by seeing prophet of God in dream. Later I made a deep and unfettered search for truthfulness of Islam and prophet of Islam giving full and detailed reference from Hindus, Bible, old religions, science, history etc. My book name "Seeking of the Truth" is published and educated and learned people says that it is wonderful and undeniable proof.

2007-09-06 01:33:29 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Do I have proof of my religion? Well sure - it's on Wikipedia - and there's a church - and lots of members - etc.

Do you mean do I have proof that my religion is right?

No. That's where faith comes in. And - my religion - Religious Science - is right for me. I use it as a tool to help me be a better person - and to know God (Love) better. And - I understand that it might not be the "right religion" for others.

God is too big for just one religion.


2007-09-06 01:11:29 · answer #3 · answered by liddabet 6 · 0 0

Proof implies that one religon is "right," which I do not think is the case. All philosophies of benevolece (as I prefer to call them) have the same basic roots -- be kind, be compassionate, be generous, think of the wellbeing of others as important as your own. There is "proof" that these philosophies, if adhered to and lived by, work to ease suffering for humanity, to decrease conflict, to feed the poor, care for the sick, etc. A system of action based upon anything else does not work to this end and is not to the greater benefit. We are all "in it together," and regardless of what one calls their religon (or if they have nothing to call religon) the only way to ease the suffering on this planet is through kindness, generosity, compassion, understanding, respect and love. All religons at their basis understand this... though whether or not the individual practicioners of the religon fully grasp these implications (and act accordingly) fluctuates.

Some believe that faith is something one must have in spite of facts, in spite of what one knows through one's own examination and discernment. I disagree with this. To me, faith is something that one develops over time by testing and testing one's philosophy against experience and experimentation. After a long, long, LONG while of examination, one may come to "have faith" that their philosphy "works," that it has been thoroughly tested, like a strong bridge that has weathered many storms. If one's philosophy works to ease suffering for the self AND for others, then that may be seen as proof. If, however, their philosophy is constrictive, discourages scrutiny, causes suffering, or doesn't offer unconditional love and acceptance for ALL beings, well, then perhaps one might examine that philosophy, test and revise it, until they find one in which they can truly have faith, truly have proof of their philosophy's benevolence and ability to end and ease suffering.

2007-09-06 01:26:07 · answer #4 · answered by ratatosk s 2 · 0 0

Yes, I am a Vietnam Vet, With service connected combat related disability. After coming home from Nam I road with one of the biggest and oldest outlaw motorcycle gangs in the world. I was involved in more than you can imagine, and more than I will mention. As time went on I was hospitalized for ptsd, it was new back then and not even the doctors understood it. Six times in the VA, with stays as long as six weeks. And this was only the beginning. As things worsened and time kept passing by, I found myself dealing with demons. I was being tormented by them, to the point of no return. Just before I took my own life to escape the life I had created, God the Holy Spirit through me to the floor and prayed through me. The prayer was for forgiveness and understanding, and proof of the existence of God, and then I felt a strong and powerful and distinct awareness of the my own sinfulness, Christ preciousness, the value of the Bible, the absolute necessity of coming out of the world, the need to be born again, and the certainty that there was nothing I could do to bring it about. I was sure it had to be the work of God Almighty. I began to change as time went on, not from association with others Christians, I was in the desert, with no one around except my wife, she noticed I had become a new man. The truth is, there was nothing I could do about it. As I prayed, my prayers were answered, I did not know how to pray, or what to pray for, but the Holy Spirit showed me everything I needed to know, as the time came to be right for each thing.

I am now an Ordained Minister of the St. Luke Christian Ministries. I have completed a degree at Emmaus Bible College, and am working on a degree in ministry at Pillar of Truth Bible Institute.

God has shown Himself to me, and I will die fore Him if need be.

God be with you,
Evangelist, William M. Butler
St. Luke Christian Ministries

2007-09-06 01:48:59 · answer #5 · answered by BOC 5 · 0 0

I had a really bad car accident about 4 years ago where my whole car was smashed to bits and if you look at photo's the olnly bit that wasnt damaged was the drivers seat. Also I fractured the base of my spine so I shouldnt even be walking right now but walk fine with just a bit of pain when its cold.

If theres no God then why am I alive right now????

2007-09-06 01:28:47 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, When I was a child I had seizures, the doctors told my parents I would have them the rest of my life so they being parents of Prayer submitted their prayers to God. God faithfully answered their prayers and I have been seizure free the last 20 some years. The doctors explanation for my healing was just I outgrew them. I find that funny because my sisters friend had childhood seizures he never outgrew them. As an added note another miracle along with that one I was told as a child that because of the drugs they gave me as a child I would need all kinds of help, physical therapy, speech, teacher consultant(which is help for kids who are a bit slow), and I told my parents I wanted to get out of that by 6th grade because I was going to go to junior high and I didn't want to be embarassed in Junior High. My parents said they didn't know about that, pretty much a we'll see approach. We'll you know what happened God Blessed my prayers, and before you go thinking well she studied hard to get out of those classes, or she worked hard to get out of those classes, I didn't I prayed and God answered and one by one I got out of those classes and by 6th grade I was on the honor roll, and you know what the teachers asked my parents what they were doing with me so they could use it on other students all's my parents said was were a people of prayer, they said well keep it up it's working. So God is amazing and no matter what anybody says he answers prayer. God Bless Thank you for letting me share.

2007-09-06 01:33:21 · answer #7 · answered by gerbaga84 2 · 0 0

I found proof of Islam by finding scientific facts in Holy Quran. Scientific facts not theories in Quran are proof of Islam. There are about 1000 facts in Quran deal with science

2007-09-06 01:15:05 · answer #8 · answered by Faisal F 4 · 0 0

We could talk all day but let me lay this one on you. We are not to strive with trying to prove any such thing to you or anybody. As a matter of fact, we were commanded to not waste time, like that. There are too many miles that have to be covered, to be spending a lifetime arguing about it.

2007-09-06 01:10:07 · answer #9 · answered by judysbookshop 4 · 0 0

Yes I have personal proof of what I believe.

2007-09-06 01:23:45 · answer #10 · answered by firelight 5 · 0 0

Yes to both your questions, hence the reason i believe what i do. If i didn't see things happening, then i might as well believe that someone spat on the planet and poof there we were. People say there's no evidence, because they refuse to look. Or they believe in evolution so blindly that they reject any attempt to disprove it, or, simply ignore it anyway.

2007-09-06 01:11:51 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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