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The Christian church does a lot of outreach, bringing food and medicine to needy people all over the world. They don't care if the people are black, white, Christian, atheist, or Muslim. They make it their business to help everyone unconditionally. My church can't afford a building so we have to meet in a movie theater every Sunday. We don't even have a real altar. But we still give our offerings to a childrens' home in Africa so the kids there can eat and grow up healthy. My question is, do Muslims do the same? Why don't I ever hear about Muslim missionaries bringing help & healing where it's needed? It seems that in Islam it's considered a sin against Allah to help anyone who isn't a Muslim. In fact, many Muslims have said this themselves - they will only offer help to someone in need if that person is a Muslim or wants to convert to Islam. I just want to know why? And if I'm wrong, where in the Quran does it say Muslims should offer help to anyone regardless of background?

2007-09-04 02:53:38 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

This is what the Koran says:

48.29: Muhammad is the Apostle of Allah, and those with him are firm of heart against the unbelievers, compassionate among themselves; you will see them bowing down, prostrating themselves, seeking grace from Allah and pleasure; their marks are in their faces because of the effect of prostration; that is their description in the Taurat and their description in the Injeel; like as seed-produce that puts forth its sprout, then strengthens it, so it becomes stout and stands firmly on its stem, delighting the sowers that He may enrage the unbelievers on account of them; Allah has promised those among them who believe and do good, forgiveness and a great reward.

So there you have it. They are compassionate among themselves while being "firm at heart against unbelievers".

2007-09-04 03:05:48 · update #1

18 answers

Muslims support terrorist groups all over the world, they believe in shoving Islam to every group no matter how many people have to die.

2007-09-04 02:56:48 · answer #1 · answered by Steve C 7 · 10 9

You obviously know very little about Christian Outreach or their history.

I know there are many Christian Outreach programs (especially in recent times) that help the needy despite what religion someone is, but that has NOT always been the case. All religions have a history of focusing their support on their own or at least using aid as a conversion tool. An obvious example would be Mother Teresa.

Despite the unbiased way she spoke in public (see her speech from winning the Nobel peace prize) Mother Teresa's assistance programs almost exclusively targeted conservative Catholic needs. The food outreach programs gave out meal tickets only in predominantly Christian neighborhoods. Huge donations were given to foundations that their sole purpose was to abolish divorce (especially in Ireland). Not to mention the way she treated her own nuns.

All major organized religions (and governments) use public outreach to win people over.

2007-09-04 15:39:11 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

You have been mislead about the benefits of the 'outreach' that Christianity provides. Islam has similar Charitable programs, these are set up by individuals, not by religious organizations.

You may be surprised to find that 97% of Christian tithes and offerings are actually used on the existing flock in the local church or organization. Your Church may be an anomaly, but Christianity is really very self focused when it comes to Charity.

More money is spend on prosthletizing and pamphlets and media than on actual tangible things like food and medicine.

Poor children in 3rd world countries cannot even read, let alone eat the pamphlets that are distributed in the refugee camps by loving Christian churches yearly.

Consider that there are 2.1 Billion Christians in the world. If each Christian gave $1 per week that actually went towards tangible charity, there would be $109 Billion available per year to fight hunger and disease.

That is more money that all but 35 countries in the world produce yearly. The fact is that most of the money given by Christians to churches doesn't actually go towards tangible charitable goods. It goes into mortgage payments, keeping the utilities going and the preacher paid. Those are all country club expenditures, not 'outreach' projects.

And when outreach money is actually spent, it is heavily weighted towards spreading the gospel rather than providing food or medicine.

2007-09-04 10:01:06 · answer #3 · answered by ɹɐǝɟsuɐs Blessed Cheese Maker 7 · 3 3

Muslims provide the same outreach and support that the Christian people do. They work in poor communities and give large amounts of money to charitable organizations. The reason you don't hear about it is because they do it just to be good and they don't advertise and brag the way Christians do about all the good they are doing and what wonderful people they are. Also, unlike the Christian world there are no large business like organized Muslim organizations. Its a faith and not a business like the Catholics or Baptists.

If I were you I would get to know some Muslim people and you will see that they are just like everyone else.

