Most of those answering don't understand the concept of original sin.
Original sin is the sin we (supposedly) inherit from birth. Whether or not Jesus sinned, or was perfect, or a god, has nothing to do with it. It's just a little catch-22 the church has in case you think you can slip through the cracks by being REAL good. No matter how good and sin-free YOU are, you still get a ticket to hell, because Adam and Eve, your great x 10 e 12 grandparents ate some fruit they weren't supposed to. The infinitely loving and compassionate god of Abraham holds several billion descendants responsible for that act, and deems us all worthy of eternal torture.
Now hurry up and reconcile yourself with that beast, so you can spend an eternity with him.
Back to the question - Yes, Jesus had a human mother, and no matter how perfect she was she inherited original sin, therefore her son was a filthy lowlife sinner like the rest of us. It doesn't matter if the father of her child was divine, she was not. The plan backfired. Jesus, by being born of a human, was a sinner also.
Some theologians try to weasel out of this by saying that original sin is passed through male seed only, which reveals just how appallingly ignorant and ancient their theology is. It predates modern knowledge of the female egg.
2007-09-04 17:39:21
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
If you believe the new testament, Jesus ascended to heaven,including his body. He could heal people with a touch. He was born more than just a man, being the son of God. Not much is written of his childhood in the bible, so by the time we read about him he is an adult and knows he is God's son and that he will die for our sins. In his time many thought he was a sinner and that is why he was crucified. Most people don't believe this today from reading the N.T. .
2007-09-04 11:04:16
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I'm no preacher, and there are some who certainly could answer this better than I - but I'll give it a try for you.
Jesus was God the Creator - who created man. Jesus had no sin. Read Bible: book of John - that's why this book was written.
Lucifer - God's finest creation - Pride entered his heart and he decided to be like God and ascend above God. He got 1/3 of Gods angels to go alone with him. [Read Bible: Isaiah & Ezekiel]
This got him [now known as Satan - the Great deceiver] & his 1/3 angels [demons] condemned to a place of punishment created just for them. [Lake of fire - Hell].
Satan tricked man. Man chose to disobey the only one rule God gave him [them].
Sin has now entered the human race.
The punishment now for every man born is the same as Satan and his demons.
Before all this happened, God knew it would. Jesus was chosen to go to earth, as a sinless man, and show man how God originally intended man to live.
He also was to be put to death - become sin - as a substitute for all mankind, so that there would be an escape for mankind from the punishment originally just intended for Satan.
This is what is referred to as "the good news".
It's also what Satan does not want you to know about.
Now each man born has a choice.
Accept Jesus Christ as the Son of God, the redeemer of mankind - and by doing so, accept His payment for your punishment so you will not have to spend eternity in Hell. may reject this and pay for your own sins - eternally - just like Satan will.
Baptism, has nothing to do with whether you accept Jesus as the Christ. It is merely an outward expression to everyone that you have had an inward change. It is just symbolic. Just plain water. Baptism will not save you, nor will being baptized get you to Heaven.
None of this is my opinion.
Read for yourself. It's all in the Bible.
A good Bible software program will help you search for these areas much faster than reading will.
2007-09-04 11:10:09
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
This question indicates that u dont know anything about Christianity.
Jesus Christ didnt come from a man. He came from a virgin woman ( doesn't know a man. Not married. Never had sex) So He didnt inheret the sinful nature which we have. So , He didn't sin, and can not sin coz He has no such nature.
We all came from Adam who was a sinful man , so we r all sinners, even if we don't sin.
Jesus Christ is the incarnated God.
Good Luck!
