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I'm looking to buy a little TV for my dorm, and I was wondering where the best place is to buy it, and what size I should get (19".. 20".. what does that mean?) The cheaper, the better! My dorm will be small (it IS a dorm) and I'll have a roomie as well (she doesn't have a TV). Also it needs to have the proper accoutrements for cable. Muchas gracias!

2007-09-04 15:42:03 · 8 answers · asked by regina 5 in Consumer Electronics TVs

I'm going to study but I want a TV for my sci fix.. I'm a good student. No need to lecture lol

2007-09-04 15:52:58 · update #1

8 answers

Are you buying an LCD or a regular old tube tv? 19", 20" is the size of the tv, ie. the diameter measured in inches from one corner of the screen to the other. I would suggest you get a little bit larger than 19, 20 inches if you have the space for it. 25" is a good size for the older tube tvs. If you're buying an newer LCD type t.v, I'd suggest you buy a 32" if you can afford it. LCDs are a bit pricier than tube tvs.

2007-09-06 02:24:26 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You will be better off getting a small flat panel LCD. Either a Sony, Pioneer, or a Toshiba. You will want to make sure it is digital cable ready. As for the size, you will want to get something that will be proper for the room size. Since most dorms are relatively small, like less than 12 feet wide, you will want something around the 23 inch size. All that means is the size of the screen from one corner to the opposite corner. I would not recommend anything else to you. You are going to want a TV that will last you more than a year so one of those 3 brands will be best for you.

2007-09-04 15:54:57 · answer #2 · answered by Rev Jerry Crow 2 · 1 1

How size is measured:
In flat panels are measured diagonally. CRT type TV are also measured diagonally across the screen, but part of the screen is hidden behind the frame so a 19" CRT actually measures somewhat less than 19".

Best place is to buy:
Whatever big chain store has a good sale price and a good return policy. I like to start at Walmart.

The cheapest TV would be a used 19" CRT TV, people are almost giving these away as they change over to flat panels, or perhaps $100 new.

Flat panels are take up less room, but you pay for it.

Another option is to get a TV tuner for your computer and watch TV on a computer monitor. 19"-20" LCD monitors show up on sale pretty cheap and this option takes up no extra room at all. If your computer has a DVD drive, you can also watch DVDs on it. If you are using a laptop, there are USB tuners and most laptops have ports for external monitors.

2007-09-04 18:52:14 · answer #3 · answered by Stephen P 7 · 0 1

Well, honestly you can get any size you want (as long as it fit into the room). I would recommend not going bigger than 25" because then it just gets a hassle and may take up more room than needed. In terms of the numbers, they are actually the size of the TV screen diagonally. You could get your TV from any major outlets, such as Best Buy, or even Wal-Mart. Just be on the lookout for good deals.

2007-09-04 15:52:35 · answer #4 · answered by stylez-M 2 · 0 1

nicely there is not a superb variety of places to place a television... yet my bf had a 32 inch widescreen liquid crystal reveal that become in basic terms the suited length for his room. yet that become in a difficulty-loose room the comparable length as your dorm. the subject is you will could desire to establish seating opposite the television, whcih ability the two the television or you will possibly finally end up on your roommates area, which will reason conflict. because of the fact once you reside with a stranger for 9 months something could reason a conflict.

2016-11-14 05:33:10 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Perhaps consider even smaller than 19" (that is the diagonal measurement, approx 49 cm). If you are in the US, you can go to Walmart and getting a smaller one, about 12", for less than $100. Get one that is set up for DVD, most are cable ready, but look for EARPHONE plug!! Could be very nice for you to use earphones if your room mate is studying or sleeping.

2007-09-04 15:52:33 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Hmmm, a 27 inch (diagonal measurment) TV would be more ideal in your environment. And since it will be an LCD panel, I suggest you hide it/turn it around if you have any dorm parties...those panels can be easily broken with a thrown book, or keys, or door run into it....

If you can mount it, mount it high.....

2007-09-04 17:02:43 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Why don't you use the wonderful opportunity given to you and STUDY in college.

2007-09-04 15:51:54 · answer #8 · answered by lovesunflowers78 3 · 2 3

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