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Many , many , times Christians say to me "read the Bible, pray and you will know the truth." Or something along those lines.

Well....since I was raised as a Christian missionary child
I have almost the whole Bible memorized.
Yet I still don't believe in it.
I've prayed countless prayers, all through out my life.
Yet I still don't believe in it.
I've looked for the "truth" in this God of yours.
Yet I still don't believe in Him.

So now what?

I'm curious as what you have to say, now that your all-purpose for all questions that aren't as you like for them to be, "answer".....is now obviously not an answer for me.
( or countless others. )

Though I am now a happy Buddhist I am still interested if there is anything else you think that would help me to see what you see in your religion. I'm open. So pray tell me!!
Thank you.


*Note* I wrote that I am a "Buddhist" not "atheist".
There is a difference.

2007-09-04 17:26:39 · 36 answers · asked by 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Ashw8 :
No, I was not forced into Christianity. Nor do I think I was.
The Lord Buddha, says for everyone there is a different answer.
And that's more logical then all vastly different manner of people trying to fit into the Christianity mold.
For some it's true.....but for others it isn't.
I accept that.

CSUF_07 : I mock you not.
Don't be so sensitive. Your Jesus wasn't.

Thank you for your understating!!
May your God bless you.

2007-09-04 18:01:53 · update #1

CommonSense :

My parents are wonderful.
And I had a wonderful childhood...
but I just can't bring myself to be a "Christian".
Maybe once upon a time I could have, or I did....
I still admire missionaries, have a close relationship with my parents and admire Jesus of Nazareth and think the Bible beautiful.
Just I have found something better for myself now....

2007-09-04 18:10:38 · update #2

36 answers

when you read the bible, did you first close your eyes? if you failed to do this, then you are obviously to intelligent to be a Christian and they won't want you anyway.


2007-09-05 06:59:51 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

So you have never felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit?? While you were listening to preaching or teaching you never felt your heart burning or a pulling on it or a small inner voice saying be saved, you never wanted to shed a tear at a church service or broke out in a sweat because of something the Preacher said?? If after all that you can still ask this question with a straight face I don't have an answer, because I believe you have, either that or you've been on another planet. Here is a sinners Prayer, Dear Jesus, I know and confess that I am sinner in need of salvation. I believe you died on a cross and arose from the grave to wash away my sins, I ask you right now to come into my heart and save me. I pray this prayer believing in the name of Jesus Amen. If you prayed that pray with a sincere heart you are now a born again Christian, Praise the Lord, Now start reading your Bible, Get involved in Church. Its helps to grow your faith in Jesus. Amen. If you have any ?? send me an email. May God Bless!!!

2007-09-12 14:09:36 · answer #2 · answered by victor 7707 7 · 0 0

Did you ever believe in Him at all? It doesn't matter if you know the Word of God the Bible says the devil knows the Word so it doesn't matter and no I am not calling you the devil I am just stating that anyone can know about God. If you really believed in Him you wouldn't have a problem. It doesn't matter how many prayers you pray or how much Bible you memorized all that matters is if you had a personal relationship with God. If you don't have that you can forget all those prayers you prayed or the verses you know cause they won't do you any good .

2007-09-12 12:02:01 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

please take my answer for what it is meant to be from someone who cares enough to share with you what I am going to share. I do not believe you would be asking this question, and making these comments if you were not being drawn by the God that you prayed countless prayers to all your life. If you were truly satisfied with Buddhism you would be talking about your beliefs, not asking if there is anything else we can say to get you to possibly believe in Christ. What made you choose Buddhism? what made you not decide that Christ was the only way? Does Christ, demand something that Budda does not? Is there more responsiblity on your part if you believe in Christ? Just asking these questions, because i am very curious why you need to "be convinced" that maybe there is something to Christianity if you are so happy being a Buddhist. I would never ask you to try and convince me to convert from Christianity to Buddhism, because the personal relationship that I have with Christ is the most incredible thing. If you want to talk more, please email me. I know one thing, God is calling you- His timing is perfect. Just think, maybe today will be the day of your salvation.

2007-09-04 19:51:46 · answer #4 · answered by AdoreHim 7 · 2 0

I was also raised a Christian, and I still consider myself a Christian I just believe a little differently. I believe that people should put their faith in what makes them whole and complete. I believe that religion is not truly spirituality and following a religion doesn't really set you free. You have to commune with God to really be set free. And there are no rules when trying to seek out the truth. People will find God no matter what they say their religion is, if they really want to find God.

2007-09-05 09:32:42 · answer #5 · answered by Jessy 4 · 1 0

You need to stop thinking about YOUR list of things YOU have done and think about what He has done for you. No one can make you believe. That is the job of the Holy Spirit.

You are off on the wrong premise to begin with. It's not a religion. Religion is man's way of trying to reach God (doesn't work). God reaches us through His Son. (The Way).

