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8 answers


2007-09-03 04:23:41 · answer #1 · answered by sportive saurabh 1 · 1 0

Golden Temple Is at Amritsar (Punjab). you cann't say it is a sacred shrine only of sikhs. It is a sacred shrine of whole humunity throughout the world as it has become the most visited religious place in the world having four enterances, opened for 24 hours for the people coming from all directions.

2007-09-05 16:04:15 · answer #2 · answered by Sukhbir (chdpac) 4 · 0 0

Golden temple, a sacred shrine of the sikhs is in the city AMRITSAR, In the state of PUNJAB, INDIA.

2007-09-03 05:04:25 · answer #3 · answered by Muthu S 7 · 1 0

The Golden Temple /amritsar india
... the site; over the centuries it became the primary sacred shrine of the Sikhs. ... platform, lies the Adi Grantha, the sacred scripture of the Sikhs. ...www.sacredsites.com/asia/india/amritsar.html - 2.....amritsar india

2007-09-03 04:27:47 · answer #4 · answered by kev l 5 · 0 0

GOLDEN TEMPLE - Chief house of worship for the Sikhs of India and their most important pilgrimage site, located in the city of Amritsar in Punjab state. Founded by Guru Ramdas (1574 – 81) and completed by Guru Arjan Dev in 1604, the temple has entrances on four sides, signifying a welcome to all creeds and castes. Though destroyed in the 1760s by Afghan invaders, it was rebuilt, and in the early 19th century it acquired its marble walls and gold-plated copper domes. The surrounding buildings include a meeting hall, reference library, and museum, as well as the shrine known as the Akal Takhat.

The official name of the Temple is Harmandir Sahib, which means literally "the Temple of God" -- from Hari: God and Mandir: temple. -

2007-09-03 20:32:49 · answer #5 · answered by Jayaraman 7 · 1 1

its located at Amritsar, in the Punjab state of India. the name of the temple is Harmandir Sahib. i completely agree with 'chdpac'.

2007-09-06 10:17:43 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Temple is in Amristar Punjab
U can get still more details in this website the official wbesite of punjab.

2007-09-03 04:37:49 · answer #7 · answered by Ramasubramanian 6 · 1 0

as many of them have said it is in amritsar, punjab, India.
if u know hindi... its name is "har mandir" sahib... means har kisi ka mandir... it is for every religion... that is why it has doors on all four sides.... because some religion says to have doors on east... others say to have them in west... so it has doors on all the sides... and there are many other things like these there...
i personally like the place a lot... u feel divine presence the moment u step in it..

2007-09-06 17:59:25 · answer #8 · answered by Proud 2 b Indian 3 · 0 0

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