In the Scriptures, trees at times represent those who are prominent and lofty (compare Eze 31:2-14), whereas the lowly vegetation, like the bramble, grass, or rushes, can represent people generally. This aids in understanding the significance of Revelation 8:7, which speaks of the burning up of “a third of the trees” and “all the green vegetation.”
In the Bible, the word “earth” often refers to mankind. (Genesis 11:1; Psalm 96:1) Since the second plague is on the sea, which also has to do with mankind, “the earth” must refer to the seemingly stable human society that Satan has built up and that is due to be destroyed. (2 Peter 3:7; Revelation 21:1) The plague scenario reveals that Christendom’s third of the earth is scorched by the searing heat of Jehovah’s disapproval. Her prominent ones, standing like trees in the midst of her, are burned up by the proclaiming of Jehovah’s adverse judgment. All her hundreds of millions of church members, if they continue to support Christendom’s religion, become like scorched blades of grass, spiritually wilted in God’s eyes. Psalm 37:1, 2
2007-09-03 12:50:25
answer #1
answered by BJ 7
You're right about Revelation being symbolic. In fact, it is ALL figurative.
So, as for Revelation 8:7, here is what it means:
The figurative expression of “hail” and “fire” being the word of God was taken from Psalms 18:13:
“The LORD also thundered in the heavens, and the Highest gave his voice; hail stones and coals of fire.”
The “trees” are the people of the world... and the “green grass” is representative of the doctrines and precepts in which they believe and take stock. Green grass grows into much larger stocks of mature grass that eventually become the main stem of the plant.
Comparitively, the expression “to take stock in what he says” simply means you can trust you are getting good information. In this case though, that in which humans take stock (the doctrines and precepts of men) is “burnt up” by the truth:
(See Isaiah 40:23–4, Jeremiah 10:8, Isaiah 37:27; 40:6–8, and Isaiah 10:17–19.)
John writes that a “third part of the trees…and all green grass was burnt,” which means that “all of humanity” is under condemnation. This is because of its works caused by the false doctrines and precepts in which it believes. When people hear the truth, they will be “tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb” (see Revelation 14:10). In other words, they will be extremely embarrassed by how they have chosen to live, and by what they have allowed themselves to believe.
Many of the Old Testament prophets used the term “third” to exemplify three distinct expressions of the whole of humankind from which corruption usually occurs: there are those who serve, those who do not, and those who are served. The symbolic use of “thirds” expresses that all people, no matter in which “third” they are found, will be judged and treated equally according to the Royal Law of Christ.
This comes from a book I read that explains ALL of Revelation so I could understand it. It is the MOST amazing book on the subject I have ever read, and the best part is, it is free online.
2007-09-06 01:57:25
answer #2
answered by smallone 4
Yes on both questions.The key is understanding that it is not in a chronological order.And that the signs and symbols need Biblical prooftexts and history to become an eschatological event on a prophecy chart.The Rev. judgments are not 21 consecutive ones.There are 7 Judgments.The seals open up those judgments.The trumpets and vials are the same from different vantage points.
2007-09-04 03:42:12
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Revelation 8:7 and Revelation 17:17 are the same story, they are now taking place. The next event to take place is the 8th king and the 10th king. We now at this time have the 7th king (pope) and the 9th king (president of the U.S.) . The Time started 1960. This is a prophecy of Jesus Christ, the Word of God.
2007-09-05 00:24:11
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
All of Revelation is symbolic and a third means a signifigant part of anything. Less than half, but usually it means an unknown number.
Remember Revelation is all symbolic so the plagues are also.
2007-09-04 13:50:22
answer #5
answered by Ruth 6
I don't think any of Revelation is literal it is all in symbols and means a group of people that are in God's disfavor.
But how could it be a literal third? It is used to mean a group.
2007-09-03 21:10:10
answer #6
answered by Vanessa 6
You cannot take it any other way, except being literal.
By today's statistics, ONE OUT OF EVERY THREE people you know, which translates to over TWO BILLION people all over the world, would suffer such a horrendous holocaust! That is quite a staggering number indeed.
Peace be with you.
2007-09-03 19:38:33
answer #7
answered by Arf Bee 6
It is all symbolic and doesn't mean anything literal.
It means a significant group of people who are in God's disfavor. that is what it mean before and I do believe on the earth today there is a significant group of people not doing God's will.
2007-09-03 20:07:52
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Most of Revelation is in signs. But I take this as literal. I believe with nuclear war, a star hitting the earth, and the sun burning hotter, this is literal.
2007-09-03 19:29:50
answer #9
answered by RB 7
i get the feeling people didn't know about nukes or asteroids 3000 years ago, mabye they were talking about the continents or nations they knew at the time. like asia and europe are going away and only the middle east, more specifically israel will be around.
2007-09-03 19:36:44
answer #10
answered by fleabis 2