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6 answers


3 pkgs. dry yeast
1 1/2 c. warm water
1/2 c. molasses
4 tsp. salt
2 tbsp. shortening
2 tbsp. caraway seed (if you like the taste)
2 3/4 c. rye flour
3 1/4 c. white flour (bread flour is best)
But all purpose will work
Dissolve yeast in warm water. Stir in molasses, salt, shortening, caraway seed, and rye flour. Beat until smooth. Mix in enough white flour to make dough easy to handle.
Turn dough onto floured board. Cover; let rest 10-15 minutes. Knead until smooth, about 5 minutes. Place in greased bowl; turn greased side up. Cover; let rise in warm draft free place until double, about 1 hour. Punch down, round up, cover, and let rise again until double, about 40 minutes.

Lightly grease baking sheet; sprinkle with cornmeal. Punch down dough; divide in half. Shape each half into round slightly flat loaf. Place loaves in opposite corners of baking sheet. Cover; let rise 1 hour. Heat oven to 375 degrees. Bake 30-35 minutes.
NOTE--- the molasses is where you get the color (and the sweetness for the yeast)
I some times add 1 table spoon sugar and use black strap molasses this will give you a
darker color bread The bread can be baked in a round 8" cake pan instead of a sheet pan just grease the pans and sprinkle with corn meal Hope this helps you. jim b

2007-09-03 18:11:25 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Pumpernickel is a type of German sourdough bread traditionally made with rye meal (a coarsely ground form of the rye flour). It is now often made with a combination of rye flour and whole rye berries. It has been long associated with the Westphalia region of Germany. The first written mention of the black bread of Westphalia was in 1450. While we do not know whether this, and other early references, refer to precisely the bread that came to be known as pumpernickel, there has long been something different about Westphalian rye bread that elicited comment. The defining characteristics of Westphalian pumpernickel are coarse rye flour—rye meal—and an exceedingly long baking period. The long slow baking is what gives pumpernickel its characteristic dark color. The bread can emerge from the oven deep brown, even black

2007-09-03 16:54:44 · answer #2 · answered by willa 7 · 2 0

Besides the rye flour, white flour, yeast, etc., the thing that makes pumpernickel so different from rye bread is the molasses. And don't forget the caraway seeds whether you're having rye or pumpernickel!

2007-09-03 18:00:25 · answer #3 · answered by Dottie R 7 · 0 0


2007-09-03 16:50:45 · answer #4 · answered by witch_200 3 · 0 0

Pumps (shoes) and U.S Nickels....

Whenever I make it, it taste like feet and breaks my teeth...

You'll have to let me know what kind your eating that taste so good.

2007-09-03 16:55:13 · answer #5 · answered by Simmy 2 · 0 2

even DUMBER people answear dumb questions your such A PENDEJA

2007-09-05 19:49:15 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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