2007-09-04 11:02:59
answer #4
answered by cleopatra 4
Consider this from a biological perspective. Jesus didnt have any DNA that originated from human parents. He was seeded entirely by God, external to the human condition... and therefore not subject to or descended from the original sin of other humans
Wow... youre a sad sad person. I am an atheist... but I am open to the possibility. This may be a rationalization, but it is a scientific explanation for theological doctrine. How can you argue? Just because there is a logical explanation that is beyond you doesnt mean it is illogical or fallacious. You are a bigot. You think that anyone who gives religion the slightest credence must be a moron. How closed minded of you. Arbitrarily disregarding a long standing belief system isnt exactly logical... and arbitrarily disregarding it as an impossibility isnt very scientific. Youre the one that asked the question... so why are you criticizing the people that are giving you valid answers? Thats bigotry if Ive ever seen it... you dont want answers because you already think you know. All you want is to criticize, put people on the spot, and undermine faith... which isnt very moral or ethical of you, by the way... all to make yourself feel better about your own belief structure. And then you lash out, again, at those who are trying to answer your question and help you, either morally or intellectually. You are acting not like an atheist, who is supposed to remain open-minded and unbiased... but like the standard anti-theistic hate-monger who falsely labels themselves a rational, scientific atheist. Why do you do it? Do you think if you successfully converted the entire world to atheism that we would live in a happier, better world? Would it bring your pathetic life more meaning... perhaps youre looking for validation?
I tell you what. If you want an intellectual conversation about the validity and/or invalidity of religious tenet, feel free to IM me. If you want to bash me for not being closed to un-dis-proven possibilities then dont bother wasting my time.
2007-09-04 10:48:45
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Here is the answer to your question.
First of all, no one is saved because they have been immersed (or sprinkled) in water. That is a mere symbolic ritual. Salvation is only by placing your faith entirely in Jesus Christ that His death on the cross is the full payment for all your sins.
Secondly, Adam and Eve took all of humanity into eternal separation from the Father (God) when they sinned in the garden. They passed from death into life by refusing God, and they took us with them (because we were still in them).
Jesus was without sin in this life because He was born from a virgin's womb (ie, He is not the result of sexual intercourse, but the Father implanting His own sinless life into human flesh). This is commonly referred to as the "immaculate conception."
We are sinners at birth because we were part of Adam & Eve when they sinned in the garden, but Jesus was/is sinless because He comes from heaven where there is no sin. Because we are trapped in sin, we need someone that is not trapped in sin to rescue us from sin.
It's just like if someone fell into a deep pit, and couldn't scale the walls of the pit to get themselves out. They would need someone that is not in the pit to pull them out somehow. Only someone that is not in our predicament can help us out. That is why the Father sent Jesus to rescue us, because He loves us and didn't want to abandon us to the eternal death that follows sin.
2007-09-04 11:24:15
answer #6
answered by firebyknight 4
He was sinnless because He was God come in the flesh. As for baptism,one does not have tobe baptized at birth in order to be saved,it is not the act of baptism that makes one a Christian. Baptism is done after one is saved(receives Christ as Savior)to follow the example Christ gave us and to identify with Him. So, no, Jesus being born as a human does not contadict what the Word teaches.
2007-09-04 10:54:14
answer #7
answered by fairgirlbluezap 3
The bible tells you very early on that the seed of sin gets moved on through the male. Since you need a man to create any child, there is sin in the child.
In the case of Jesus, God himself planted his seed into Mary. (no, he did not have sex with her for those perverts who would claim otherwise) And thus Jesus was born without sin. The seed of man was not a part of him, so sin was not a part of him either. He went through the same temptations and troubles we did to show that it can be done.
It's really all explained if you just read the book and bothered to keep track. :)
2007-09-04 10:56:08
answer #8
answered by Stahn 3
You DON'T have to be baptized at birth - that is your problem (you are mistaking catholic practice with the bible).
Baptism should be a choice - which is why Jesus was baptized as an adult - he was trying to set an example.
2007-09-04 10:50:25
answer #9
answered by James Bond 6
Remember that Adam and Eve were not banned from the garden until after Adam had eaten the fruit, too. If only Eve had eaten it, we wouldn't have all the problems we have now. If the father is perfect, as Adam was, the children are OK. Unfortunately, Adam let Eve talk him into eating that fruit so we're a mess. God is perfect and is Jesus' father. Does this help?
2007-09-04 10:54:13
answer #10
answered by alikij 4