time and time again I have reported people that are unkind, and rude, and nasty, and puts down others. Yesterday I asked a question - "instead of pointing fingers at the homosexual, we need to look within ourself to see what is offensive." I was not pointing fingers anyone, if anything I was pointing fingers back at me as well. Why was this question deleted. I have no response. interesting huh? My Jesus can be insulted over and over, and I know people report that, and those questions are never deleted. I am not mad really , just curious. Probably someone did not like me standing up for the homosexual
20 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
where did I say that atheists are the ones that reported me. By the way reporting does not necessarily get the question deleted. I only report when someone is blatantly racist, etc. NOT FOR AN OPINION-
12:32:39 ·
update #1
super atheist-please tell me where in my question that was deleted, I was rude, racist or obnoxious?
12:34:49 ·
update #2
ok I will put it into a form of a question, and i think it still would have been deleted.
why are we pointing fingers at only homosexuals, instead of looking within our self? does that make a difference?
14:51:07 ·
update #3
interesting response BOND- when I was pointing fingers at my own sin- not even words were spoken about leading anyone to Jesus- WOW
10:39:00 ·
update #4
I read the question and there was not one thing offensive about it. I think some people don't even take the time to read the whole question thoroughly and then get the wrong understanding. That is the only thing that I imagine could have happened there, there was no good reason for deleting it, I thought it was rather bridging between Christians and homosexuals, I admire you for your bravery of even bringing it up.
2007-09-03 15:37:14
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You know, I think I've reported one person, ever. And that wasn't really a person; someone ignored a person's question completely (it was a computer problems question in computers and internet) and just posted a bunch of spam and links to their website (it was a social networking site).
The answer to not having so many questions deleted unfairly, is to not delete so many questions. The phrase "time and again" should never be followed with "I have reported people"
2007-09-03 19:27:43
answer #2
answered by Just Jess 7
"Probably someone did not like me standing up for the homosexual "
I think you answered your own question.
Do you think the reporter was an atheist or a Christian? Be honest, now. Think about that the next time you feel you and your Jesus are being persecuted.
"belief system (BS)"
Very good!
For a list of likely suspects, check this question http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=ApYIyZmIiOehfos.KcSdN2Dd7BR.?qid=20070903163933AA4gCTC before they get it deleted, too.
It appears that the same delete-happy suppressors of dissenting opinion are at it, again. They managed to bit.. complain enough to get Y!A to remove a similar post by Michael L. They'd have felt right at home at the book-burning parties of the 1930's. I bet they participated in the Harry Potter burnings, too.
2007-09-03 19:25:34
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Church folks delete my answers often, and I have enough bogus violation notices to festoon a whole wall, plus I've had two accounts terminated.
Why they do this stuff I have no idea. I ask a lot of questions about the Bible god, and from the answers I can deduce that they get really mad and they revile me, but why delete my questions or answers? What's the point?
2007-09-03 19:28:49
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Just goes to show you how immature the concept of reporting people is. If you don't like what someone has to say then just ignore it or give it a thumbs down. Yes, the horrible idiots too, just ignore them, no one in their right mind takes them seriously anyway.
As for getting your question deleted? Well, what comes around goes around. This is why the whole paranoid, fascist idea of a 'report abuse' button is such a horribly stupid idea.
2007-09-03 19:27:37
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I don't understand, either. Although I have never had a question deleted, I have had answers deleted with no explanation. These answers could not have been seen as offensive - one was even voted (by the asker) as the best answer.
I believe ":answers" should give reasons for their actions and live by the rules we are expected to.
2007-09-03 19:25:29
answer #6
answered by bullswool888 5
I had an answer to a question about Rapture deleted, presumably because--all in good fun--I referred to the lyrics of the Blondie song of the same name.
Some people have such a prudish attitude toward the lightest of humour when it has anything to do with their belief system (BS).
2007-09-03 19:27:38
answer #7
answered by St John the Blasphemist 3
Jesus said the world hated Me and they will hate you also...In this world you will have tribulation,but be of good cheer for I have overcome this world...Girl You Keep looking up...I don't know why some questions are deleted and some aren't...I look at everybody the same reguardless of color,race or creed or sexual preferrence...God made US ALL! He loves ALL...JESUS died FOR ALL. Keep Planting Seeds ....
2007-09-04 00:58:29
answer #8
answered by Isabella 6
I'm not sure why they deleted it as I know it was not inflammatory.
You are right though, Jesus takes a beating in here and in some very inflamatory ways and those are not deleted and that has always baffled me.
I am sorry you have experienced this but, I think it is as you stated! You stood up for acceptance, in peace and got a kick in the backside for it! So, sorry...
2007-09-03 20:08:54
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Probably because you have been trying to push Jesus down too deep into others throat.
Since Y/A is open to people of all religions and trying to force something you believe and follow is indigestible to all.
Its advisable to keep your religion to yourself.
P.S. are you a nun or mother superior
2007-09-04 02:55:21
answer #10
answered by BOND_BOND2001 3