well all angels have free will. look at this and it will really answer your question. that answer is the same for this question...:
2007-09-03 20:54:55
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
In the same way as a thief is not born a thief,he may have honest parents and law abiding brothers and sisters, but his own desire for what money can buy is what may have caused him to become a thief. How then did one of God's spirit sons make himself Satan the Devil?
The angel that became the Devil was present when God created the earth and later the first human couple, Adam and Eve.(Job38:4,7) So he would have heard God tell them to have children(Genesis1:27,28) He knew that after a while the whole earth would be filled with righteous people worshiping God. That was God's purpose. However, this angel thought a great deal of his own beauty and intelligence and wanted to receive for himself the worship that would be given to God.(Ezekiel28:13-15 ; Matthew4:10)Instead of putting this wrong desire out of his mind, he kept thinking about it. This led to his taking action to obtain the honor and importance he desired.And he did take the action(James1:14,15).
2007-09-04 04:38:02
answer #2
answered by I speak Truth 6
The thing that prompted him to sin in the first place was pride and jealousy. Pride originated in him because he was a highly respected angel leader. The Bible teaches that are two great angels that stand to the left and right side of God's throne. (Ps. 99:1) Lucifer was on of those angels. He was also breathtakingly beautiful and perfect in wisdom.
"Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty ... every precious stone was thy covering ... Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee." Ez. 28:12-15
So a result of this pride he wanted to overthrow God's government because he believed there is a better way to govern. But our planet is a perfect showcase of the devastation of this government. The only perfect government is God's government and very soon He will restore it and wipe out all sin forever for those who except His death on the cross.
To find out more on this subject visit http://www.amazingfacts.org/school/af_logon.asp
and read study guide 2.
2007-09-04 22:35:08
answer #3
answered by Vilaro 2
Satan was God's most beautiful angel. He was covered in gold and rare jewels (like today's popes: *wink*). And instead of giving God the glory for his beauty, he gave himself the glory. How many ppl do that here on earth with all these beauty pageants and stuff. Whats up with that? Those women can't make a single hair upon their heads, can they?
Eze 28:13 Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone [was] thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.
2007-09-04 03:55:55
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
The angel that later became knows as Satan . which means 'opposer' desired something that wasn't his to take.
Although this angel had an excellent position in the heavens he wanted more.
He wanted humans to follow him , and not God.
His dwelling on this lead to actions which made him sinful ,, and no longer a follower of God.
So sin started with this bad angel , in time though he had convinced with lies the first human pair to also reject God and sin as well.
Their sin caused imperfection , and imperfection causes us to die.
Fortunately for us God has put in action a plan for humans to return to a perfect state of life.
For more information plz feel free to email me.
2007-09-04 04:59:33
answer #5
answered by I♥U 6
It was pride. He wanted to be like God. His rebellion consists of five "I will" statements.
Isaiah 14:12 “How you are fallen from heaven,
O Lucifer, son of the morning!
How you are cut down to the ground,
You who weakened the nations!
13 For you have said in your heart:
‘I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;
I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
On the farthest sides of the north;
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
I will be like the Most High.’
2007-09-04 03:53:21
answer #6
answered by Northstar 7
Neither satan nor Eve were the original sinner. It was Sophia the mother of satan. Jesus explains this to us in The Apocryphon of John.
2007-09-04 04:26:13
answer #7
answered by single eye 5
I just realized why foaming at the mouth christians gleefully spaz out how sinful everybody is.
god's the ultimate goober. he messed something up and won't take responsibility. so all the foaming goobers are just towing the line.
thanks dude.
2007-09-04 04:03:22
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
The devil made him do it...Oh wait which came first the chicken or the egg...
2007-09-04 03:53:28
answer #9
answered by sophia 4
Satan saw God sinning. Remember Saul in the bible? He turned around and God turned him into salt (God killed him). That's a sin. .
2007-09-04 03:58:24
answer #10
answered by liberty11235 6