Ask God's Holy Spirit to guide you and stick to ACTS 17:11

Thankfully, salvation is not dependent on how we feel. You don't have to have "warm fuzzies" every time you pray. The Bible does not promise a Rose Garden life. In fact, Jesus says that as a Christian, you will have trials. It's a promise! Anyone who tells you different is in a cult.

Best wishes.

2007-09-04 17:37:16 · answer #6 · answered by Juliart 6 · 4 0

You were raised Christian. It did not work for you. You are Buddhist. It works for you. The main thing that I see with all religions is that you must do good deeds on this earth, confess that we have have sins and atone for them so that in the Afterlife-(every religion has an Afterlife)-you may spend eternity in the presence of God-Allah-Buddha-Yahweh. Being Buddhist works for you, don't worry about Christianity, Judaism and Islam. The important thing is that you have found religious peace.

2007-09-12 06:54:15 · answer #7 · answered by Maggirl 4 · 0 0

If you were able to quote the whole Bible from memory it wouldn't mean anything unless you have a relationship with Christ. Remember, the devil knows the Bible inside and out but his heart is stone cold.

You may know the Bible but let me ask you, "Is Jesus in your heart?"...Have you ever 'asked' Jesus to come into your heart?...Spend time in prayer, ask Him to fill you with His Holy Spirit...He will, but you have to ask in expectation, you have to believe...God won't do anything unless you believe...Remember when Jesus said a prophet is recognized everywhere but in his own hometown?...Even though everyone knew what He had to say was true, they also knew He was the son of a carpenter and took offense. So because of their own prejudices they 'would not believe'...

Jesus is real, He lives and He is the same yesterday, today and forever. But if you do not believe (have faith) then He can't do anything in your life....I pray He will soften your heart!

2007-09-12 08:00:32 · answer #8 · answered by Domino 4 · 0 0

First, you are upset (a nice word but really angry and hate will be more appropriate) with you plastic parent religious Christian Missionary. The most likely experiences you have as a child must be an austere and legalistic Bible thumping self righteous parent. Usually , the children will either rebel and be their own person or conformed and become a religious pastor or priest themselves as they grow up.
The rebel may either turn to a reckless life style or turn into a gay.

The Gospel of Truth is not preaching Law but Grace. The Majority of Churches (maybe 99% of Christianity are guilty) are legalistic and preaching Law and this are the hypocritical actions that not only put off their own children from following the Christian Faith (rightly so, instead of following Christ and not religiosity) but also those who mjght be seeking truth.

secondly, it is better to be wrong or rather not afraid to be wrong by rebelling rather than to be conformed to something that you really can't accept honestly and live a hypocritical lifestyle perpetuating what has been forced or pressure into us to follow.

The Conformist who are afraid to be wrong will be the self righteous people who will always stand in judgment on those who choose to rebel in anger . The rebel can only be "right" in their wrong if they have walk away without resentment and anger at the hypocrisy of Cultured Christianity.

There is more hope for the Rebel than for the Conformist to find Truth ultimately . So my advice to you is to keep on searching! As for me Christ is the Answer to my search. I found Him and He set me free, and I am free indeed!

2007-09-04 17:49:01 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

i just talk to Almighty God as my best friend...can't hide anything from him if i make a mistake i call it for what it is ,learn from it & clean up the mess.. i don't like to hit people on the head w/the bible & say you'll go to hell..i listen to their problems & be there for them...my actions follow up on my word i think this gets the best results if people choose not to believe..i don't get into "religion" a bunch of rules made up by men not God..i love God because i can be real & he'll still love me & help me & teach me to be a better person... now the Word of God didn't sink in until I found a church where God is actually invited too & understanding it came in small steps until i knew what i was reading,the purpose, & how to follow it through in my character & actions "The Walk" ...i have never came across in my life as i know it all.. i don't ... i need help with this or that, im constantly growing & learning...i have weaknesses ,fears or doubts etc. i have to work on but the one thing i do know when it comes to God is this I had a lonely childhood but He was there to raise me up & give me company...i made bad decisions when i was a teenager He lead me right back on the right path...i have had people who have hurt me or deep unbearable pain & trama and when i search for someone to be there ...i mean really be there i found most of the times no not one person ... except Almighty God (The trinity) who didn't forget about me....the point is the only one who you really can count on for every need imaginable is Almighty God (trinity) just because He loves you ... all He is asking from you is will you love Him back...

2007-09-05 00:11:48 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

There is no difference in Pagans and atheist and you know it. They burn as the same wood.
Someone should have told you the bible says study not read. It's hard for a preachers kid, you see more sin than most kids.
Just because your parents were called doesn't mean you are automatically a Christian. Like most, you expect Him to wrap it in gold foil for you.
I'm probably very different form your Dad who would never tell you to go to hell. I say it is your choice to make and you are welcomed to it.
There's not going to be room made for everyone in heaven so they have probably already took you off the planning sheet. So be happy you can go to hell just as you please. I'll bring the marshmellows as there will already be plenty of wieners there.

2007-09-08 23:12:53 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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