But catholics are Christians true Christians, all others are simply jump ship wannabe Christians that are just protestants, lets face it when you can say I don't like that church or that religion Ill just start my own, and look how many have, so don't tell me they are Christians because they are not, because they do not practise the true Christian faith and that is catholic.
2007-09-04 11:03:45
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The bottom line is that the Catholic Church is the Church that Jesus founded when he gave authority to Peter and the Apostles who then handed down that authority over generations and generations of believers. Very little has changed in 2,000 years. Catholics believe what the Apostles believed, teach what the Apostles taught, and worship the way the Apostles worshiped. Many of the earliest Christian writings outside the Bible support Catholic doctrine, and - guess what!- the Bible does too!
Check out www.scripturecatholic.com for more on how the Bible and Catholicism support each other.
2007-09-04 14:02:40
answer #2
answered by Vernacular Catholic 3
Good! question, The more I read the bible. I founding out that Protestant know bible very little. It seem that they are too busy being protestants. Those that they think that faith was lost and then recovered in what they invented. They don't understand God never abandons his apostles or faithful they pay no attention to Mt 16, 18s. They may read it, but skip a lot important things like sacraments, concept priest, some of the trinity, tradition, communion of saints, and others. For example: book of Romans who are they? Church of Rome. Who do find in Rome? The Catholic Church (Vatican). The Scripture (bible) say, that most authentic faith was found in two cities which is Rome and Jerusalem. Later in time Jerusalem was destroyed.
2007-09-04 19:35:06
answer #3
answered by Original Christian 2
As you can see from some of the answers, most protestants are just ignorant of historical facts and the actual origins of Christianity. They even believe every word of the Bible without ever knowing where it came from...perhaps God wrote it himself using a fine point black ink pen, and then it floated down to the earth on a heavenly white cloud? Maybe it was even leather bound and included a bookmark which said, "Jesus Loves You" on it!
2007-09-04 11:53:50
answer #4
answered by The Raven † 5
Actually all Christians do not owe all their beliefs to the catholic religion. Many catholic beliefs are stemmed from men who were trying to make money or create a powerful position for themselves. The reason that protestants broke from the catholic church is because they went back to the Bible, the words of God, and saw these men's fabricated lies for what they were. I do not believe catholics will go to hell for being catholics. The Bible does not teach that anyone from any religion in particular will go to hell. The Bible teaches we must allow Christ into our hearts and repent of our sins to go to heaven. After that God will deal with any confusions of doctrine that we may have if we truly seek His wisdom.The Bible also teaches that those who reject Christ as the Son of God and the oneand only true mediator between us and God will go to hell. My advice to anyone who has heard hurtful words or judgmental attitudes coming from someone claiming to be a christian is to go to the Source. Look in God's Word. Search the Bible and He will reveal it to you, just ask.
2007-09-04 11:20:36
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Dear girl,
I suggest you just get out your bible and begin reading things for yourself. Especially the teachings of Jesus and the Apostles. (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Romans, Corrinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians, Phillipians, Hebrews, Peter, James, John.)
These books were written by several different men but they all give the same direction about our faith. If these do not line up with Catholic Dogma then choose the right doctrine.
God bless.
2007-09-04 11:41:22
answer #6
answered by Bobby B 4
I See what you're saying. It should not be called Catholics vs Protestants, it should be called "Cathtants" For almost everyone one of them don't keep God's Commandments or have the testimony of Jesus (Exodus 20, Rev 19:10 respectively) Study them carefully.
Then study Revelation 12:17
Then you will Become Seventh-Day Adventist :)
2007-09-04 12:47:04
answer #7
answered by Adventist 3
...Obviously you don't know who Yeshua is (you know Him as Jesus by the dogmas and "rules" of your "religion")... The Catholic Church has nothing to do with the proper worship of God... Remember who Jesus is... A Jew... He was born a Jew, He was presented as a Jewish child in the Temple (not "christened", there's NO SUCH thing as christened or sprinkled with special water which you call baptism...read the Scriptures about Baptism...Jesus did). He learned as a Jew in the Temple... He was a teacher in the Temple and was called "Rabbi"... He celebrated all the Jewish holidays...(what "you" call the Last Supper was not the last supper... "they" were celebrating Passover !!! and still do)...He never claimed to start a "new religion"... He said "He" was the Way the Truth and the Life... He built His Church upon "This Rock"...Petra, meaning Rock as He is the Rock of our Salvation...NOT Peter, which is "Pet re"...mis interpreted by the Roman Church...the first "9" Popes were Jews and then were ousted because "they" followed the Jewish traditions... it was changed... even the Sabbath was changed by Rome in 421 AD by Constantine at the direction of the Pope (which by the way is a Pagan title)... Learn the Scriptures... NOT the writings of Rome, which will keep you in "religious bondage" and miss the Glory of God...
2007-09-04 11:07:38
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
No. All us believers owe our belief to Jesus Christ, the Lord GOD. And Only GOD. The bible comes from GOD not men.
2007-09-04 10:47:08
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Velvet, nobody...especially me..ever said catholics were going to hell. That's where a bunch of them told me to go,though! LOL
Anyway, I never understand folks coming to this section of YA, and then getting mad about the questions asked.
By the way, I'm a baptist fundie....like I don't get hammered in here all the time...LOL.
2007-09-04 10:44:17
answer #10
answered by Graham 5