2007-09-04 10:00:54 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 5 4

Well Muslims in a financial situation to do so gives Zakaat (alms) every year. The only reason my Zakaat goes to a Muslim is because as is the case with many charaties they take out administration costs etc. For example the NSPCC take 52 pence out of every pound donated.

My Zakaat goes to the Edhi Foundation who strictly use volunteers as opposed to employees and any costs they have come directly from donors who know they are paying for the foundations costs.

Also when we pay our Zakaat we don't go around braging I paid X amount in Zakaat this year and so on.

2007-09-04 10:08:22 · answer #5 · answered by By Any Means Necessary 5 · 3 2

Yes. The church. Right. They only help their own, or make others their own before they help them. They've helped several 'heretics' change their mind when they were on a stretcher... They've helped witches to show they weren't witches at all... They've helped children become sexually mature way before a child SHOULD become sexually mature, they've helped people believe in THEIR god, they've helped the Inca's, Mayas, Aztecs on to better understand the concept of slavery firsthands, let's not forget the pox and other diseases.

Now, as to where muslims have helped the world...

- Mathematics
- Chemistry
- Arabic Nummers: No more 'I' 'X' 'V' 'C' 'M' and whatnot. I prefer to use the old 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.
- Medicine


Yes, those 'filthy', 'godless' and 'evil' muslims have surely not contributed to the welfare of man.

2007-09-04 10:02:37 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 5 5

'It seems that in Islam it's considered a sin against Allah to help anyone who isn't a Muslim. In fact, many Muslims have said this themselves - they will only offer help to someone in need if that person is a Muslim or wants to convert to Islam'

What on earth?

Okay, I gotta take make this short and concise for the people who dont know here.

Helping the needy is a must in Islam, no matter what their religion. But we have priorities. We are told to help our immediate surroundings and relatives first. If for example, if my neighbor is hungry, and I chose to go to africa to help the needy, God will ask me how I managed to sleep tight when I knew my neighbor was sleeping hungry that night.

Second, there are no missionaries in Islam. We do not feed people then invite them to accept our religion like Christian missionaries do in Africa. To me, the feeding seems like an excuse to get more people to join your religion. But ofcourse I could be wrong.

Third, here are some verses from the Quran for your knowledge and reference:

Have you seen him who belies the rewards and punishments of the Hereafter? He it is who drives away the orphan and does not urge giving away the food of the poor. (107:1 - 3)

Give to the near of kin his due, and also to the needy and the wayfarers. Do not squander your wealth wastefully; for those who squander wastefully are Satan's brothers, and Satan is ever ungrateful to his Lord. (17:26 - 27)

The alms (Zakat in this specific verseÕs case) are meant only for the poor and the needy and those who are in charge thereof, those whose hearts are to be reconciled; and to free those in bondage, and to help those burdened with debt, and for expenditure in the way of Allah and for the wayfarer. This is an obligation from Allah. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise. (9:60)

These are just a few examples. And NONE of them say: help the believers who are hungry, help the muslims who are poor etc. They only say: hungry and poor.

2007-09-04 10:03:26 · answer #7 · answered by Antares 6 · 4 6

There is the Muslim organization called the Red Crescent which equalls the Red Cross.

2007-09-04 09:58:59 · answer #8 · answered by One Voice In The Day Rings True 5 · 7 4

They show us faithful unto death(law) is a dead end;
And such like take many with them unto "their end".

Two parts: "their part" vs "your part":
- their part: God(Grace) is evil(law) spoken of
- Your part: God(Grace) is (grace) glory-fied

Pst: "their part" has "their end": 2Cor 11:15...1Thess 5:3.

Let "us" go on unto perfection(grace),
let "them" vs "them" have "their end".
For Law vs Law is as Loser vs Loser.
The side effect of sides wars is death.

The effect of Christ is the end of the law?
No law = no sin and death = no dead end.

If justified by any law, then Christ is of "no effect" to you.

The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

2007-09-04 10:25:18 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

There are 5 pillars in Islam not 7 and Islam CANNOT be forced upon anyone. There is no need to advertise good deeds.

2007-09-04 10:04:45 · answer #10 · answered by phantom 3 · 3 5

It would be inhumane not to treat non muslims, they are all people who deserve help regardless of faith

2007-09-04 10:01:12 · answer #11 · answered by LOTR Fan 5 · 3 4

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